Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 225: Hogwarts, the assembly is complete!



The integrated boxes with a side length of 50 meters were thrown to the ground by Xiao Taohong.

The people on the plains are busy receiving assignments.

Participants in the barrage group at the top of the sequence have already opened the integrated box, and in the envy and curious gaze of everyone, they have begun to assemble the golden light.


Chen Yu got to the bottom of the express box and, driven by the engine, launched hundreds of integrated boxes at once.

"Swish swish..."

The box fell from an altitude of 3,000 meters and was blown away by the wind, like a landslide, obscuring the sky.

Further afield, trucks roared, and thousands of soldiers jumped from the trucks, forming a blockade with the previous pilots, machine gunners, and observers, and firmly surrounded all participants.

They are not only to prevent people from leaving, but also bear the responsibility of preventing outsiders from entering.

The 3,000-meter-high express box can be seen in most of the Echigo Plain.

Especially in Nagaoka, a city not far away, the two million residents can see clearly, and the three views are completely destroyed.

At this speed, Chen Yu estimates that he will be promoted to the b-level at most, and there are not many people who don’t know him...

Twenty-one thousand integrated boxes sounded not much, but in fact, it is a very large number.

Wearing armor, Chen Yu flew onto the flight, carrying three to four hundred boxes at a time, and after busying for two hours, he threw down 140,000.

The snow-covered plain was almost occupied.

Trucks drove up and down, loading and unloading cartons unpacked by everyone, trying to empty the site.

"Wang, I want to go down to play too."

Taking advantage of Chen Yu's restlessness, Xiao Taohong ran over and said eagerly.

"Just put it on the top, and just throw it down when you're done."

"There are so many people down there, it's lively."

"Then you can't attack those women."

"Definitely not!" Xiao Taohong looked serious: "How could I do that kind of thing."

Just in time, Chen Yu also wanted to go down to see the progress of everyone's assembling, so he picked up Xiao Taohong, took a leap of faith, and jumped into the sky.


The loud noise that fell on the ground attracted the attention of many people, and they gathered around to say hello.

"You hurry up, try to finish your work by 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and take advantage of the daybreak." As a black-hearted boss, he commanded everyone to take their place. Chen Yu let go of the little pink, then picked up the instruction manual on the ground, opened the map page, and displayed it In front of the camera.

"As you can see from the map, Hogwarts Floating Castle is not only the few castles, and many surrounding terrains are also included. For example, the surrounding stations and railways, the huge Black Lake, the forbidden forest, and vegetables The ground, the fence, the roads and fields outside the fence, the Quidditch stadium, and even the village of Hogsmeade..."

"It's not so much a floating castle, it is better to call it a floating island. After the assembly is completed, it will fly into the sky and can accommodate at least 10,000 people."

[I kneel. 】

[Kneeled +1. 】

[Kneeling boy. 】

[Thousands of people are too loose, and one squeeze can accommodate 100,000 people. 】

[Why is it a magic castle? If it is a modern floating city, it can definitely become the center of human civilization! 】

[It's just a toy after all...]

[Stopping on the clouds, what is the difference from the fairy world? 】

[I don’t know how much the above house price is. 】

[There is a maglev train in the capital city and the capital, Japan has a mecha, and this time there is a castle in the atmosphere. Is this the world I know? 】

[In the future, the sun may also be wrapped around the Dyson sphere, and various types of spacecraft are docked in low earth orbit...]

Flying over 500 meters in the air, Chen Yu stared at the map, carefully checking the assembly progress of everyone.

"Most of the assembly of the barrage group is foundations, which is temporarily ignored. The reward group is for the forbidden forest, and it is about 60% completed. The college group... wait for the meeting."

Putting down the instructions, Chen Yu took out the microphone and yelled, "Those people from Dell Technologies! The thing you are playing with is a small hydraulic machine, right?!"

"What...what's wrong?" The three researchers of Dell Technology looked up and said in a dull way.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you guys? Is it special to use a hydraulic press to press blocks? Is it sick?!"

"I... we just want to test its hardness data."

"Should I put you in a hydraulic press to test the hardness?"

