Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 164: Are you thinking about fart?

Through the glass of the petri dish, Chen Yu saw the barrage that broke out on the watch screen, and waved his hand with a sneer: "Just kidding, am I the kind of inhumane boss."

"Actually, I am very grateful to Japan for preparing the venue for my evaluation, and maintaining a friendly attitude towards my destruction. Then I am a person who knows the gratitude..."

"So, I will give a small gift here, which is a compensation."

After all, Chen Yu controlled the dinosaur to move, walked tens of meters away, transformed into a construction state, and began the process of excavation, consolidation and construction.




Along with the deafening noise and the shaking of the earth, basements were built.

I don't understand, is this special compensation? !

Japan is mountainous. The uP master helped to make it so flat, should it be regarded as compensation?

Ask the anchor to go to Jingdong to make compensation!

Jobs redefines the mobile phone, and the uP master redefines the compensation.


In the special event office, the old man stared at the screen, frowning: "What is he doing?"

"Director!" An assistant who was sitting in front of the computer sorting information suddenly got up and handed in a fax: "Look at this, the reasoning analysis report of the past and present team."

The old man took it quickly, swept across ten lines, his pupils dilated: "He wants to keep this armor in our country?! For our country to study?"

"It's very likely." The assistant rubbed his hands excitedly: "Otherwise, I can't explain why he wants to build basements around, and each basement is tens of meters apart, which seems to be a circle."

"Enclosed in a circle..." The old man's eyes were clear: "Then put the armor in the middle to facilitate research by nearby temporary scientific research institutions..."

"It should be like this." The assistant nodded excitedly!

The old man clenched his fists and walked up and down excitedly, shouting: "Get me a helicopter! I'm going to Jingdao County! Thank you in person!"



At the same time, the special team office was thousands of kilometers away in the capital.

The middle-aged team leader stood up and his brain turned rapidly.

Based on what he knew about Chen Yu, he could guess the other side's thoughts almost instantly.

"This guy is still playing tricks?"

With a gloomy expression on his face, he walked out of the conference room, entered a special compartment under the protection of four security guards, and dialed the superior encrypted channel.

"The leader, it's me. I hope you will organize a team of experts, especially the technical force of materials and mechanics, to go to Japan. Yes, Chen Yu may want to..."


Chen Yu did not understand and did not want to understand the actions of major officials.

He slowly immersed himself in the joy of "building a house".

It’s cool to build, and it’s always cool to build!

Why are so many players silent and unable to extricate themselves in the "Minecraft" game?

Because human beings have endless desires for creation. In particular, Chen Yu is still a member of the rabbit country, building desire 2.

During the "construction" that lasted more than an hour, Chen Yu built a total of 32 basements, which surrounded the flattened ground into a circle.

"Boom! Boom..."

Driving the steel dinosaur to the center of the circle, Chen Yu looked at Xiao Taohong and said, "Who, take the camera back, the evaluation is over."

"Okay!" Little Taohong nodded particularly obediently and swiped the watch screen.



Are you too short today?

Not enough!

Don't stop, go on, I can do it...

Short and not precise.

The suspended camera flew into the armor, passed through the opened steel door, and entered the hall.

Chen Yu raised his hand and pressed the button on the top of his head, and the liquid in the petri dish was instantly drained.


The next moment, the glass door was opened.

Taking off the plug, Chen Yu walked out wet and shrugged in front of the camera: "A wonderful and unforgettable time always passes quickly. Since this product has been evaluated, I will not continue to water."

"The next 6th, 7th, 8th...So many future products are waiting for us to evaluate one by one, and the wonderfulness will not be missing, so there is no need to give up."

With that said, Chen Yu walked slowly to the glass window, looking at the Japanese motorcade and helicopter group coming in the distance, and continued: "Friends from Japan are here. You must be watching my live broadcast, please come up. One trip, bring paper and pen, I want to give you a big gift."

His voice fell, and a helicopter suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the fleet, and landed on the tail of the steel dinosaur.


The old man wore a white coat and, with a skill not inferior to the young man, jumped off the ground when the helicopter landed less than two meters.


Staggering to his feet, the old man rubbed his waist, endured the pain, stepped up on both legs and climbed up the stairs panting. While crawling without forgetting, turned around and shouted: "Don't follow me!"

Six or seven minutes later, he came to the steel door of the control room with a grin.

"Boom boom."

The steel door slowly opened a gap, and the little pink wearing a cheongsam came out first.

The old man raised his hands very cooperatively.

Xiao Taohong walked behind the old man, her pupils suddenly appeared red, scanned it up and down, and nodded: "You go in."

"Thank you!"

The old man nodded humbly, then ran into the control room and saw Chen Yu in front of the giant glass window at a glance.

I saw Chen Yu looking into the distance, his eyes under the mask were deep and wise, and the red imperial robe was still slightly moving in the wind, with extraordinary temperament...

"You...Hello! I am the dean of the Institute of New Materials, Steel Plate Richuan."

"Hello." Chen Yu turned around gracefully and stretched out his hand: "I am the uP master of the Super Time Evaluation."

"Hello, hello!" The old man hurriedly stepped forward and shook hands with a low gesture.

Seeing the respectful gaze in the old man's eyes, Chen Yu nodded in satisfaction.

In order to give the other party the first impression of coquettishness, he even turned on the air conditioner...

"In front of more than two million viewers, I won't be polite to you anymore." Chen Yu closed his hand, took the pen and paper in the old man's white coat pocket, quickly drew a circle, and spent thirty minutes around the circle. Two small circles: "First of all, thank you for providing a venue for my evaluation."

"It should be." The old man nodded repeatedly.

"Although it should be but I am a person who has the kindness to report. From now on, this K-type armor will remain in your country for your country's peripheral research."


Although this was the direct result, the old man couldn't help but breathe in the air when he heard the news, his excited eyes were bloodshot.

"If you die here suddenly, I'm not responsible." Chen Yu took a step back.

", no..." The old man bit his tongue out and breathed out quickly: "I...I represent the official, thank you..."

"Don't thank you first, wait until I finish." Chen Yu waved his hand to interrupt, and crossed the two small **** on the paper: "Did you see these thirty-two basements? From now on, those two fractions will be you That's it."

"Okay!" The old man nodded vigorously, but then stunned: "Two? Isn't it all ours?"

Hearing this, Chen Yu looked up and down at the old man a few times: "Are you thinking about ass?"

Old man: "..."

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