Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 215: Just did what a hero should do

"It's finally over..."

Lying on the mattress with his **** lying on the mattress, Chen Yu put his arms on his back, his eyes blurred towards the ceiling, still immersed in the lonely heroic heroic emotions.

"It saved all mankind, Sao, it's too shame..."

"Mr. Chen, it seems that the progress is going very smoothly." As the so-called Aiwu Jiwu, seeing Chen Yu happy, Xiao Taohong couldn't help but leaned forward with excitement and gently pinched Chen Yu's shoulder.

"Hey, comfortable... tighter, tighter..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it's at that point, try hard..."


"Oh, comfortable." Chen Yu sighed lightly and closed his eyes. "Where did you study?"

"On the Internet, remember all the small Taohong points!"

"Awesome, a little bit on the left, hard work."


"Professionals are different." Chen Yu couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. "Compared with you, my two sisters are there."

"You like it." Xiao Taohong opened her mouth wide, almost showing the spring in her throat with a smile, "I will pinch you every day."

"Yes, yes. I never thought that a massage would be so comfortable before."

"It is said on the Internet that all the boys inadvertently discovered the beauty of massage, and then fell into various massage parlors."

"It makes sense."

"It is also said on the Internet that if you are in a good mood, you will feel very comfortable during the massage."

Chen Yu nodded repeatedly, "It still makes sense, I feel good today."

"The asteroid problem is solved?"

"Through my own efforts, there should be no problem." Chen Yu changed a comfortable posture. "Press here, yes. I can finally relax my nerves. This period of time is for the lives of 100 million humans and for the continuation of the full text. Sorry for me."

"You are so awesome!" Xiao Taohong raised two thumbs exaggeratedly.

"It's OK, generally awesome." Chen Yuqian "just saved the world and did what a hero should do. Continue..."

"Oh!" Xiao Taohong quickly continued to massage.

"I'm talking about continuing to boast."

"Oh! Great hero! Your existence is really lucky for human civilization."

"It was history who chose me. It is incumbent." Personally resolved the crisis three months later and prevented the asteroid from colliding. Chen Yu couldn't control the excitement and pride in his heart, and it expanded to the extreme.

A soldier saved the village for ten years.

He feels that he can blow for a lifetime...

"I heard that people will erect monuments to great men. Someone will erect monuments for you in the future?"

"That's for sure, not only to erect a monument, but also to make a movie, make music, make up, and make a game. In short, the specifications will not be worse than that of Vasily Arkhipov of Mao."

"Who is Vasily?" Xiao Taohong tilted her head.

"A former Maoist officer saved two nuclear wars and was called the greatest human being." Chen Yu showed off what he learned from the media at station b. "Many cities around the world have his monuments to commemorate him. He saved civilization. I should be as great as him."

"You are amazing..."

While enjoying a mental and physical dual massage, Chen Yu squinted his eyes and swiped the watch screen to check the points income of this live broadcast.

A total of 10,000 viewers flooded into all the live broadcast rooms, earning points. Add the remaining points for refreshing the store shelf and buying birthday candles, and the total points.

Another wave of consumption is no problem.

But it is only a week before the next live broadcast. Chen Yu wants to accumulate, and after waiting for the seventh live broadcast, his accumulated points will break through four digits, and he will have a taste of the thrill of spending a lot of money.

With the watch optically invisible, he closed his eyes again, carefully enjoying the even pressure on his shoulders, and gradually became sleepy.


Just as he was about to fall asleep, a hoarse cry came from outside the bedroom door.

"The second child?!"

Sitting up suddenly, Chen Yu thought that Chen Erke had fallen, hurriedly pushed open the door and ran out, staring in the direction where the cry came from, was taken aback, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

I saw Chen Erke standing in the corner of the living room honestly, holding the broken plastic basin in his left hand and wiping tears in his right hand, crying loudly under Chen's reprimand.

Next to him, Chen Yike looked through the piano notation carefully, completely undisturbed.

Chen Sanke clapped happily.

"Um...what's the matter?" Stretching out, Chen Yu frowned and walked forward, and looked up and down Chen Erke a few times. "What's wrong?"

"I...I...broken the footbath..." Chen Erke choked aggrievedly.

"Tell her that the footbath is plastic and not strong. She has to be a kick board!" Mother Chen pinched her waist and looked at Chen Yu angrily. "The thin basin is not broken and leaks even after a few kicks, right? Should I fight?"

"It's time to fight." Chen Yu nodded in agreement. "This is already destroying furniture. Husky knows that if you break something, you will be beaten."

"I...I..." Chen Erke pouted, "I just practice Taekwondo."

"Do you have reason to practice Taekwondo?" Mother Chen raised her caliper in her hand and frightened, "If you practice taekwondo, do you kick the pot?"

"I kicked the third child, and the third child... I won't let it!"

Mother Chen "???"

"She kicked me and won't let me fight back." Chen Sanke learned the posture of Chen's mother with arms akimbo, "How can this be true."

"Okay." Chen Yu blocked Chen Erke's body. "Isn't it just a basin, I'll buy it again."

"It's not a pot problem, you know? By the way, I wanted to talk to you last week." Mother Chen turned to Chen Yu. "Little girl, what kind of taekwondo do you want her to learn? Can you still marry?"

"Marry out?" Chen Yu suddenly sneered, "My sister, how can I marry? Want to fart?"

"???" x

"No, I mean my sister, how could she not get married."


In the living room, it quieted down instantly.

"It...actually..." Chen Erke cautiously raised the plastic basin in his hand. "A basin is only three yuan, and the wooden boards sold in the gymnasium cost nineteen yuan for a set? Mom, I'm saving you money..."

Hearing that, Chen's maternal face flushed, and he looked at Chen Yu suddenly, "How do you educate your sister?"

"Fuck? It has something to do with me?"

"Doesn't the eldest brother be like a father? You are responsible if your sister is not well educated!"

Chen Yu opened his mouth, turned to look at Chen Yike, and patted her forehead, "Hey! The eldest sister is like a mother? You are responsible if your sister is not well educated!"

Chen Yike "..."

"How can I transfer my responsibility to others?" Mother Chen picked up the small ruler and placed it in Chen Yu's hand. "Take it, you are the brother, you fight."

After taking the ruler, Chen Yu didn't want his sister to irritate him, and decisively handed it over to "Boss, you are a sister, you fight."

Chen Yike took the ruler, "Mom, you hit it."

"I'll fight!" Chen Sanke raised his hand anxiously, "Let...let me come!"

"Can't fight!" Chen Erke cried again when he saw the ruler. "Having hit me so many times, I...I am obedient? Doesn't it prove that beating is useless? You should try to preach."

Mother Chen "..."

Chen Yu "It's useless to fight, it should be useless to fight."

Chen Yike "It's useless to fight, but it's venting."

Chen Sanke "I've never been beaten by my parents, I really envy my second sister..."



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