Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 246: Turning your hands into clouds, covering your hands as rain

Leading everyone to the second floor of the castle, into the large conference hall, Chen Yu should sit in the main seat first, raising his hand to signal: "Please sit down, everyone."

On each seat, there is a small national flag inserted by Chen Yu in advance, and representatives of various countries only need to find the corresponding seat.

The closest to Chen Yu are Jian Guo and Hua Xia.

Everyone at the scene wondered whether the information revealed in the rankings expressed a certain tendency and attitude of Chen Yu.

In fact, Chen Yu didn't think much about it at all, just sorted by the level of national power in his eyes.

Waiting for the delegates to be seated, the assistants also stood in their positions, Chen Yu straightened his mask, straight to the point: "My time is pressing, so I won't say any opening remarks and polite remarks. Everyone take a look at these documents."

With that, Chen Yu distributed the stack of documents on the table to everyone.

The representatives quickly took it, and after only one glance, the expression was wonderful in an instant.

"As stated in the document, I am planning to build a large island under the floating city, covering an area of ​​820 square kilometers, which is larger than the fifth ring of the capital. Among them, greening occupies at least 60% of the land. Twenty, five percent of the land used for ports and airports, and the remaining 15 percent is reserved for official use as office areas, commercial areas, tourism and residential areas."

After a little pause, giving everyone half a minute to think, Chen Yu continued: "The island is a permanent neutral place. It does not participate in and does not ask any international affairs. No international affairs can interfere with the island. Within twenty nautical miles, it belongs to the college. Territorial waters. It is not allowed to cross over without permission."


The representatives on the scene looked at each other, and the assistants were also whispering.

Chen Yu saw the same tone in his eyes: "The construction of the island is done independently by the college. The facilities, infrastructure, management, and operation of the island are funded by the various officials. The college's professors' salaries, experimental expenses, student living and other expenses , Which is also borne by all parties, and in accordance with the proportion of capital contribution, enjoys the corresponding benefits. The benefits include basic commercial benefits, intangible benefits, scientific and technological achievements output of the college, and industrial output benefits."

Waiting for Chen Yu to finish speaking, the Japanese representatives acted decisively and raised their hands: "We are willing to bear all construction and operating funds!"

The representative of Jianguo stared at the other party with cold eyes. After a moment of silence, he uttered six Chinese: "Jianfang should fund it."

"Our Mauritian side is also willing to bear all expenses."

"Should be divided according to the proportion of countries, hegemonic monopoly is not desirable."

"The French side is willing to double the fully-funded commitment."



"Quiet, everyone, be quiet." Chen Yu, who scans the audience and knows the way of balance, has naturally anticipated the "enthusiasm" of the nations. He cleared his throat, attracted everyone's attention, and said loudly: "For Responding to the call of a community with a shared future for mankind, it is not advisable to monopolize it alone for the sake of the technological development of all human civilization."

"So after careful deliberation, I decided to use the'secret shooting' method of campaigning, that is, everyone writes down on paper their willingness to contribute to the construction of the island, and distributes the income according to this contribution. The whole process cannot be communicated and negotiated with other countries' officials. , But you can contact your superiors and only have five minutes to make a decision to ensure fairness to the greatest extent."

(This is to ensure your fairness, right?!)

The representatives scolded secretly in their hearts.

Due to the competitiveness of all parties, in order to ensure the maximum benefit, they will definitely "raise" desperately, but this invisibly increases too much cost. The final result is likely to be only 10 billion for construction, but the official government has abruptly incurred a total of 100 billion...

And only five minutes, it is difficult to conduct thorough exchanges and transactions with various officials. It is difficult to reach an agreement under mutual precautions.

"this person……"

Representative Hua Xia squeezed his thumb irritably, feeling extremely difficult.

The calculations are simple and the wrists are very immature, but due to the resources and strength at hand, this kind of crude scheming can be clearly seen through and cannot be resisted.

There is an illusion in his heart. I always feel that the super-time UP master in front of me is playing with them as children...

"Then there are only five minutes. Please contact your superiors for authorization as soon as possible."

After that, Chen Yu got up and summoned Hermione to control the field. He walked out of the conference hall leisurely and entered a classroom next door, sitting on the podium, watching the clouds and waves outside the window...

Five minutes later, he walked into the conference hall with a pinch, sat back in the main seat, and scanned the audience: "Five minutes have come, so enough time must have been studied, and now we will start quoting."


Following Chen Yu's fingering, a piece of white paper composed of liquid nanoworms appeared in front of each representative.

Everyone's expressions were tangled, and they hesitated for a long time before they took a pen to write down the largest number they authorized...

After filling in, the white paper automatically flew to Chen Yu's desk.

Picking up forty-five quotes, Chen Yu quickly flipped through it, and the corners of his mouth under the mask were cracked to the root of his ears.

"Without surgery, I never know how fat the sheep is..."


Education and scientific research are now available, as well as funds and operations.

Everything is ready, just the island of 800 square kilometers.

But the island-building engineering ship has already arrived. Just enter the planning drawings and wait for the engineering ship to automatically build the island.

A few months ago, it took half a day to build the 40-square-kilometer "Sword Island", which was still in the shallow sea.

In the equatorial region of the Pacific, even if Chen Yu is looking for a shallower water surface, the water depth is more than one kilometer, and the progress of the project must be extremely slow.

And because the area of ​​the cofferdam is too large, the pumping-type island building can easily cause the cofferdam to collapse, and the only option is to choose a more reliable water-filling-type island building. But this will undoubtedly slow down the speed again.

According to the prediction of the artificial intelligence of the island building ship-Erhuo, it will take at least 20 days and nights for the appearance of the prototype alone, and it will be close to 25 days for complete completion. When the official delivery materials of various countries are further modified and formed, it will be mid to early 2021 at the earliest.

Sending away the representatives who could not tell whether they were happy or sad, Chen Yu ordered Hermione to open an airport at the Hogwarts Railway for material transportation and personnel access. Then, taking advantage of the early time, I returned to the castle library and started the secret work...


Closing the door tightly, Chen Yu took Hermione and the nine Auror mages into the reading room and smeared the mountain of books on the table.

These books are all popular science knowledge from 2021 to 2100, ready to be handed over to professors to learn.

And what Chen Yu wants to smear is the signature on these books!

Including the name of the formula, annotations involved, scientific research stories, etc. As long as there are people's names, they are all erased.

Reaching out, holding a book titled "Interesting Illustrations of the Integration of Mechanical and Electrical Features", Chen Yu turned to the first page and read it carefully.

According to the illustration, the integration of electromechanical characteristics is a revolutionary breakthrough for the electromechanical industry! It was born in 2022.

Creator-Bai Jicheng.

There is only one electromechanical professor who has permission to borrow this book in the College of Supertime and Space.

His name is also Bai Jicheng.

Forcibly enduring the coldness in his heart, Chen Yu trembling with his right hand picked up the pen and smeared out his name in the book...

Time and space evaluation

Time and space evaluation https://

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