Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 154: Daily (below)

The sudden visit of the Chen family with six and one dog caught the grandfather's family by surprise, and only cooked some instant noodles for dinner.

After a simple meal, the adults played Mahjong, while Chen Yu took the children to the next bedroom to play poker.

My uncle is married, but still lives with two old people.

My aunt returned to her natal home today. According to my uncle's description, after watching the circle of friends for half an hour, I was suddenly stimulated by something, and I left with a salute...

There was a little boy in the two lives, named Liu Xiaojun, who was slightly older than Chen Erke, and he was very sturdy and stupid.

For this cousin, Chen Yu has been annoyed from childhood to adulthood, especially "cheap", completely belonging to the brown bear (total bear) among bear children.

All kinds of damages, owed hands, completely reckless and unscrupulous.

When I returned to my hometown this time, my uncle had already severely warned Liu Xiaojun to be honest, but within two minutes of playing, he unexpectedly started to mess up, drew grimace on Chen Yike's down jacket, broke Chen Erke's crayons, and made him cry.

As for Chen Sanke, he dared not touch. Because I was beaten up last year...

"Brother! He bullied me!"

Chen Erke was aggrieved holding the broken crayons, tears in distress, and asked Chen Yu for help.

"Leave it to me!"

Chen Yu had long been waiting for this opportunity, and immediately called three younger sisters and Liu Xiaojun to sit on the bed, took out four opaque cups, and held up a coin: "It's not long since the Chinese New Year. As the eldest grandchild of the whole family, I have a responsibility. Give you New Year's money."

Chen Yike's eyes lit up: "Long live my brother!"

Chen Sanke raised his little hand: "Long live the grasshopper!"

Liu Xiaojun was even more surprised: "Cousin is awesome!"

Chen Erke: "Brother! He bullied me! Do you want to give him pocket money?"


Chen Yu touched Chen Erke’s head, then put the coin in a cup, and said: “Let’s play a game. We have seen all four cups, one of which has a coin in it. Let’s guess which cup the coin is in. Here, whoever guesses it right, who owns the coin."

"I'll guess first!" Liu Xiaojun raised his hand first: "I, I, I!"

"No!" Chen Erke was angry: "Anyone can guess first, and you can't let him first!"

"We are guests, we have to listen to the master." Chen Yu fends off Chen Erke: "Just guess Xiaojun first."

"Cousin is awesome!" Liu Xiaojun rubbed his hands excitedly: "I will never throw cockroaches in your shoes again."

"???" Chen Yu was shocked when he heard the words, and then got out of bed quickly, picked up his shoes, and found many cockroaches inside...


Opening his mouth, holding back the swear word, he took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and nodded with a strong smile: "Great, then we will start now."

With several months of live evaluation experience, Chen Yu is now very good at adjusting the atmosphere and rhythm. He easily controlled the situation and started to move four cups with both hands and exchange quickly.

Five seconds later, after the exchange was complete, Chen Yu leaned back in a tactical manner: "Xiaojun, you can guess first."

"Hmm..." Liu Xiaojun held a finger, after thinking for a moment, opened a cup, the bottom was empty.

"Hahaha! You lost!" Chen Erke jumped up excitedly.

"! I haven't completely opened it yet!" Liu Xiaojun immediately sneered: "I am not familiar with the rules of the game, this time it won't count!"

"You play!"

"Okay, it's okay." Chen Yu waved his hand grandiosely: "I'll give you another chance. Choose."

"I choose this! The first one" Liu Xiaojun grabbed the first cup, opened it, and took the coin and laughed: "Here! Hey, one dollar is mine, I won!"

"Huh!" Chen Erke was so wronged that it exploded, folded his arms around his chest, turned his head, pouting, and hummed the iconic pig cry.

Chen Yu glanced at his happily cousin, calmly opened the second cup, took out a thick roll of money from it, and threw it to Chen Erke.

Liu Xiaojun's movements suddenly stiffened.

