Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 233: Bloodbath zoo

Beijing, Chengxi Zoo, Monkey Mountain.

A metal arch suddenly appeared out of thin air, frightening dozens of tourists outside the glass shield.

Then, Chen Yu, who was wearing a mask and a robe of a wizard, walked out holding a pillow, aimed at a monkey looking at him in a daze, picked up the pillow and hit it on the head.


The monkey fell to the ground and fainted on the spot.



The monkeys exploded and fled in all directions, screaming.

A few big monkeys picked up fruits and stones and threw them at Chen Yu.

But before the objects fell on Chen Yu, they were blocked by Xiao Taohong who came out.

"Check its condition."


Little Taohong nodded, two red lights shot out from the mask suddenly, scanning the whole body of the fainted monkey.

"what is that?"

"Is the show acting?"

"I'm super! The up-master of the time and space! It's the up-front of the time and space!"

"Hurry up! Take a picture of me! I want to take a photo with the master of UP!"

"Anchor! Look at me! Look here..."

Outside the glass shield of Monkey Mountain, tourists also began to be confused.

Chen Yu ignored it and stood there, waiting for Xiao Taohong's scan results.

"no problem."

One minute later, the red light in Xiao Taohong's eyes disappeared, and she turned her head to look at Chen Yu and reported: "A special substance is balancing the flora in the monkey's body and slowly improving the monkey's physical fitness."

"The special substance is the microorganism mentioned in the description, right. Doesn't it cause harm?"

"It's just adjusting the flora in the body, maybe not. But I can't scan for deeper chemical changes."

"Is that so..."

Chen Yu pondered for a moment, walked to the glass cover, and tapped with his finger.

"Boom boom boom."


Many people outside the shield were frightened and backed away.

"That who." Chen Yu pointed to a young woman wearing glasses and said: "Help me, call me the zookeeper or keeper or something."

The young woman clenched her backpack tightly, obviously frightened.

"Master up! I'll call for you!" Another young man ran over and jumped excitedly: "Can I take a photo with you?"

"no problem."

Chen Yu nodded, stopped back, and compared scissor hands.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

After taking more than ten group photos in a row, the young man was satisfied, and started looking for the zoo manager.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Yu raised his pillow and knocked out four monkeys again.

According to the description of the Fight Pillow, this product can enhance the physiological functions of the human body, but it is produced at the end of the 24th century. Chen Yu is not sure whether the human body in the 21st century can withstand such a "big supplement". Prepare to find some animals for experiment.

Confirm that it is harmless to humans, and then use this product for live evaluation.

"The family needs to be neat..."

Little Taohong murmured, and arranged the five monkeys according to their sizes on the ground.

Not long after, a few middle-aged people who looked like leaders walked into the back mountain with a lot of staff and police officers, and kept a distance of five meters from Chen Yu.

"Are you...Are you the host of a super-time program?" the leader tentatively asked.

"It's me." Chen Yu nodded, straight to the point: "I need these monkeys, can I take them away?"

"No... it doesn't matter." The leader nodded decisively: "Just go through some formalities, and I have brought all the documents. You can sign it, okay?"


Stepping forward, under the respectful service of everyone, Chen Yu took the document, wrote his name, and reached out to pat the middle-aged man on the shoulder: "Thank you."

"No... it doesn't matter, this is what we should do." The leader was flattered: "May I ask, what use do you need these monkeys?"

Chen Yu closed his mouth, was silent for a moment, and sorted out his words in his mind.

But with this silence, the leader thought that Chen Yu was offended, and he quickly bowed and apologized: "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to inquire about your news. I just wanted to ask you if these five capuchin monkeys are enough, and if we still pay. Have."

"Huh?" Chen Yuton was surprised: "Really?"

"..." The leader began to see sweat on his forehead and nodded against his scalp: "Really...really."

"That's great!" Chen Yu immediately clenched the leader's hands: "Speaking of which, a place as big as a floating castle is really lonely. It just so happens that I want to experiment, so just give me more animals."

" problem, but...but..."

"Are you going to regret it?" Chen Yu's voice raised.

"No!" The leader shook his head sharply: "I just need to ask my superiors for instructions!"

"Then hurry up, I'll pick it first."

"Ok...Okay..." The leader swallowed, tremblingly took out his mobile phone, and contacted the superior.

"It's better to be a servant of the people!"

Chen Yu sighed, without saying anything, pointing to a breeder: "Go and show me other animals, I will pick them first."

"Please... please come with me."

The breeder didn't know about time and space evaluation, nor did he know Chen Yu, but looking at the huge portal and the fearful performance of the leaders, he naturally knew that Chen Yu was a super big person and he did not dare to neglect.

Under the leadership of the staff, Chen Yu and Xiao Taohong went east all the way, and soon walked to the Gorilla House.

"This is good. You can put it in the forbidden forest and raise it with the monkeys." Chen Yu stopped and passed the pillow to Xiao Taohong: "Go, knock out three, one male and two females, and take it away."

"it is good!"

Little Taohong nodded, took the pillow, eagerly rushed into the group of orangutans from the keeper's door, waved the pillow and stunned three of them.

"Give these three orangutans ‘special omega-3 concentrated fat’, they should be as smart as humans."

The long-term contact with high-tech has made Chen Yu unknowingly, the peculiar impulse of scientific research workers has been born...

Collected five capuchin monkeys and three gorillas, Chen Yu continued forward and "captured" four giraffes, four sika deer, five white cranes, two dragon turtles, three camels, and five baby raccoons. , Dozens of bird watching, and two flat-headed brothers.

After choosing these, the higher-level department of zoo management and many official leaders also hurriedly rushed to Chen Yu's all-stars.

In the outermost circle, there are many police officers with live ammunition.

"These little animals are good, but I don't know how to keep them. The wizards in the castle don't know how, so I want to ask, can I borrow some keepers from your zoo?"

Hearing this, many leaders instantly lit up: "No problem! This is a good thing, and we unconditionally support it!"

"Thank you, I will pay the salary."

"No need! You don't have to be responsible for salary, feeding, food, living environment, just leave it to us."

"Then I'm welcome." Chen Yu waved his hand: "Go to the Eastern District again."

"East...there is nothing beautiful in the east The leader who accompanied him was surprised and quickly pointed to the north: "The north area is beautiful, and the animals are also very cute. There are elephants, hippos, rhinos, and aquariums. "

"Really?" Chen Yu looked north: "But elephants and hippos don't want to raise them. They are too big. I heard that farting is very smelly."

"But there are also many small animals. For example, Eagle Mountain is in the North District." The leader Xu Xushan lured: "Don't you want to keep a few eagles? There are also owls! It matches your castle well."

"The eagle is okay...then go to the North District to take a look."

"Good, good! You go first!"


Just when everyone was about to change direction, Xiao Taohong had good eyes, saw the billboard in the distance, and said excitedly: "There is a giant panda house in the east side!"

Leaders: "..."

"Giant panda?!" Chen Yu was surprised.

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