Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 152: Stupid humans (part 2)

"Oh?" Chen Sanke was stuck with his tongue, and turned his head to look at Chen Yu with difficulty: "Hiccup, yell?"


Chen Yu slapped him on the face, with billions of slots in his chest not knowing where to start vomiting. Mobile terminal::

Chen Yike: "Brother, the third child is stuck."

"I saw."

"How to do?"

"Go up and help!"

Angrily ran forward, Chen Yu wanted to swear to Chen Sanke, but seeing the pitiful look of the villain sticking out his tongue, he couldn't say: "Are you... okay?"

"Huh huh! It's okay." Chen Sanke waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's enough that the snake's head is provoked by groping. It's that the tongue is stuck."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Ning, let's put on your shoes. Go to school."

"What to do?" Chen Yike stamped anxiously: "I'll buy some water and pour it on!"

"You have to get hot water."

"I'll help her pull!" Chen Erke enthusiastically proposed.

Chen Yu yelled: "You are so obviously to get revenge!"

Chen Sanke: "Puff and chop the door. You can't lick the iron door."

"what did she say?"

Chen Erke raised her hand: "She seems to let us drag her."

"Second, go away! Don't mess with it!"

"Okay." Chen Erke walked away dejected, halfway through, unwilling to say: "Are you sure you don't want to try it?"


At this time, two kindergarten female teachers from the kindergarten rushed over, each holding a pot of water in his hand, and said to Chen Yu: "You let it go a little bit, I just pour it with hot water."

"Is it hot?" Chen Yu frowned, "Don't burn my sister."

"No, it's mixed with cold water, it's warm, we have experience, you let it go."

"Then I beg you." Chen Yu took Chen Yike back a few steps and asked: "You said you have experience. Are many children licking iron?"

Hearing that, a kindergarten teacher glared at Chen Yu: "Did you tell her that you can't lick iron?"


"You can't drink a child to say this!" The kindergarten teacher said angrily: "Would you like to remind, who would want to lick iron?!"

Chen Yu: "..."

"There are a few of these every year. It's all parents who worry about it."

"Well, my fault." Chen Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't say it again."

Chen Sanke blinked and repeated: "Puff and slash the door. You can't lick the iron door."

"Don't worry, Sanke." The kindergarten teacher thought that Chen Sanke was afraid, and quickly comforted: "Now I will water you, not hot, don't move."

Chen Sanke: "Hmm, do you want to lick it?"

"Don't be afraid. Good." The kindergarten teacher gently stroked Chen Sanke's head with her left hand, raised the thermos cup with her right hand, and watered it gently at her little pink tongue.


The warm water dripped on the joint between the tongue and the iron sheet, and Chen Sanke felt very comfortable.

"Root clam is pretty. It's fun"

The kindergarten teacher prepared two glasses of water, but because the area where Chen Sanke's tongue touched the iron wall was small, she only used one cup of water to thaw her tongue.

"Okay! Sanke is so good!"

The Preschool Teachers College breathed a sigh of relief and stroked Chen Sanke's little furry head: "Go back and reward you with a little red flower."

Chen Sanke stretched out her little tongue: "Will there be little... little red flowers if you lick the iron?"

Chen Yike: "..."

Two female kindergarten teachers: "..."

"Hahaha!" Chen Yu was very happy instead: "This brain circuit, follow me."

"Hey, hey." Chen Sanke opened his mouth, seeming to be tasting the taste: "This is the smell of iron."

Teacher Girl: "You smell of blood..."

"Oh." Chen Sanke nodded ignorantly.

"Okay, don't lick it next time. Go to school and listen to the teacher." Chen Yu patted Chen Sanke on the shoulder, then faced the two kindergarten teachers and bowed politely: "Thank you teacher."

"It's okay, we're used to it." The kindergarten teacher waved her hand: "Don't tell the children anything weird and weird in the future. They have poor willpower and are prone to danger."

"I see. Goodbye, teacher."

"Goodbye." The kindergarten teacher nodded, and then took Chen Sanke's hand: "Let's go, come in, it's too cold outside."

"Let's go too."

Chen Yu turned around and took Chen Yike for a few steps. Suddenly he felt a little sparse footsteps: "Huh? Where's the second child?"

"The second child?" Chen Yike was stunned.

"Fuck! Broken!"

Chen Yu suddenly reacted and turned around to look at it, his face blackened to carbon bottom.

I saw Chen Erke, who unexpectedly stuck his tongue on the iron door...


"...Are you so stupid?!" Chen Yu roared: "The third child just finished! You don't know the lesson?!"

"Oh!" Chen Erke said calmly and vaguely: "Uh, burp, tell Rao Sangang, why are you so messy? I know what the third child just said."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Kasu puffed and cut the door. She said she can't lick the iron door"

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yu stepped forward, wanting to slap Chen Erke to death.

"It's hard for me. Don't worry about it." Chen Erke said sharply: "Let the third child drag me."


With a deep sigh, Chen Yu walked into the kindergarten gate and shouted to the two kindergarten teachers who were walking away: "Teacher! Can you come back again?"

Two female kindergarten teachers: "???"

"I have another sister stuck."

Teacher Girl: "..."

"Please support, isn't there still a glass of water?"

The two kindergarten teachers looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Instructed Chen Sanke to return to class by himself, and the two hurried back, seeing the miserable Chen Erke hurried forward, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured warm water on their tongues.

Chen Erke: "Let the third child drag me!"

"I really trouble you, I'm sorry." Chen Yu nodded and bowed awkwardly: "My sisters are mentally retarded."

Chen Erke: "It's about three times!"

Chen Yike next to him scratched his head painfully: "What's so good about this? I'm crazy..."

After the words fell, she looked at the iron gate, blinked, and fell into a tangled half-minute, then she couldn't help but tentatively stick out her tongue...

This scene happened to be seen by Chen Yu who turned his head...

"Okay." Chen Yu covered his face with both hands: "Actually, my three younger sisters are all mentally retarded."


At the same time, Chen Sanke ran back to the classroom out of breath, looked at the dozens of friends in the room, and clapped his hands excitedly.


After attracting the attention of all the children, she gestured: "Tell you guys, don't lick the iron gate!"

"Why?" A little boy wiped his nose.

"Because...because once you lick it, your tongue will be stuck." Chen Sanke explained awkwardly.





The children all brightened up, and then hurried out of the classroom one by one...


"What a disaster..."

Thirty minutes later Chen Yu walked into the sixth middle school campus, thinking about the two kindergarten teachers crying and crying, and she felt lingering.

"What the **** is so licking? Crazy?!"

Chen Yu cursed all the way until he saw the iron railing on the first floor window of the teaching building...


This chapter adds more to the rudder master of "Practicing the wind and the waves"!

Note: Two chapters guaranteed plus three chapters plus more!


Today, a few big brothers rewarded 70,000, 7 more.



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