Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 200: brother

Time always slips away inadvertently.

Almost a week passed in a blink of an eye.

This is a Saturday morning, and one day before Chen Yu’s additional live broadcast.

After the Chen family had breakfast, those who went to work went to work and those who traded in stocks went to stocks. Only the fourth young master of the Chen family was left at home.

"Brother! The clothes are ready! Let's go quickly!"

Chen Erke put on a thick down jacket and dragged Chen Yu's hem out in a hurry: "I'll be late in a while."

"Don't worry, the boss and the third child have not finished getting dressed." Chen Yu sat on the sofa and swiped the phone casually.

"Today is to send me to the taekwondo class, what are they doing with them? Yuck!" Chen Erke groaned dissatisfiedly.

"Take your sister to recognize the way, and she will send you there every Saturday from now on."

"What about the youngest?" Chen Erke whispered: "Wan... if she can learn too, she won't be able to beat it again."

"The third child is out of snacks. Take her to buy some snacks." Chen Yu pushed Chen Erke away: "Don't stick so close. You are almost nine years old. Keep your distance with your brother, OK?"


"Brother, let's go."

At this time, Chen Yike led Chen Sanke out: "The clothes are put on, but what should I do with the Huskies? Do you also bring them? Will you bite something at home?"

"I settle it."

Retrieving the phone, Chen Yu took the Husky into the bathroom, closed the door, took out two cigarettes from his pocket, and shook in front of it: "Dog stuff, we have something to go out. Please be honest. Give these two cigarettes. If you perform well, I will give you another one."

Husky lay on his stomach in an elegant posture, shaking the dog's head, with a serious face: "No Wang."

"No your sister!"

Chen Yu slapped the dog on the face: "I'm not discussing with you, this is an order! If you dare to cause trouble at home, we will eat dog meat soup when we come back."

"Dogmeatis nottasty..."

"Can you stop speaking English?"


"...Well, let's add another cigarette." He took out another cigarette and clamped it to the dog's ear: "Smoking in the bathroom. After smoking, I opened the window to dissipate air and cannot go out."

"Wow..." Husky nodded repeatedly.


Shaking his hand with the outstretched dog paw, Chen Yu turned and left, taking his three younger sisters out.

Husky put his ear to the ground, heard the sound of the elevator descending, got up suddenly, yelled in excitement: "Ooh! Wangwu!"


Opening the wooden door, the Husky walked out of the bathroom with a cigarette in his head and his chest tall. It first enters the kitchen, turns on the gas stove to ignite the smoke, and turns off the fire.

Afterwards, sitting on the sofa in the living room in the posture of a big man, he swallowed the clouds and even smoked rings.

Picking up the remote control on the sofa, it turned on the TV, tuned to the sports channel, and found that it was the national football team. The dog's mouth "poofed" and immediately turned the channel. Until I found the cartoon, I stopped, smoking and watching.

"Ou~Wang Woo~~?"

After smoking a cigarette, the Husky hummed a strange tone, stepped on rhythmic dance steps, walked to the hall, grabbed the home phone, and dialed skillfully.

"Hello, this is the takeaway department of Four Seasons Restaurant."


"Okay, what would you like to order?"

"Whatdoyou red..."

After some communication to complete the order, Huskie hung up the phone and went around in the living room, but did not find a dollar.

"Ao poor~"

Crouching on the ground thinking for a long time, it walked to the door of Chen Yu's bedroom, stretched out its paw and knocked.


Xiao Taohong opened the door and tilted her head: "What are you doing?"

Husky stuck out his tongue: "Wow! Play!"

"You want to play with me!" Xiao Taohong was suddenly surprised.


"Haha great! What are we playing?"


"The landlord won the money?"


"No problem! My little Taohong will never lose to you!"


At the same time, Chen Yu took his three younger sisters all the way to the west, and walked for seven or eight minutes to the front of a shop called "Zhiyong Taekwondo".

"This is it."

"It's so big." Chen Erke stunned and looked up: "So are the second and third floors?"

"The second and third floors are the Taekwondo Hall, and the first floor is the dance studio. Let's go." Taking Chen Erke, Chen Yu led his sisters into the gate, and suddenly stopped.

I saw the young and lively young ladies in the dance room stretching their slender waists, making Chen Yu unable to remove his eyes for a while.

"Brother! What are you looking at!" Chen Yike frowned and quickly stood in front of Chen Yu.

"Nothing." Chen Yu bent over and walked toward the stairs without squinting.

Coming to the second floor, a female kicking coach saw the fourth young master of the Chen family and immediately greeted him: "Hello sir."

"I'm the one who came for consultation a few days ago and took my sister to report for classes."

"I remember you." The female coach nodded and pointed at Chen Yu's three younger sisters with a smile: "Do all three little sisters learn?"

"No! I'll learn it!" Chen Erke secretly glanced at Chen Sanke and hurriedly raised his hand.

"Mister is like this, now we have activities, if the group report will have a discount..."

"Don't give me a discount." Chen Yu waved his hand grandiosely, and couldn't help showing his financial resources in front of the beautiful female coach: "If you don't miss the discount, just report one, and give my sister the best."

"Oh, isn't it." The female coach glanced at the simple dress of the fourth young master of the Chen family, and smiled unchanged: "Then enroll your sister for the whole year, professional coaches personally teach, eight lessons per month, a total of 4980 yuan ."

"The price is quite cheap, but the time is too long. I'm afraid my sister won't be able to hold on. Let me report for a month first.

The female coach almost laughed, but she was professional and held back: "Good sir, eight hundred and five classes a month. It is still affordable throughout the year."

"I said it's not a question of money." Chen Yu patted Chen Erke on the shoulder: "As long as my sister is satisfied, you can register for the tenth class. The main thing is to see how your level is."

"Well, then please come with me. By the way, sir, if it is not for the first year class, if the taekwondo clothes and equipment are not given, you need to pay extra to buy it."

"Just say how much the total cost, and transfer together..."

After completing the formalities and paying the money, Chen Erke was left to study in the Taekwondo Gym.

Then, Chen Yu led the remaining two younger sisters to continue westward.

"Brother." Chen Yike wondered: "Didn't you buy food for the third child? The mall is in the east."

"I'll talk about buying food later, follow me first."

Chen Sanke grasped the corner of Chen Yuyi's clothes, a pair of short legs moved quickly and stumbled: "Grasshopper, my sister is... why should I learn taekwondo?"

"You will know soon."


After five minutes of walking, UU read www. Chen Yu stopped, pointing his finger forward: "Here."

Chen Yike looked in the direction of the finger and was stunned.

In front, is a small villa decorated in style.

A white plaque was hung in front of the villa with six words-Danya Piano School.

"This...this is..."

Chen Yu turned around and looked at Chen Yike, her smile was as warm as the early spring sunshine.

"It has been done for you, one year."

"..." Chen Yike stared at Chen Yu in a daze, his eyes gradually moistened, and his vision slowly blurred: "Brother..."


(Note: continue to add more in the evening...)

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