Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 230: Clubhouse

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yu asked.

The old dean kept bowing and said in Chinese: "Thank you very much!"

"Huh?" Chen Yu was at a loss.

"Thank you for your trust in us." The old dean straightened his waist, took a solemn step, and walked to Chen Yu: "Our attitude remains the same! It is our honor for you to come here to evaluate high-tech products!"

" are so polite, I am embarrassed." Chen Yu was slightly embarrassed.

"For science and technology, for the future, we have always been full of the spirit of exploration and reverence. As long as you are willing, the Japanese venue will always be open for you!"

"Thank you." Chen Yu was moved by hearing and shook hands with each other quickly.

And this handshake, the old dean did not let go: "In the castle, we heard the news, you are going to start the allocation meeting of the floating castle in a week?"

"Yes. You are really well informed. I remember that among the two thousand people, there is no official Japanese person, right?"

"Ha." The old dean's smile remained unchanged: "It is an ally, the ally told us. Dear Mr. Wang, we will officially be there on time for the meeting in a week, and unconditionally support all your proposals."

"Okay." Chen Yu pulled out his hands and patted the old dean's shoulder: "Thank you for your support. The benefits will not forget you."

After all, Chen Yu connected the space and folded in half and stepped into the portal with one foot: "Then I will go up first."

"Mr. Wang, the landing position of the floating castle is up to your convenience, we will not ask for it." The old dean bowed again.

"Huh? Oh. Thank you."

Chen Yu didn't understand, but he was too lazy to ask, waved his hand and entered the portal.

After a few seconds, the metal arch disappeared.

The old dean slowly straightened up, took out a high-powered telescope, looked at the island in the sky, and muttered to himself: "It's a great fortune for the country..."

"Huh? Are you still going forward? You can already land here..."

five minutes later.

"How did you fly far? Do you want to land on the mountain? Mr. Wang is really careful and unwilling to block the light from the cultivated land in the plain..."

ten minutes later.

"It seems to be landing on our territorial sea?" The old dean began to sweat on his forehead: "Although transportation is a bit inconvenient, it might not be a good choice..."

Thirty minutes later.



According to the order, more than 2,400 people were sent back to their respective addresses. Chen Yu cut off the portal, and then lay on the ground, took off his helmet, and closed his eyes for a while.

"Student Hermione?"

"I'm here."

The particle swarm flashed by, and Hermione appeared nearby: "Your Excellency, do you have any orders?"

"Are there any drinks? Give me a drink."

"I'm sorry." Hermione shook her head. "There is no food or drink in the floating castle."

"Those fruits in the Forbidden Forest are fake?"

"Yes. Even liquids are simulated by liquid nanoworms."

Sitting up, Chen Yu turned his head and asked, "Then if you put real soil on the island, can you grow products?"

"This is okay. But the heavier the floating island, the lower the distance that can be raised."

"It's okay to be low, just a few kilometers. By the way, how about Xiao Taohong?"

"Playing at Quidditch Stadium."

"You have to play crazy, call her back to me."


Hermione nodded, flicked the staff in her hand, and disappeared.

Putting on the helmet again, Chen Yu stood up and connected the space of the portal to the island building engineering ship.

With a floating castle with more space, better lighting, and more comfortable living, he decided to move all the things in the engineering ship.

The future base will be set in the floating castle.

With the help of Hermione, Xiao Taohong, and nine wizards, Chen Yu took all his current large objects to the tower where the principal's office was located.

For example, the spiral ascending aircraft, the battle squid girl, the repair warehouse of protective clothing, the small pink charging warehouse and so on.

The moving staircase at the bottom of this tower is sealed off to completely isolate the outside world.

Even if the castle is provided to others for use in the future, no one can enter.


Patting the dust on his palms, Chen Yu walked into the protective clothing repair room, took off his armor, put on a set of home clothes, and asked Hermione: "What happens if this castle is hit by a missile?"

"It will be damaged."

"So not strong?"

"As a building block toy, it cannot be used for military purposes."

"..." After a moment of silence, Chen Yu realized something, took out his phone, and played a video of a nuclear weapon explosion once stored: "I'm talking about this kind of missile, not a high-tech missile of the 30th century."

Hermione looked at it carefully for a while: "Elementary nuclear weapons explode at close range. The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees will damage the building blocks. If it is exploded from a long distance, the castle as a whole will not be damaged. But it will be moved by the shock wave."

"Then if a missile strikes, can the castle give an early warning?"


"Well then."

Chen Yu has some regrets.

I thought that the product of the 30th century was just a toy, and it can be invincible even in modern times. But now it seems he thinks too much.

Human beings are still a little frantic about the addition of weapons...

"This castle is amazing, it's perfect."

After a few more turns in the tower, Chen Yu was extremely satisfied with this place.

The space is large, the enclosure is good, and the decoration is also very eye-catching.

The walls, oil paintings, tables and chairs, bookshelves...everywhere revealed a strong cultural atmosphere, so he could hardly find any shortcomings.

Except there is no internet...

"Nothing else, we will leave first, and I may come back to sleep at night."

Coming to the hall above the moving stairs, Chen Yu reduced the portal to a normal wooden door and connected it to his bedroom. He turned around and said to Hermione: "Look at the castle. No aircraft is allowed to approach. There are paratroopers from top to bottom. Just jump and grab them."


"This is for you." Chen Yu handed out a high-frequency lightsaber: "You can fight back when you encounter an attack. No one can come in before I hold an assignment meeting."


Hermione took the lightsaber and nodded calmly: "Your Principal, please rest assured that under normal circumstances, people are not allowed to approach the toy without the permission of the master."

"Don't call it a toy from now on, but a castle." Chen Yu corrected.



Pushing open the wooden door to reveal the bedroom inside, Chen Yu waved her hand at Hermione and the nine wizards, and took the reluctant little Tao Hong back home.

"Mr. Chen, did you go to the Quidditch stadium? It's so fun!"

"After playing for a day, you should have enough, write code."

Dismissed Xiao Taohong, Chen Yu sat on the bed and couldn’t wait to slide his watch to check the earnings of this When he clicked on [Basic Information], he couldn’t help but see the string of Arabic numerals on the screen. Laughed out loud.

【Points: 1679. 】

"One thousand and six... It's completely possible to be a tender model in the club..."

Take a deep breath and calm the excitement in your chest. Chen Yu closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "Calm your brain... Don't think about it... High-tech! High-tech! Only high-tech!"

After self-hypnosis for three minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes, taking advantage of his brain full of "wise" thoughts, hurriedly swiped his watch, and clicked on the page of "Super Time Commercial Frame"!

After a pause for a second, five products were immediately arranged on the screen...

"... cheating!"


(Continue to pay off the debt at night!)

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