Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 191: Maglev train, open! (under)

The latest website: Magic City, Puqing District.

North park of the passenger station.

Thousands of police officers armed with guns and live ammunition blocked the park, not allowing anyone to enter.

In the park, hundreds of engineers and official staff are running around, busy with their work.

"It should be here."

In the basketball court, a middle-aged man wearing a hard hat drew on cardboard, referring to the data handed by his colleagues from time to time, and finally determined the location: "This is it. There is a deviation of more than 100 meters from the plan. When you draw it, draw the red circle inside and the white circle outside."

Several young students heard the words, immediately picked up the paint buckets and drew circles on the basketball court.

"How long will it take? Should it be cleared? Don't have an accident." An old man beside him said solemnly.

The middle-aged man took the tablet and glanced at the live room picture on the screen: "It's almost there. Clear the scene after painting."

In just four minutes, the students finished drawing the warning circle and followed everyone out of the park.

The police officers outside the park were ordered and began to disperse the crowd.

Although according to the virtual route map provided by Chen Yu, the arrival point was determined within the park. However, to be on the safe side, the official team decided to drive away pedestrians from one kilometer away.

The surrounding roads are also completely blocked, the doors and windows of nearby buildings are closed, water and electricity and gas are cut off.

The vast majority of onlookers did not know what had happened, and they whispered and discussed.

A few insiders, holding their mobile phones, watched the live broadcast while waiting for the next spectacular scene.

"It's too slow, I can't wait."

"There are not a few minutes, otherwise the police will not drive away."

"Hey, borrow a colleague's Canon! I want to take a good shot and keep it as a family heirloom."

Looking at a certain elevated platform with an excellent location, several office workers from the same company are gathering on the steps, looking out over the park, and whispering.

At this time, a white-collar young man in the same costume squeezed through the crowd, hurried over, and said to his colleague: "Do you have any money? Lend me some."

"Money? Why?"

"No! Don't block my camera."

The white-collar youth saw sweat on his forehead: "I am really anxious to use money, and I have a lot of money to lend me some, I will repay it super double in ten days!"

"I will lend you after watching the excitement." A middle-aged, fat white-collar man adjusted the binoculars in his hand and looked in the direction of the park: "Maybe I can see the female assistant with my own eyes."

"It's too late after watching the excitement!"

"Why are you so anxious? Your girlfriend is pregnant? Even if your mother-in-law is pregnant, you don't have to be so anxious." The middle-aged man said slowly, "The maglev train will be here soon, and you can see it once in a lifetime."

"It's too late to see, I'm leaving now."

Seeing that all colleagues were absent-minded, the white-collar youth turned around and left.

"Huh?" The middle-aged white-collar worker put down his binoculars and stared at the young man's leaving back. After thinking about it for a long time, he vaguely realized something, his face suddenly changed: "Fuck! The surrounding housing prices!"

Swearing an swear word, he threw away the binoculars, and anxiously squeezed out the crowd of onlookers, spread two legs, and ran to the nearest real estate agency.

At the door of the intermediary, there was already crowded.

"Damn! The gatekeeper of these chicken thieves!" The middle-aged man slapped his thigh, took out the bank card in his pocket, and rushed forward: "Don't grab it with me! I'm here first! Keep a set!"



Three minutes later, the ground near the park trembled slightly, and the crowd of onlookers gradually rioted.

Ten seconds later, the tremor increased, and people who didn't know thought it was an earthquake and began to panic.

After a second...

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by a loud thunderbolt! The ground suddenly cracked, and a dark shadow that covered the sky sprang out, as if going straight into the sky, breaking through the sky!


In the drag of gravity, the dark shadow hit the ground heavily. The spreading sound waves lifted up the dust and instantly enveloped the entire park.

The world is quiet.

Everyone, whether they are insiders, uninformed, police officers, engineers, officials, etc., who maintain public order, opened their mouths at this moment, staring blankly at the smoke and dust, without making any sound.

It wasn't until the smoke and dust dissipated that the crowd exploded and the noise was full.

"What's wrong in the park?"

"It seems that something came out?"

"It's too far, it's not clear from the trees."

"Isn't it an alien?"


The audience in the live room standing at the high spot cheered loudly.

"Come out!"

"Up master is awesome!"

"Fuck! Such a big one."

"too frightening……"

"The drill bits are all red."

"At the scene! I am at the scene!"

Groups of police officers and staff rushed forward, gathered around the basketball court, and looked at this 22-century maglev engineering vehicle with seven-point shock and three-point surprise.

In the cab of the car, Chen Yu threw away the route planning drawings, stood up, walked to the car window and shouted with loudspeakers: "Don't delay time, have all the supplies arrived?"

Outside the car, four engineers lifted up a white cloth with lines of conspicuous red fonts written on it, marking the prepared metals and rare earth elements.

"Now I open the material spare compartment at the front of the car, and you will put all the materials I need in according to the garbage classification method you are best at."


Accompanied by the sharp gas ejection sound, the metal plate in the middle of the locomotive slides upward under the push of the hydraulic rod, exposing the internal material reserve compartment.

Inside the cabin, there are neatly arranged cylinders, and each cylinder is marked with its own element symbol.

According to the weight of demand, from more to less, from left to right: fe,, ti, au, ag, ta, w... until ra.

The person in charge stepped forward, took out a pen and paper to record all these elements, then picked up the communicator and contacted the convoy not far away.


Immediately afterwards, a mighty motorcade lined up. They were all fully enclosed large trucks with four fronts and eight rears, crushing the lawn and vegetation and parked near the basketball court.

Among them, there are several cylinder cars marked with radiation symbols.

There is no need for Chen Yu to go off the field and direct the command. When the convoy arrives, several persons in charge on the scene will dispatch the drivers and workers to load and unload.

"First of all iron, seal the other openings!"

The other openings were blocked with wooden boards, leaving only the cylinder marked with the fe symbol. Hundreds of workers jumped onto five trucks at the same time, carried a piece of pure iron into a small trailer, and dumped it into the spare compartment.

The worker team consists of three groups, twelve trailers, and they work in turns with extremely high efficiency.

Twenty minutes, the iron element was filled.

In four minutes, the copper element is filled.

In one minute, the gold, silver, titanium, and zinc elements are filled.

In one minute, the manganese, ruthenium, and radium elements are filled.

In one minute, lanthanum, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, and erbium are filled.

Loading and unloading lasted for half an hour, and the convoy withdrew in an orderly manner.

The official overestimated the loading capacity of this engineering vehicle, and almost half of the metals and rare earths are useless...

"Thank you very much, everyone, please step back, the farther the Get the reminder that the materials are full, Chen Yu greets everyone to step back and make room.

Everyone immediately dispersed and pulled up a piece of guard nets to prevent staff or onlookers from slipping in.


The spare compartment is closed and the engineering vehicle restarts.

The front of the car turns into the rear of the car, the rear of the car turns into the front of the car, the threaded drill bit is retracted, the front bezel expands again, and finally it becomes an "umbrella" structure.

"Rumble rumbling..."

The train began to slowly "retreat", a large amount of liquid material mixed with rare earths was coated on the surface of the pipe, and after being squeezed by the umbrella-shaped front bezel, it became an extremely strong special alloy.

And under the train, the two electromagnetic tracks are also extending indefinitely as the engineering vehicle goes away.

The vacuum magnetic levitation pipeline is about to be completed...

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