Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 217: The seventh live broadcast! (on)


Sunday, 8:40 in the morning.

The prosperous metropolis York, Confederate States, the Observer Conference Hall on the 15th floor of Building B.


The heavy solid wood door was pushed open, and everyone in the conference hall turned their heads at the same time and looked at the door.

I saw the middle-aged team leader leading a group of people with their heads high and their chests high, walking swiftly across the long red carpet, heading straight to the seat on the east side of the round table, and sitting down.

"You are late." The representative of Jian Guo's special events team said solemnly: "The aforementioned meetings have ended."

"There are some things that need to be handled by the team and I personally, so I am an hour and a half late, please forgive me." The middle-aged team leader got up and nodded slightly to everyone present: "According to the rules and regulations, this is allowed. If it is convenient, can you tell us the content of the aforementioned meeting?"

"The aforementioned meeting discussed the specific parameters of the black hole." Another official representative calmly said: "You will not participate, and there will be no results."

"I'm really sorry, this is not within the scope of my responsibilities and authority." The middle-aged team leader sat down and turned on the microphone in front of the round table: "The purpose of the Observer Foundation is to observe the situation of "Overtime Evaluation" and the host , And other irrelevant issues are not within the scope of our discussion and research. If you really want to discuss, Building A is launching a conference on the theme of the Confederacy of the Great Unity of Mankind. Those who are interested can participate."

"Then we will discuss related issues."

The representative of Jian Guo also turned on the microphone and said in fluent Chinese: "According to the first article of the Observer Foundation's meeting member guidelines, meeting members have the obligation and responsibility to share information. You did not comply."

"Half a month ago, we have already submitted all the information we know, analysis data, team members, organizational structure and other information to the Foundation Review Section, and it has successfully passed the preliminary review. How can we say that we have not complied with? ?"

"But...what about the identity information of the super-time-up master?" A representative was straightforward.

As soon as these words fell, there was no sound in the conference hall, and everyone looked at the middle-aged team leader.

The middle-aged team leader supported his arms on the wooden table, and his tone was as calm as an ancient well: "We are also struggling to find the identity information of the master over time. At present, in addition to knowing that the target may be in China, Liao and Shan provinces, more We have not collected any information."

"Don't you think your words are ridiculous?" The official representative of another country squinted his eyes and cut in: "The super-time anchor is a Chinese, regardless of accent, behavior, and the light latitude and longitude of the initial evaluation, he can quickly identify him A few months later, even we all know that he is in Golden State, but you have enlarged this location to two provinces, isn’t it ridiculous?"

There were more than 20 official teams on the scene, and three "attack" as soon as they entered the house. The middle-aged team leader knew that they were jointly targeted.

After all, no matter how you look at it, in the entire foundation, the Chinese side has the advantage of "surpassing" the level, and it is expected that it will be besieged.

However, as a leader of China's secret service system, he has the support of many professionals before the meeting. He is naturally calm, his thinking is smooth, his logic is clear, and his tone of voice is not trembling.

"Even you can analyze that in Golden State, how could we fail to analyze it? But don't forget that we are observing a surreal figure with future technology. Technology surpasses a few, a dozen, or even a few modern ones. For ten centuries. Do you think that such an existence can make it easy for us to discover our true identities? It is impossible based on emotion or reason.

After a pause, the middle-aged team leader's eyes became sharp, and he continued: "According to our current confrontation with the other party, it can be concluded that the super-time up master is a meticulous, knowledgeable, and intelligent person. The fifth period After the live broadcast, he could see his methods from his manipulation of more than a dozen research groups in Japan. He was moody, difficult to distinguish, open-minded, confident, calm and cautious, and seemed to be an extreme egoist. There is no lack of righteousness, and he has a sharp view of the universe, science, human nature, and society. It is extremely outstanding from the inside to the outside..."

"Are you sure, such a character will leave such obvious loopholes for us to discover?"

The continual remarks made the scene immediately plunged into discussions and whispers.

Especially the many assistants and scholars standing outside the round table nodded in agreement.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand, everyone actually has a certain point in their minds. If they can control so many technologies, or be elected as representatives by a behind-the-scenes organization with so many technologies, they decide that it will not be a simple existence, let alone a butt. The loophole's second product.

From ancient times to the present, this has been the unchanging truth.


Waiting for the discussion in the conference hall to fade away, the middle-aged team leader gave a light cough and smiled for the first time: "If we really know the identity of the super-timer, there is no need to join the Observer Foundation. We also think. With the help of everyone, monitor his every move and try not to have a negative impact on all mankind. As for his identity..."

"Seriously, unless he exposes himself on the initiative, it is almost impossible to expose him based on our ability."

The headed representative of Jianguo had complicated thoughts and tapped his fingers on the desktop unconsciously.

At this point, it is no longer suitable for continued persecution.

What's more, the entry time chosen by the middle-aged team leader is extremely delicate, and the "Super Time Evaluation" will be broadcasted immediately, and ten minutes are needed for preparation...


Secretly sighed, the representative took a deep look at the middle-aged team leader, pressed the button next to his hand, and opened the hanging screen in the conference hall: "About the issue of information sharing, we will discuss it tonight. It will be nine o'clock soon. Everyone will start working. Prepare beforehand. Coordinate the respective teams, technical departments and subordinate organizations."

"Waiting for the live broadcast to start..."


Jinzhou, Lanhe Community, the second bedroom of the Chen family.

Chen Yu was wearing a red robe this time, sitting cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and rested.

He has been doing it for more than two hours.

The mentality is very stable.

This is the first official live broadcast of his promotion to d+ level. Based on past experience, the technological content of the product will definitely rise by one level.

If he doesn't find a way to calm down, the time he waits for the product will torture him to the point of pain.

"Little Taohong, what time is it now?"

"Mr. Chen, it's 8:57, and there are three minutes left." Xiao Taohong changed back to her cheongsam and stood by the bed, impatiently: "Let's wait another three minutes!"

"Wait three more minutes..."

Chen Yu murmured and continued to close his eyes, timing silently in his mind: "1,2,4,5,6,2..."

"……what time is it now?"

" I have found a thousand and three. Why is it still fifty-seven?"

Little Pink: "..."

"what time is it now?"

"8:58. Just wait two minutes!"

"Wait two more minutes..."

Like a master, Chen Yu was so angry that he slowly opened his eyes, raised his wrist, and looked at the time: "But how do I feel, this one is all night?"


(Note: Today's five changes are completed! 6 is not 6? Continue to add more tomorrow!)


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