Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 224: Earth! I will guard it!

After welding all the fixed steel bars, Chen Yu took the hundreds of laser transmitters handed over by the staff and installed them one by one in the grooves on the "umbrella" surface.


   Then, he inserted dozens of sensors and monitoring devices on the surface of the entire Bell asteroid, and then he controlled the engine to fly away, suspended a hundred meters away, quietly waiting for the next official operation.


   "Everything is ready." Facing the camera, Chen Yu reached out and gestured to the official: "Please start your performance."


   The words fell. After tens of seconds, the solar reflector began to expand further, dispersing and distorting the mirrors, accurately reflecting the bright sunlight in the distance onto the black paint.


   From a condescending observation, everyone can see that the sunlight is reflected very evenly, and the angle is constantly adjusted, trying to heat all the paint positions.


   At the same time, the array of 130 laser transmitters is also fully powered, increasing the paint temperature and heating the rock surface of the asteroid.




   Soon, under the co-bake of sunlight and laser, the temperature of the special viscous paint increased rapidly, melting and evaporating some surface ice crystal structures, and ejecting almost unnoticeable gas.


   "Is this really okay?"


   Chen Yu folded his arms around his chest, with a suspicious tone.


   In his eyes, such a slight impetus is as ridiculous as an elephant fart on the moon trying to push the moon.


   But as the paint surface heats up, more and more gas is ejected.


   There are small and large, and coarse and fine.


   gradually fuse together, forming an infinitely extending white tail!


   From a bird's eye view, it turned out to be quite spectacular!


   [What is the sudden shock? 】


   [Fuck a bit! 】


   [So beautiful...]


   [Wait until the oil temperature continues to rise, it will melt the metal mixture and eject more gas. 】


   [I still think it’s easier to explode a piece with thousands of nuclear weapons...]


   [Same as above, the fragments are sent away by the portal and pushed into the black hole 2333. 】


  【A meteorite with a diameter of 20 meters can cause serious damage. The meteorite in Mao Kingdom was less than 15 meters in length and exploded in the air, causing 1,200 casualties. How many 10-meter meteorites can be exploded from a six-kilometer asteroid? Let the anchor send it piece by piece? 】


  【The blasted meteorite will have some changes in orbit, but there will still be a considerable number of meteorites hitting the earth. Although it is much better than directly hitting it, it is also unacceptable to humans. 】


   [If there is no reminder from the up owner, it may be too late for countries to detect threats. They can only launch large numbers of nuclear weapons in an effort to minimize the damage. 】


  【It is the best result to solve the asteroid without harm. 】


   [The anchor did save all mankind...]


   [This wave is really dangerous! In the evening for a few months, no matter how awesome the host is, it gets cold. 】


   [Anyway, the anchor will be father anyway! (Dog head)]


  【Dad 1 (dog head)】


   Pushing the engine to fly higher and higher, Chen Yu and the nine million viewers in the live studio finally got a clear view of the asteroid.


   is elliptical in shape, "slowly" rotating, and the surface is covered with dense grooves, which is almost ugly from human aesthetics.


   You can add the white whistle tail that is spiraling under the rotation of the planet, and its appearance instantly reverses, like a cosmic battleship that is sailing.


"'s interesting." Chen Yu couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "From the scene, this wave should be stable. Unexpectedly, the combination effect of paint and sunlight is quite strong. But I want to change it in a few minutes or a few hours. The asteroid orbit is still impossible."


   "This is destined to be a continuous and long work, I just hope everything goes well."


   hovered around the asteroid and found nothing worthy of attention. Chen Yu went through the portal and returned to the Purple Mountain of Earth.




   landed on the ground of the observatory square, Chen Yu turned off the engine, and the surrounding staff in disinfection suits immediately carried water guns and towels to clean and disinfect the armor.


   "When will the news of Bell's orbital deviation be available?" After the cleaning was completed, Chen Yu approached the person in charge and asked: "Give me time, I will come and have a look at that time."


"Now the result of the calculation is there." The person in charge took out a tablet and showed the data on the screen to Chen Yu to watch: "There are many asteroid monitors. Observed through more than ten minutes of flight angle, the accuracy of the result is already Very high. Look at..."


   "The speed of the asteroid has increased by 7/200,000 per second. After importing the model calculation, it is estimated that the distance to the Earth will be more than 30,000 kilometers in three months."


   "Thirty thousand kilometers?" Chen Yu was taken aback: "What's the difference between it and installing it? How many kilometers is the escape layer of the atmosphere?"


   "That's not the case." The person in charge quickly explained: "The reflection of sunlight will continue, the jetted gas will increase, and the speed will continue to increase. By then, it will be at least 90,000 kilometers away."


   "Ninety thousand kilometers... will be torn apart by the earth's gravity? What if any debris falls?"


   "There is no alternative. We still have a series of follow-up plans. We can only say to minimize the loss."


   "If..." Chen Yu thoughtfully: "Will the rock mass be heated again? The kind of large area?"


   "Incendiary bomb? The temperature is too high."


   "The temperature of an ordinary flame..."






   Fifteen minutes later, Chen Yu re-entered space and stood on the surface of the asteroid.


   was holding hundreds of candles in his arms.


   "Dog Ri, it took three refreshes to get this **** out, I always feel a little bit at a loss..."


After muttering a few words, Chen Yu turned to face the camera and said loudly: "Speaking of which, after the official evaluation of the sixth period, there are no additional small product evaluations. I will add them now. Do you see the candle in my arms? ?"


   "Its name is the birthday candle that cannot be blown out. It is a product of a neurotic company."


He took out a candle and showed it in front of the camera. Chen Yuzui quickly said: "What kind of **** powder, fiber, and bio-oil are the candles made of. A lot of messy things have been added. It cannot be affected by wind, water, dry powder, dry ice, Carbon dioxide, liquid nitrogen, etc. are extinguished in any way."


"Even in a vacuum, it can continue to burn for twenty-six days and It can also shoot high-temperature sparks during the combustion process and ignite everything that can be ignited around it. The maximum shooting distance is 12 meters. . It is a must-have product to celebrate the birthdays of friends, classmates, colleagues, roommates and leaders!"


  【It's really lucky to be your friend. (smile)】


  【I wipe it! Better than golden fingers! 】


   [Celebrate birthday x; celebrate death √! 】


  【I'm afraid the birthday is not lively. 】


  【I wish my grandfather live longer than Nanshan. 】


  【The fire brigade sent a red envelope. 】


   [Fire can not be extinguished...]


   [The king told me to patrol the mountain? Burn a monk for dinner?]


  【Wang·Up Master·Uncomfortable all over without any drama·Sky. 】


   "The brief introduction is over, then...for the sake of civilization, for humanity, and for trillions of living beings, I! Fearless!"


After speaking the lines he prepared early, Chen Yu felt comfortable, turned his angle, his head down, holding hundreds of entangled candles, and started the engine, like a fierce moth that fears death, "brute" Rushed into the pervasive heat!


   "The earth! I will guard it!"


"Ah ha ha……"


   The roaring flames rose instantly...




   (continue to add more in the evening!)

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