Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 138: The most terrifying weapon in history

() Super time commercial shelf products. (Updated every day at zero)

1. Dark matter synthetic drinking water: Jianguo Red Bull Food Company and produced in 2211. Satisfy human curiosity and pursuit of dark matter in the 23rd century. The ingredients are synthesized from trace axons (), inert neutrinos (sterilerino) and pure drinking water. In 2212 alone, with a single year of sales, the cups can circle the earth twelve times when connected together, which is far more popular than the radioactive beverage boom in 1918 in the Kingdom. The price is 10 points.

Chen Yu: "..."

2. The coach shot put: The Revenge Sports Company honored the production in 2147. Disposable supplies. The appearance and weight are consistent with the standard shot put specifications, and ordinary equipment scanning is eliminated. The built-in micro ultrasonic micro sensor can guide the athlete to adjust the posture and strength, 100% hit the coach within 15 meters, and the micro sensor will be crushed immediately after the hit, making it difficult to be found. The price is 22 points.

Chen Yu sighed, rubbed his brain, and looked at the next one.

3. The Ball of Life: Bravely Chuang Tianya Outdoor Toys Group produced in 2232. The gameplay is for the user to get into the ball and roll off the mountain. The diameter of the sphere is 2.5 meters, and the exterior is made of special e soft plastic material, which can cushion the fall force of 95 meters per second (standard earth gravity) to prevent users from being injured. The lubricating fluid is automatically secreted in the ball, which relieves the user's rolling frequency and reduces frictional heat. The price is 20 points.


Turning to the third product, Chen Yu finally brightened his eyes.

This is obviously an extremely suitable toy for live broadcasting! If you bring fans to play around, the live broadcast effect will definitely explode!

"Zhengchou can't find products to interact with the audience."

Without even looking at the two products below, Chen Yu clicked the screen decisively and exchanged one.

23 points are consumed and 98 points remain.

The text flashed, and a space-time wormhole immediately opened in the middle of the bedroom, and a large transparent ball fell out of it.


The transparent ball was so flexible that it bounced on the floor several times before it rolled aside.

"Huh? What is this?"

Little Taohong came over, picked up the big ball, and observed carefully: "It's very light."

"The ball of life, a toy."

Waiting for the wormhole to disappear, Chen Yu stepped forward, took the ball of life, and weighed it up: "It's really light."

"Toys? Can robots play?"

"Can play. If you are obedient, I will let you play first during the live broadcast."

Little Taohong suddenly jumped and cheered: "Awesome!"

"By the way, test if there is any danger." Chen Yu added.

"..." Xiao Taohong's movements became stiff.

"Let's put it here first, there are still two products I haven't finished reading.

When the words fell, Chen Yu put down the life ball, lay back on the bed, swiped the watch screen again, and turned the page down.

4. (Retro) Philosophy Bomb: Produced in Ohio in 1994 by the Wright Laboratories of Kin State. It is a chemical secretion spray. Human male soldiers injured by the bomb range will stimulate the secretion of human hormones, which will change the gender orientation of the soldiers, become fascinated with each other, and completely lose their will to fight. The price is 32 points.


Chen Yu's face was full of black question marks: "What the **** is this?!"

Shocked for a long time, he picked up the phone, clicked on the communication page of "Overtime Promotion" in WeChat, and typed quickly.

Chen Yu: "In?"

Promotion: ""

Chen Yu: "I have something to ask you. I saw a product in the Super Time Commercial Shelf with the word ‘retro’ on the front. What does it mean?"

Promotion: "The super-time business frame will naturally not be limited to the future time and space. There are also many memorable excellent products in ancient times, which are made by some companies in antiques."

Chen Yu: "I understand. Can I trouble you one more thing?"

Promotion: "Mr. Chen, please speak."

Chen Yu: "In the future, please don't push things that are not suitable for me, is it okay? Look at my personality, do you need this kind of bomb?"

Promotion: "Then why does it appear?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Covering his chest, he felt that he had been severely hit...

After self-closing for a while, Chen Yu raised his wrist and marked the last product on the watch screen.

5. Amnesia stick: produced by Yezhou Medical Autonomous Foundation in 2477. After being inflated, the rod is 130 cm long and the main body is made of silicon foam. The built-in small brain information jamming device can be triggered during the impact to stimulate the thalamus and hippocampus of the hit person, resulting in the failure of the transmission and storage of temporary cranial nerve information, making the hit person lose one hour of memory and effectively alleviating mental fatigue . Multiple hits extend the time of amnesia. (Note: Only hitting the head will be effective) The price is 74 points.


Chen Yu squinted his eyes unconsciously: "This is a good thing."

Obviously, this is a technological product that he must start with, and it can help him solve many problems.

Even at home, once his secret is discovered by the three younger sisters, there is still a chance to remedy him.

Unfortunately, if this product appeared earlier, he might not have been misunderstood by Chen Yike and Chen Erke as a pervert...

"It's just that the price is too expensive. Seventy-four points..."

After a long silence, Chen Yu got up, walked around in the bedroom, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and clicked the screen.

85 points are consumed and 13 points remain.

As the text of the exchange succeeded, the distorted space-time wormhole opened again in the room, and a small box fell out of it, about the size of a fist.

After the wormhole disappeared, Chen Yu couldn't wait to step forward, picked up the box and opened the seal.

He is not going to review this product, so naturally he does not need to wait for the live broadcast to open the package.

Open the lid, and inside is a purple leather case that resembles a sausage.

Below the purple leather case is a small book.

The manual was only three pages long, and Chen Yu finished reading it in half a minute. He learned that the original intention of this product was to cure patients with amnesia. But somehow, after more than fifty years of improvement, it became mass production amnesia...

Knowing how to use this high-tech product, Chen Yu carefully took out the leather case, pointed at the light bulb and observed for a while, tentatively held the bottom of the leather case, inhaled deeply, and inhaled.



The holster swells instantly! From sausage to big eggplant!

A huge purple eggplant that is more than one meter long...

"This is the amnesia stick?"

Holding the roots to prevent the air from flowing away, Chen Yu subconsciously looked at Xiao Taohong.

Little Pink: "?"

"Little Taohong, come here."

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Taohong obediently walked to Chen Yu.

"watch out!"

Chen Yu suddenly raised his arm and banged the inflatable stick on Xiao Taohong's head.


Little Pink: "?"

"Sure enough, is it invalid for robots?"

Squeeze the air inside the big Chen Yu walked to the portal and started to operate: "Follow me and do an experiment."

"What experiment?" Xiao Taohong tilted her head: "Do you need to change clothes for live broadcast?"

"Change, I change too."

"No more at home, the clothes for the live broadcast are in the island ship."

"Then go to build an island and ship first."


Half an hour later, Beijing City.

Chen Yu wearing protective clothing suddenly appeared in the sky above Beijing University!

The long blue tail flame is particularly conspicuous in the evening sky.

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