"No need!" A researcher waved his hand repeatedly: "We won't do it anymore."

"Are you three from Dell Technologies?"

"Um... I... we are a cooperative relationship."

"Of you official scientific research institutions, the research can be done, don't destroy it, don't delay the work of others."


Putting down the microphone, Chen Yu was about to continue explaining to the more than 10 million viewers in front of the screen, and found another anomaly, his face was dark: "Who is that! The man in the orange coat of South Africa University, you!"


The black man pointed to himself in doubt: "Is it me?"

"It's you. What's in the backpack next to you?"

"Is this?" The black man timidly lifted a backpack a few sizes larger than himself: "What you said?"

"Yes. What's inside?"

"Instant noodles."

"Go to your uncle's instant noodles, fuck!" Chen Yu laughed angrily: "Pour out the building block inside! You are stealing, understand?"

"It's not stealing!" The black man quickly opened the zipper of his backpack and showed the mark of the building block: "The number is x156, which is a spare building block, which is extra."

"You can't take the extra! If you want to do research, after finishing the spell, there are leftover blocks. If you take it now, it is a steal!"

Chen Yu had a tough attitude. He picked up the black man directly, flew up high, scanned the crowd, and shouted into the microphone: "I have said the rules before. I caught the violations, and they would lose their qualifications or their lives. ."

"No! Oh buy it!"

The black man began to struggle in horror.

"You are the first person to be picked out by me..., you are now disqualified from participating."


Ignoring the request of the blacks at all, under the gaze of the audience, Chen Yu led him to the soldier and threw it to the ground, commanding: "Control him until the end of the evaluation."


Two soldiers with live ammunition nodded quickly and detained the black man.

After waiting for Chen Yu to fly away, the two soldiers seemed to have reacted and looked at each other.

"He is not a sir, why should he listen to him?"

"do not know……"

Suspended in the air.

Chen Yu glanced at the many cool-headed scientific research or secret agents, then opened the instructions and continued the unfinished explanation: "The assembly of the reward group is the forbidden forest, and it is almost complete. The part of the college group is the castle, The Black Lake, the station and the railway. The progress is very fast, and it should be completed in less than an hour. Then only the fence, the Quidditch Stadium, the Hogsmeade Village, the road and the countryside are left."

"Two hundred and ten thousand integrated boxes are indeed a huge number, but we have close to three thousand people stitching together, and the efficiency is still very objective."

"It is worth mentioning that……"

He turned over the map, pointed to a line of small characters on the page, and read: "This product is recommended for 2-4 people..."

"...Well, who will let people live longer in the future."


Closing the instructions, Chen Yu turned to face the camera and stretched out two fingers: "At most two hours, the vast Hogwarts can be stitched together! Then take off."

"It was definitely a spectacular scene."

"let us wait and see."


As Chen Yu predicted, after 2495 people assembled together, after one hour and forty-five minutes, 216,000 integrated boxes, 2.7 million marker boxes, and 110 million building blocks have all been assembled. complete!

The combined building blocks are divided into three parts.

The foundation of the barrage group.

Forbidden forest and road pastoral in the reward group.

The black lake, castle, railway station, stadium, fence and village clusters of the college group.

As long as these last three parts are assembled, Hogwarts-Super Floating Castle will be completely completed!

"Listen to me, don't move the foundation, lift the forbidden forest first! One person grabs a corner, it doesn't matter..."

"Go forward slowly, pay attention to those who are backwards, don't step on something and fall..."

"Come up, take a leg..."

"Remove all under the forest!"

"Count down to three, three, two, one! Let go!"

Thousands of people let go at the same time, and the huge forbidden forest fell to the ground.


The blue light lit up, and the foundation was perfectly connected to the forbidden forest.

"The last piece left!"

Chen Yu held up the microphone and directed loudly: "Everyone is on, or one person will lift a corner, hey! Those soldiers come and help..."

"Put it up! The people underneath are withdrawn!"

"Count down to three!"



"One! Let go!"


The buildings fell and merged with the foundation and the forbidden forest.


Xiaguang, Wanzhang...


(In this chapter, the silver leader "hjz666" is added)

(Just finished writing, late...)

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