Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 174: During the battle of the magic capital (part 2)

Latest website: Magic City, a western restaurant on the twelfth floor of a high-rise building on a pedestrian street, where many diners are dining in a polite manner.

"What happened outside? So noisy?" A lady picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth gracefully: "I can't hear the piano."

"Miss Cheng, if you like this Bach Twelve Equal Temper Prelude, I can play it for you." The man in the suit raised his mouth with a smile.

The lady cut off a steak and put it in her mouth with blurred eyes: "Mr. Zhang still..."


Before he finished speaking, the door of the western restaurant was suddenly pushed open, and three big-headed dolls that looked like the second element ran in, the head of whom was Xiao Taohong.

"Scratch this place!"




Large groups of red paint filled the entire restaurant just as the diners looked blank.

"This is over, go to the next one!"

Xiao Taohong waved her hand and ran out of the restaurant with her two "brothers", and then happened to encounter two people from the rewarding group in the corridor, and immediately began a miserable **** battle.


The man in the suit stared blankly at the female partner who turned red: "This...what the **** is going on?"

The lady spit out the paint, tears in her eyes: " dress..."

"It doesn't matter, this paint seems to be automatically eliminated."

"But...but not on the steak."

The face of the man in the suit was cloudy for a while, he slapped the table and got up, and said seriously to the manager: "What the **** is going on? Why do a bunch of lunatics come in to spray paint in your restaurant?!"

"I... this..." The manager was at a loss and hurried over to take the dinner plate: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we..."


At this time, the door was kicked open again, and the winner's Tishni representative dragged the Italian cannon in, glanced at the red paint in the room, and sneered.



The red restaurant was quickly dyed blue...

But before the representative of Di Shini turned around, the barrage group soldiers armed with assault rifles rushed to support, exploded the opponent with one shot, and sprayed paint frantically in the restaurant.

The blue restaurant was dyed red again...

Diners: "..."


On the front battlefield of the pedestrian street.

Most of the uninformed masses have dispersed, and those who have arrived are insiders who are excited to participate and cheer.

There was also a young guy who pushed a big stereo and played "The Shrimp Catch" as the background battlefield music.

Among the people who rushed to the scene, more than a dozen people formed a small team and went back and forth between the two teams. For nothing else, they would experience the refreshing feeling of being sprayed on their bodies.

"Master up! You are the master!"

"Master! Shoot! Shoot me!"

"Paint us all!"

Chen Yufu: "Are you addicted?"


He said so, but Chen Yu still raised his double guns and shot the group blue.

"Bah, cool!"

The crowd spit out harmless paint, and then formed a group to run towards the red battlefield.

"Shoot us!"

"Fire at me!"


[Too Nima is happy. 】


[I want to play, I want to play, I want to play, too. 】

[Can't get in, fuck! The periphery is blocked! 】

[The sewer can still enter! Faster! 】

[Envy of your magic capital. 】

[Do not post photos on the Internet, the IP will be blocked. 】

[Ren Hell is really a genius, such an interesting game can also be made. 】

[Will it be produced next year? 】

[A hundred years from now! I want to keep healthy and I must play once before I die. 】

With the paint covering one after another, the advantage of the pre-emptive reward group gradually expanded.

But as time went on, young people in the barrage group discovered more and more secrets of this game, such as being able to dive in their own paint, getting blood from teammates after being injured, and paint that exploded after death can kill. Opponents, etc...

When the game time came to seven minutes, the balance of victory and defeat began to reverse under the barrage group fighting hard.

But at this time, a girl with short hair in jeans had the courage and quietly walked to the metal module, opened the drawer, picked up a green tights and put it on.


After the smoke cleared, she also became the q version of the two-dimensional image.

"Huh? Hahahaha!"

The girl was overwhelmed with surprise, raised her submachine gun and pulled the trigger.


Strips of green paint sprayed out, staining the colors of other paints.

Immediately, the clouds timed in mid-air emptied instantly and turned into ten minutes again.

[The third party enters, the occupation mode is overtime. 】

"Wodefa?" Chen Yu was stunned, and subconsciously approached the girl: "How did you do it..."


Before she finished speaking, the girl decisively pulled the trigger, breaking Chen Yu into pieces.

"Yeah(#^.^#)!" The girl cheered suddenly: "I killed the up master!"

When the audience saw this, they went crazy for an instant and rushed forward.

The fastest and nearest four took the lead, grabbed the green tights and put them on.

"Boom boom..."

A series of white mist rose, and the green team added four people to form a five-person team.

"Kill!" The girl's head flushed with excitement, and burst into the battlefield with her submachine gun.

The other four were also very excited to spray paint...

"Day! Almost!"


"I fell into the abyss just one step away from being happy..."

The late audience wanted to hit the wall with chagrin.

[How courageous! Are you not afraid of the anchor being angry? 】

[It was originally an interactive game, so what's so angry about adding program effects. 】

[Even if you die! It's worth playing. 】

[I was thinking about sneaking in the third set of tights before. 】

[The scene is messier...]



The hotel elevator opened, and a sweet couple holding hands came out from inside. When they saw the hall covered with red and blue paint, they were shocked.

"This... what's going on?"


"How can there be such a decoration."

"My dear, I'm so scared, is it a madman?" The girl seized the opportunity and showed a pitiful expression.

"Don't be afraid." The boy hugged his lover in cooperation and stroked the girl's head: "Even if there is a madman, I will protect you."

"My husband is so nice!"


The next moment, the glass door of the hall was slammed open, and five big-headed dolls who looked like crazy ran into.

"Here! Paint all over!"


The five cheered and activated their weapons.




The hall was dyed green immediately.

The welcome guest standing at the front desk was already numb, wiped off the green paint on his face, and said softly: "M."

"Elevator! And the elevators are painted!"

The green team girl ordered.



Piles of paint passed through the "thin" and "poor" little couple, and filled the elevator room behind them...

"What a fuck!"

The five big-headed dolls left, leaving only the couple looking at each other.

"Dear... honey, you are green."

"You are green too..."

The addition of third-party forces has made the 1,000-square-meter battlefield more intense.

Red, blue, and green paint flew around. The ground, walls, store halls, crowds of onlookers, sewers, and even several police helicopters at low altitude cannot be avoided...




Minutes later, the clouds began to count down in midair.

Seeing this, the players of the three teams will no longer retain all the ammunition and accumulated grenades have been consumed, and the death squad fiercely charged the enemy with firepower, exploding a large patch of paint in an attempt to increase one. Paint the area a little bit.



"Suicide! Suicide!"


The battle was instantly heated.




The occupation is over!

Winning statistics!


(Note: continue to add more in the evening.)

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