Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 210: Permission promotion!

A week has passed since Chen Yu's journey to "verify" the black hole.

   Three months later, there will be an asteroid hitting the earth, which was learned by some people. However, due to the effective guidance of the official cooperation of various countries and the media ban, most of these people do not know the details of the inside story. They listen to what the officials say. They only think that the asteroid that is about to hit the earth is more than the 2013 impact. Mao’s meteorite is "a little bit bigger"...

As for black holes, they are hidden by the government and the media. If you want to know relevant information, newspapers, media, news, and the Internet can't provide any help. You can only pin your hopes on your friends to pay attention to the "Super Time Evaluation". And take you into the pit.

   People should go to work, entertainment, the world will operate as usual, and society will continue to operate. The vast majority of ordinary people don't even bother to search for such things "over the head".

   accidentally brushed the gravitational wave pushed by the media, and only left a sentence of “Nice and Niubi” and stopped paying attention.

   accidentally saw a black hole photo in the astronomical world, and only left the sentence "beautiful and beautiful" and ignored it.

   This is the majority of ordinary people who are very happy to enjoy the fruits of science and technology, but lack interest in the development of science and technology.

   Just because these things are too far away from people's lives, there is really no need to care...

   Compared with black holes and asteroids, the Chinese people are more interested in the "new subway" from Beijing to the magic capital.

   Especially for people living in these two cities, maglev trains have almost become the main topic after dinner.

  Official explanation, this maglev train is just an ordinary superconducting train, dedicated to transporting goods, and there is no vacuum pipeline.

   But obviously, such a reason will not last long.

   When it comes to a thing, the more people know, the faster it will spread, and eventually it will be so fast that no force can stop it...

   For example, the popularity of "Super Time Evaluation", after the official live broadcast of the sixth period and the additional live broadcast a week ago, the total attention of the five live broadcast rooms exceeded 14 million!

   The popularity is rising faster and faster!

   If you give up the media and network blockade at this time, with 14 million active fans, "Overtime Evaluation" can become popular all over the world overnight.

   Regarding this, the official can do nothing. They are not gods, they have tried their best.

   Black holes, asteroids, magnetic levitation trains, and "Cross-Time Evaluation" are becoming more and more popular... Chen Yu also pays attention to these things, but now he is more concerned about another thing.

  He is promoted...

   The authority level has been increased from D to D+.

  The number of online video platforms that can broadcast live has increased to ten!

   The five new platforms. After careful consideration, Chen Yu chose Jianguo’s "Twitch" and "Periscope", Japan’s "N Station", Universe Country’s "afreecaTV", and South Asia’s "YeyeLive."

   So far, apart from Africa, the top ten platforms have almost covered the world.

   And the biggest benefit of privilege escalation is that the super-time salesperson can apply for him to use higher-tech products for evaluation.

   In Chen Yu's plan, if the official countries fail to solve the "Bell" asteroid threat, he will continue to ask the salesperson to apply for various powerful weapons for him in the future within these three months.

   If these weapons can't stop the asteroid's impact, they can only play GG honestly.

   Most viewers in the live broadcast room are not too worried about this so-called "moment of life". It is believed that Chen Yu has a portal and all countries have nuclear weapons. It is easy to blow up the asteroid's orbit.

   But if they saw the detailed parameters and information of "Bell", they would never think so.

   This is an asteroid that is extremely difficult to deal with at the current human level. Its quality, track, speed... is desperate.

   Otherwise, after reading the contents of the newspapers and periodicals, Chen Yu would not be so upset and worried.

   Therefore, he did not mention any data of the "Bell" asteroid in the live broadcast, so as to avoid excessive panic among ordinary people.

   may be the propaganda of many science fiction movies, making most people mistakenly believe that humans have a strong control over space. In fact, for countless near-Earth asteroids, existing technology is really difficult to deal with.

  Single said that in 2013, a meteorite bombarded in Mao’s territory at a speed of Mach 112, don’t even think about resisting it. Numerous astronomical monitoring units around the world had no idea about this meteorite.

   Until it hit the ground, he realized: "Huh? What did it fall off?!"

   It took decades. Many organizations proudly claimed to monitor 1,000 or 2,000 Almo-type asteroids, but most people did not know that this number was just the tip of the iceberg.

   There is a set of data that can explain "some" problems laterally. How many times have humans intercepted asteroids so far? Even if it is a symbolic experiment?




   The sudden knock on the door drew Chen Yu out of his thoughts.

   "Has the boss and the second come back?"

   took out his phone and looked at the time, Chen Yu got up from the sofa with the strongest sunlight, walked to the door, and opened the door.

   "Brother, we are back." Chen Yike shook the snow on his body and led Chen Erke into the house.

   "Brother miss you so much!" He hugged Chen Yu's thigh and rubbed hard.

   "Why don't you bring the keys?" Chen Yu frowned.

   Chen Yike: "Forgot."

   Chen Erke: "Forget about it."

   Chen Yu: "……"

   "Brother! Look at this!" Chen Erke released his hands, pulled out a leucorrhea from the small backpack behind him, tied it to his waist, and bounced excitedly: "Look! Leucorrhea!"

   "Oh, the belt of taekwondo."

   "Ang! Great, right?!"

"good job."

   "The teacher said that I am particularly talented and flexible, so I can kick so high directly!" Chen Erke pointed to the ceiling exaggeratedly.

   "Nice and awesome."

   "I was actually fighting today, and many children couldn't push me."


   "Look!" Seeing Chen Yu's perfunctory attitude, Chen Erke quickly kicked his whip: "Ha!"

   Chen Yu: "……"

   "How is it?" Chen Erke looked at Chen Yu unblinkingly, hoping to get performance and attention.

   "The action is decent, it would be better if it doesn't shake."

  "Soon it will stop Erke is excited, and his eyes are sly looking around.

"What are you looking for?"

   "Where is the youngest?"

   "..." Chen Yu helped his forehead.


   At this time, the movement in the living room awakened Chen Sanke who was taking a nap. She opened the bedroom door and staggered out, rubbing her eyes: "Sister is back."


   Chen Erke pinched his waist with both hands, took a few steps forward, and looked at Chen Sanke condescendingly.

   Chen Sanke: "?"

   "What are you looking at?" Chen Erke stood tall: "Want to find the difference and fight?"

   Seeing this scene, Chen Yu sat back on the sofa in the living room silently, took out a handful of melon seeds, and kowtowed.

   "I...I didn't watch it."

   "You obviously looked at me, don't you agree?"

   Chen Sanke blinked, turned around, and chose to ignore it.

   "Coward!" Chen Erke shouted.

   Chen Sanke was indifferent, walked to Chen Yu's side, pouted, and sat on the sofa.


   "Kacha..." Chen Sanke picked up the biscuit and bit off a piece.

   "I can let you three tricks."

   "呱唧呱唧......" Chen Sanke chewed the biscuits, staring at Chen Erke jumping around.



   "Chen Sansha!"


   "I stole your snacks again!"


   Chen Sanke's mouth suddenly stopped chewing...

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