Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 143: Start of interaction (medium)

"Dead honey momsie!"

Ren Hell’s company representative bowed to his head in a very standard posture, then got up and bowed his head: "Sorry, the address is sent a bit slow, which is causing you trouble."

"Um... it doesn't matter." Chen Yuqiang smiled: "For your company, the first-party game produced is really good, I like it very much."

The representative of Ren Hell suddenly showed depressed joy: "It's a great honor!"

"But there are two points, I hope your company can improve some."

"My lord, please give pointers."

"The first one, the game cassette is too expensive, four to five hundred yuan a game is not kind, learn to learn from the neighbors, discounts are on sale every day."

"Hey!" The representative bowed his head: "We will correct it."

"Secondly, the performance of the game hardware will be improved. You can't always push the pot to the software vendor."

"Hey!" The representative lowered his head again: "Dead Mimosi! We will correct it."

"Well, there are no other opinions, you can stand aside."

"Please...Excuse me..."

"Is there anything else?" Chen Yu wondered.

"Excuse me, what do you... what do you think of our country?" Ren Hell's representative bowed at ninety degrees and suddenly asked an extremely sensitive question.

With the export of this question, many special departments in front of the screen were instantly nervous, waiting for Chen Yu's feedback intently.

Although in the past live broadcasts, the psychology, personality, and ideological portraits of the hyperspace uP host have been analyzed, the formal statement is far more meaningful than speculative analysis.

"Oh, this question."

Inside Chen Yu's helmet, his eyes moved.

After a long silence, he sorted out the words in his mind, and he calmly said: "The views of your country...the girls are all good, and there are many people who are both moral and artistic. Support your country's development in film, video, games, and two dimensions. ."

"Also...what else?" The representative had sweat on his forehead.

"No more." Chen Yu waved his hand: "As an independent, objective, and fair third-party evaluation of the self-media, I will not show any conscious attitude. And there is nothing to express about your country. Just wait. I want to Take the next audience."

I feel that the uP master has performed 23333.

The momentum of a big boss...

The real view is no view.

As an old fan of station B of the uP master, I just want to say that the behavior of the uP master is getting more and more awkward.

Put on protective clothing, a portal, and a weather station, and the anchor can be wiped out.

Every country’s nuclear banks can destroy the world, and violence cannot solve everything.

Violence cannot solve everything, but it can "solve" everything.

"Dead honey mother!" Representative Ren Hell hid his concerns, straightened up, and walked towards the four audience members in the barrage group.

"Don't stand with me, roll the paper." The old man blew his beard violently and raised his walking stick. If a representative dared to come, he dared to beat him.

"Stand here!" The other three young people were very peaceful, polite and friendly, and invited Ren Hell representative to stand beside them.

Especially the boyfriend of the young woman talked enthusiastically: "Brother, have you developed the next generation console? What configuration..."

On behalf of smiling perfunctory.

As an official, he doesn't understand the game at all and can only be vague.

"After ID is in the hell, the next step is the audience of the funny fish platform ID Xiaomi Technology. The address is in the Beijing Xiaomi Industrial Park."

Sliding the virtual earth to find the location, Chen Yu started the space docking.

The scene inside the portal changed, and a tall middle-aged man walked out.

"Hello, Mr. Wang." As soon as the tall middle-aged man walked out of the portal, he respectfully shook hands with Chen Yu: "I am Yu Qian, the general manager of Xiaomi Technology. It is a great honor to be selected."

"You are better than the manager, can't Ray always come?"

Of course, Yu Qian would not tell the fact that Rebs was forced to "replace" by him, and smiled: "Lei always said that he can't play such exciting outdoor games."

"That's a pity." Chen Yu sneered.

"Sorry sorry."

Released his hand, Yu Qian stood aside naturally without saying much.

Seeing this, Chen Yu was even more happy, manipulated the portal, and began to connect to the last location.


The resonance sounds and the space is distorted. Two men in simple spacesuits walked out, each carrying a small box.

"Boom boom."

Putting down the box, the two saluted Chen Yu: "Hello!"


Chen Yu observed the dressing of the two of them, with a high tone: "According to the regulations, only one person can come with an ID."

"We are lovers." The two men said in unison.

Chen Yu: "?"

Everyone present: "???"

800,000 viewers: "???"

One of the astronauts took out his mobile phone and walked to Chen Yu: "This is our drive..."

"Stop! Great! You guys! I believe it."

"Thank you." The two men said in unison.

God Tm couple!

The official operation is the Zhenni Ma show.

Do you eat dry food when you are those staff?

Let the **** regret dead.

Regret is useless. If you want to pick loopholes in the rules, you must have prerequisites. Change a crooked nut and see if the uP master will open one eye and close one eye?

Will there be any interaction tomorrow?

It's not our turn to live broadcast every day, millions of viewers! Does Mader have to go to school and work?

I'm not involved, just to see the female assistant...

He has all the screenshots of the female assistant just getting wet, and keeps it in the mailbox.

Facing the two muscular and firm-faced astronauts, Chen Yu was unable to complain, turned to face the camera decisively, and said: "Then all the selected candidates in the barrage group and the reward group have arrived, and we will directly start the game."

"Repeat it one last time, all the selected, choose the way to play the ball. If you don't choose, I will choose."

At the end of the speech, Chen Yu took the ball of life, walked to the side of the first audience, and asked, "Hahaha, how do you want to play?"

The young man scratched his head shyly: "I...I am timid, I feel very high at 1600 meters. So just stay here."

"The requirements are so low?" Chen Yu was surprised.

"Yes." The young man rubbed his hands, glanced at the little pink who was doing nothing in the distance, and whispered: "I...I am not very demanding. I can... let the female assistant jump with me."

Something is going to happen.

Speak the most distressing words in the most persuasive tone.

Hahaha brothers go well.

True temperament.

The Hades told me to go three shifts, but I had to kick the gate one shift.

It's cold, let's go away...

The whole village waits for the dishes to be served.

With eyes closed and legs kicked, the whole life ends.


Seeing the young man’s expectant eyes, Chen Yu was silent for a moment, stiffened, and slammed it into the, aimed forward and kicked: "Go ahead!"


"Don't! Ah me ah ah -"

Amid the screams of the young people hoarse, the sphere of life showed a perfect arc and fell down the cliff.

The four people in the reward group saw this scene, their faces all changed slightly.

They all know that the strength of this kick has far surpassed the physiological limit of ordinary people...


He patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and Chen Yu scanned the others: "Who still wants to play with the female assistant?"

Ren Hell representative: "Don't dare to play."

Xiaomi representative: "Can't afford to play."

Old man: "I can't play."


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