Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 207: Touch... black hole (below)

"Please trust us absolutely!"

   Many researchers banged their chests.


   Based on the trust of professionals, Chen Yu hesitated to manipulate the portal, moving the location space forward again by 5,000 kilometers.


   The next moment, the original orange alarm immediately turned red! Takes Chen Yu's face.

   Chen Yu: "……"

【famous! famous! 】

  【It's popular! 】

   [UP Master, stop making trouble, it's okay...]

   [Fuck! This young man? Is it going to kill you? Damn it! 】

  【Teeth are sour. 】

  【Can the singularity data be measured at this distance? 】

   [It’s only over 4,000 kilometers away from the black hole, Nima...]

   [Look at the black hole together? The kind that collapses into atoms? 】

   Turning his head, Chen Yu stared at the researchers in a daze.

   The researchers also looked at him in a daze.



  In the hall of the island-building engineering ship, there was a strange silence.

   "This distance..." After a long silence, Chen Yu asked nonsense: "Is it really okay?"

   "Should..." A researcher looked at his companion.

   "Maybe..." The companion looked at the other companion.

   "Almost..." The other companion looked at the group leader.

   "Maybe..." The team leader looked at the person in charge.

   "...No problem, right?" The person in charge wiped his sweat and said.

   "I want an accurate answer!!"

  "Try to know!"×14

   "You guys just want to get the data!" Chen Yu roared.

   "Hmm." ×14

   "Made! He admitted without hesitation."

   Chen Yu muttered, thought for a while, picked up the sixth rock, and threw it into the portal without saying a word.


   There are bursts of crisp noise!

   The rock that was originally half a meter in diameter was torn apart and dragged by the terrifying gravity at the moment it passed through the space film...

   Chen Yu: "……"

   "Quick! Quickly calculate!"

   "Xiao Zhang, you come to my group to calculate gravity."

   "The model is established."

   "Quick! Send it here..."

   The researchers were excited again, their eyes lit up, and they began to calculate in a whisper.

   One minute later...

   "The acceleration of gravity is 2882.31 meters per second!"

   "The distance is 4,154,681 meters."

   "The escape velocity is 154758.29 meters per second..."

   "Enough data!"

   The person in charge strode to a laptop in several strides, and quickly entered all the data he got...


   A group of data pops up on the display screen, and the computer's exhaust and heat dissipation are automatically turned on to the maximum.

1 second.

5 seconds,

  17 seconds...

   Ten rows of data are displayed impressively!

   The body of the middle-aged person in charge was trembling slightly.

   "Out... out..."

   Chen Yu stepped forward curiously, looked at the numbers displayed on the screen, and couldn't help but slap his tongue.

  [Schwarzschild radius: 1.443 meters]

  [Diameter of black hole: 9CM]

  [Black hole mass: 7.45625332E+26]

  【Black hole core gravitational acceleration: 1.990102949E+18 meters per second】

  [Black hole core escape velocity: 1410710087.15 meters per second]

   [Black hole horizon: 1.311 meters]

  【Black hole core secret...】

  【Singularity five thousandths quote...】

   It seemed that the infinitely extended data made Chen Yu dazzled, but he still resisted the numbness of his scalp and continued to look down.

   Each set of numbers represents a major breakthrough in physical science!

   In this way, human civilization sloppily crosses gaseous planets, crosses stars, crosses supergiant stars, crosses neutron stars... even across four levels, and obtains the real data of black holes...

  It can be said that from this moment on, the technological explosion phase that mankind originally slowed down will continue to extend! And it was doubled and speeded up!

  【Please point the screen at us, thank you. 】

   [Is it the detailed data of the black hole? I want to see it too! 】

  【Don't think about it, it is impossible for the public to see it at this stage. 】

   [Totally bewildered, what's the use of studying black holes? 】

  【Thinking about it, I feel terrible. The Earth has the moon to drive the tides, and there are countless important elements on the moon's surface. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune block damage and stabilize the earth's orbit. There is a single star for stable support, and two large gaseous planets provide inexhaustible energy. Plus this original black hole with the least threat but the most research value...]

  【A dream start to human civilization! 】

   [Scientists suspected a long time ago that most of the Milky Way galaxy is composed of dual star systems. The solar system has only a few single stars. There are also eight planets in the right position. The solar system has the elements for scientific and technological development. What a coincidence. 】

   [Moreover, there is a Proxima Centauri within four light years, and the entire third spiral arm rarely has such a close planetary system. 】

  【Think carefully and fear...】

   After finishing all the data quickly, Chen Yu shook his head regretfully.

   The last and most important singularity data has not been analyzed.

   As far as he knows, to get this kind of data, one must go deep into the horizon of the black hole.

   But the black hole horizon, once entered, even the light of 300,000 kilometers per second cannot escape...

"Wang...Mr. Wang, can you continue to move forward?" The person in charge turned around vigorously, walked to Chen Yu, stammered and stretched out a finger: "A thousand kilometers! Just go forward a thousand kilometers and look there. The data!"

"it is good."

   Chen Yu did not refuse, and decisively manipulated the virtual projection of the portal.

   clearly, it is impossible for him to go out at such a distance, and continue to move forward just to get the black hole data.


   When he entered the location and clicked on the spatial connection, the portal immediately lit up with a "black" light and closed forcibly.

   "...the gravitational force is too great." Chen Yu glanced at the person in charge, then looked at the camera, and spread his hands to the eight million viewers: "Excessive gravitational force causes space distortion, and it is no longer possible to locate space."


  The middle-aged person in charge stared at the metal arch for a long while, and sighed regretfully.

   "That's it." Chen Yu stretched out his hand and reopened the portal: "The data has been obtained, and it is impossible to continue forward. You should help me calculate how far I can get into the black hole if I want to enter space?"

   "Okay! This will be calculated for you."

   There is a data model. The researchers directly input the average speed per second of Chen Yu's protective suit to get the safe distance.

   "Seven thousand kilometers!"

   Female researcher raised her hand: "At a distance of 7,000 kilometers from the black the acceleration of gravity is 1015.36 meters per second. As long as your speed is greater than this value, it is safe. Otherwise..."

   "Otherwise, what?" Chen Yu asked.

   "You will fall into a black hole at a faster and faster speed until it is infinitely close to the speed of light. According to the black hole no hair theorem, all information will be stripped off, leaving only mass, angular momentum and electric charge."

   "Huh?" Chen Yu found a bug and asked: "In the data just now, it is said that the black hole core gravitational acceleration can reach hundreds of millions of kilometers per second. Isn't it much faster than the speed of light?"

   "But...but you will never reach the core, you will only stop in the horizon of the black hole about 1....1 meter." The female researcher made a mistake and almost said the accurate number 1.311.

   "Then I will understand."

  Chen Yu didn't ask any more, sliding the virtual projection to set the distance to be 7,000 kilometers away from the black hole.


   The metal arch space fluctuated for an instant, revealing the dark world inside the door.

   "Mr. Wang, you don't have to go out when you get up. The existence of the black hole is already official. No risk is required."

   "It doesn't matter, I am always a self-media commentator." Chen Yu tapped his temple with his index finger: "It is my main responsibility to lead the audience to see the scenery and magic. I want everyone to see the black hole with their own eyes."

   "But... but this black hole does not have an accretion disk, it is invisible to the naked eye." The person in charge hesitated.


   Chen Yu shook his head, put on his hand armor, and stepped firmly out of the portal: "I have a way..."

   "Let you see the black hole..."


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