Chen Yu shrugged, opened the third cup, took out a roll of money, and threw it to Chen Yike.

Liu Xiaojun: "..."

Finally, he opened the fourth cup, took out a roll of money again, and threw it to Chen Sanke.

"Wow! So many! It's amazing!" Chen Erke turned from sadness to joy in an instant, and the nasal bubbles of laughter came out.

Chen Yike deliberately waved the bill in front of Liu Xiaojun: "Long live brother!"

Chen Sanke also followed suit, shaking his bill in front of Liu Xiaojun, "Hahaha."

Liu Xiaojun licked his mouth and was about to cry, but forced himself to hold back: "I want to play!"

"Good job."

Chen Yu turned his back and fiddled with it, took four cups, put one of the coins into it, and began to exchange.

This time, his exchange rate was very slow, anyone could know which cup the coin was in, but Liu Xiaojun decisively chose the one without the coin.

"That's it!" Liu Xiaojun was taken aback when he reached out and lifted the bottom of the cup.

There is nothing in the cup...

Chen Sanke next to him lit up and stretched out his hand to grab the cup with coins: "Well, I choose this one!"

Opening the cup, Chen Sanke Haha University, took out a stack of rolled ten-yuan bills from it, and shook in front of Liu Xiaojun: "Hahaha."

"Woo..." Liu Xiaojun cried out, panting angrily, and wiping tears: "Come again!"

"no problem."

Chen Yu nodded happily, turned around and fought for half a minute, then took out a coin again and stuffed it into a cup: "Starting to turn..."

"I choose this!"

Before Chen Yu started to exchange, Liu Xiaojun arbitrarily snatched the cup with coins and looked through it. It was empty...

"Oh... the future of the old Liu family is worrying."

Chen Yu sighed, opened the other three cups, and threw a roll of bills inside to his three sisters.


Liu Xiaojun burst into tears for an instant, kicking his legs and punching: "Mom, wow..."

Chen Erke next to him quickly reached out and patted Liu Xiaojun's mouth quickly.

Suddenly, "Wow--" became the Indian "Wow wow wow wow..."

The fourth master of the Chen family: "Ahahahaヽ(?≦)?"

"Wow-wow wow wow wow..."

"Hahahaha (?_? 4

"Don't laugh, everyone calm down."

Chen Yu pressed his hands lightly to stop the three sisters' behaviors, then turned around and fiddled with the four cups and placed them in front of Liu Xiaojun: "Cousin, you won't put any coins this time, you choose."

"Don't choose! You bullied me! Wow—"

"OK then."

Chen Yu spread his hands and divided the four cups among the three younger sisters.

There are five red and red hundred yuan bills in each cup...

"Wow--" Liu Xiaojun cried even more happily, his mouth wide open, his voice hoarse.

Chen Erke's hands were quick and quick, and he continued to flap Liu Xiaojun's mouth.

"Wow wow wow..."

"Hahahaha! (*^w^) people(^w^*

The four young masters of the Chen family clapped each other to celebrate.


Liu Xiaojun choked up, got out of bed, squatted on the door frame and sobbed.

Chen Sanke was soft-hearted, looking at his brothers and sisters who were laughing and laughing, and then turned to look at the heartbroken Liu Xiaojun, got out of bed, leaned close to him, and comforted: "Don't! ..."

"Don't cry." Chen Sanke touched Liu Xiaojun's head: "I...I'll share your secret, don't cry."

"Secret?" Liu Xiaojun wiped away his tears and looked at Chen Sanke: "What secret."

"You can't tell others!"

"What's the secret? If you don't tell me, I will cry."

Chen Sanke secretly glanced at Chen Yu and leaned into Liu Xiaojun's ear: "You can't lick the iron gate in winter..."


(Note: Three chapters will be added in the evening.

These chapters of happy daily life are just for everyone to be happy at Christmas!

The smile will be brought to next year.

I can't do it, let's talk about paying off the debt...)

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