Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 264: God Shu!

   "You... Mao people are poisonous, right?"

   Chen Yu's painful support: "I know I'm going to launch into the air, I don't deserve a parachute? Is it a one-time astronaut?"

   "I...we..." the old engineer said nerdly: "You can go to the sky, and we never thought about the landing of the cabin."

   Chen Yu: "……"

   [Oh! It's over. 】

   [overturned 23333! 】

  【Another live broadcast of the accident. Huh? Why should I say it again? 】

   [Who said that death is worth it? Is it worth it? 】

  【Don’t laugh at man-made disasters, but I really can’t help it hahahaha...]

   [It’s not easy to solve the problem without a parachute. 】

  【A group of actors and actresses, the effect of the show is nothing but an ordinary person? Very stable. 】

   [Look at that girl from Japan! The smile fades away hahahaha! 】

  【You demons, please increase your efforts. 】

  【Tweezers Liu Ming……】

   In the space capsule, hearing Chen Yu's conversation with the engineer, everyone's complexion instantly became ugly.

   "Master...Anchor, can you solve it?" The blonde man in the barrage group swallowed and asked nervously.

   "Please calm down, everyone, no need to worry." Chen Yu raised his hands falsely, trying to calm everyone's emotions: "In the event of an accident, the compensation will be paid in seconds."

   Everyone: "..."

   Everyone's panic disappeared...turned to panic.

   The Japanese girl named CC178 cried even more, with tears in her big eyes and rain with pear blossoms, indescribably beautiful.

   After finishing comforting, Chen Yu looked at Mao Guo’s engineer and asked in detail: “Is there a parachute, is there a propulsion system?”

   "Yes!" The old engineer nodded and pointed to a dashboard: "It can spray gas around, and it can help the cabin adjust its posture."



   "That's a hairy use!"

   On the side, the young doctor who is a professional doctor heard this, pushed his glasses, took out a syringe with tranquilizer from his arms, and gave himself a shot neatly...

   Sweeping his eyes on the rapidly rising height inside the helmet, Chen Yu was a little impatient. After turning around the various dashboards a few times, he looked at Musk: "Do you have any suggestions?"

   "No." Musk calmly calmed himself: "The air pressure difference between inside and outside is too big, and it is impossible for you to get out of the cabin. Now it depends on whether the launch pad has a supporting landing function.

"No." Chen Yu shook his head: "The product description is very clear. [Earth Spray] is only responsible for launch operations, and a series of operations after the capsule enters space cannot be interfered. And although my terminal can be connected to it remotely, But it is irreversible after it is activated. Unless you adjust the attitude of the space capsule now to deviate from the established orbit."

   "Even if it is out of the range of the water column..." Musk bit his lip: "Falling from a height of 8 to 90 thousand meters, we will never survive."

   "It's you." Chen Yu corrected: "I'm fine."

   "I'm okay," Xiao Taohong added.

   Everyone: "..."


  【Distressed old irons for a second. 】

  【Quack, have you been lucky for a lifetime? 】

  【I was sucked by us. 】

【happy New Year! Like it? 】

  【The lesson from the past! learn a lesson! Don't send barrage in the next selection. 】

   [Yes, leave it to us **** people! 】

   "Reassure." Chen Yu stretched out his hand and patted Musk on the shoulder: "Even if there is an accident, the Mars colonization plan will not be delayed."

   "I thank you."

"you are welcome."

   Lie down on the window, looking at the blue earth with more and more curved arcs, Chen Yu's brain thinks quickly, and not long after, points to the dial representing the oxygen index in the cabin, and asks: "Besides the oxygen meter, is there a more accurate gas meter?"

   "Yes." The engineer quickly opened a small metal window: "It's inside."

   Chen Yu stepped forward, looked around, and narrowed his eyes: "This is the gas main valve?"


   "Can you empty it?"

   "Empty?" The engineer was stunned: " want..."

   "Right." Chen Yu pointed to the lid above everyone's heads, and said: "Put the gas to the same level as the outside world. I can get out without air pressure. As long as I get out, there are countless solutions."

   "It's okay to let it go." The old engineer hesitated: "You can let off the gas and open the hatch. Us ordinary people will be very dangerous."

   "As long as I am fast enough..." Chen Yu checked his body armor: "It can't react to danger."

   said, he put his hand on the red valve button and asked: "Is that this?"

   "Yes...yes..." The old man began to back up: "If you must exhaust, first...turn off the oxygen circulation system first, otherwise the cabin will continue to produce oxygen."

   "Where are you going? Don't go, you do it."

   The engineer turned around, looked around the crowd, bit his scalp and returned: "Then...then you try to be as fast as possible."

   "The problem is not big, don't panic. You will have the chance to survive. Stay here and wait until the height continues to increase, then there is no chance."

  Chen Yu waved his hand, walked to the center of the capsule, jumped up, grabbed the hatch, and bowed his head to the crowd and said, "Everyone squat down, take a few more breaths while the oxygen is sufficient, and then try to calm down and hold back."

   Hearing the words, everyone immediately squatted down and breathed desperately, fearing that they would take less oxygen.

   "Stop oxygen! Exhaust!" Chen Yumeng ordered!


   Then, before the old man pressed the button, the interactor with the ID name Dicra actually let out a "long-toned" fart.


   Everyone dispersed, their expressions were complicated, and they didn't know if they should continue to take a deep breath.

   醍 is crazy but doesn’t care, the mouth grows bigger and bigger, I hope there will be more oxygen in the body...

  【Made! Show me dead! 】

   [Scalp tingling...]

  【This is a king. 】

   [There are always some big guys who can make me beyond the Demon spirit? There is a kind of abnormality here, which can be shot directly without going through the program. 】

  【XSWL! 】


   "Puff puff~"

  醍Crazy fart sounded one after another, sucking on the top, putting on the bottom, thief.

   silently stared at the "Tian Crazy" for a long time, Chen Yu finally couldn't help but speak: "Great Sage, let's take in the magical powers."

   "Huh?" Dai put on a dazed expression: "You... didn't you let me exhaust?"

   "Believe it or not, I can take you away." Chen Yu's face turned dark: "Shut up!"

  醍crazy immediately covered his mouth.

   "I said the following."

  醍crazy: "..."

   turned his head, looked at the engineer, and Chen Yu waved: "Stop oxygen! Exhaust."

"it is good."


   As the gas main valve is pressed, the gas in the space capsule is quickly discharged, and it quickly becomes a semi-vacuum environment.

   The people in the cabin were not only unable to breathe, but also had many symptoms of discomfort under low air pressure.

   Including eyeball congestion, lung swelling...

   Chen Yu knew that it should not be too late. Before the air pressure in the cabin was balanced with the outside world, he unscrewed the buckle and pushed it up with both hands.

   "Squeak Gaga..."

   The sound of metal "sizzling" propagates along the solid, harsh and ear-piercing.



   One second later, but after hearing a loud noise, the hatch opened under Chen Yu's tremendous strength.

   The gusty wind made up of thin atmosphere suddenly rushed in!

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