Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 266: Dig a hole for Jian Guo...


Carrying the space capsule, Chen Yu descended from the 500,000-meter atmospheric escape layer to more than 100 meters above sea level. Only then did he relieved to let go and witnessed the capsule plunge into the sea like a meteor, splashing several meters high. spray.

Half a minute later, the cabin surfaced and swayed in the waves.


Landing on the top of the cabin, Chen Yu bent down and twisted the lock to open the cabin door forcefully.


The hatch opened, and he looked inward a few times: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay."

"we are doing well."


Everyone checked each other and responded.

"It's fine, stay inside, and I'll send it back to you now."

With that said, Chen Yu closed the hatch and, driven by the engine, dragged the capsule to the metal platform where the earth was sprayed with water.

Within ten minutes, he returned to the waters near the launch pad.

At this time, the surrounding area was full of ships of various types, and the air was also filled with dense helicopters.

"All come out."

Ignoring the armed with live ammunition at the scene, Chen Yu stepped on the platform and reopened the cabin door of the space capsule: "Go up one by one, hold the ladder, and don't fall into the sea."

The first thing that came out was the Japanese girl paper. She jumped onto the metal platform with the help of everyone. Her complexion was alternately blue and red, and she was obviously still a little scared.

Then, it was the turn of the remaining four youths in the barrage group and five participants in the reward group.

Finally, Xiao Taohong and that Mao country engineer.

"Really... a great aerospace!"

The old engineer climbed on the ladder, kissed the body of the Andromeda space capsule excitedly, and was reluctant to let go.

"The evaluation is over, thank you for your participation and support." Walking to the metal arch, Chen Yu called out the virtual earth and said to the five members of the barrage group: "Let's start teleporting from you first, and hope to see you again if you are destined."

"Can you take a group photo?" The doctor asked calmly with his cell phone.

"I also want!"

"It's the same for me."


After the group photo, the five members of the barrage group teleported away in turn.

This trip to the sky is destined to be an unforgettable experience in their lives.

"And you." Chen Yu looked at the rewarding group after sending the five people away: "It's time to go, shouldn't you take a photo?"

"It's my honor to be able to take a photo with Mr. Wang, but it won't bother you to send it." The director of China Aerospace Academy pointed to the ships behind him: "I need to go there to report some situations."

"Me too." The Airbus director raised his hand.

"I'm not going back either." The old engineer lying on the ladder interrupted: "I need to help our country recover the Andromeda capsule."

"What about you?" Chen Yu nodded and looked at the remaining three people.

"I have to go back and trouble you." The general manager of the Google Planetary Resources subsidiary bowed.

"Metoo." Aryan Space Company raised his hand.

"I...I want to go to the floating castle, don't know if there is such a chance?" Musk asked tentatively.

"No." Chen Yu simply and neatly.

"... Then... I'll go back, too."

After dismissing everyone, Chen Yu took Xiao Taohong to a Huaxia warship and entered the cabin under the enthusiastic guidance of the officer.


The person in charge of the warship who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time stepped forward and saluted Chen Yu: "I am the Chinese commander stationed in Guangdao. It is an honor to meet you."

"It's all compatriots, you don't have to be polite." Chen Yu waved his hand: "You use the radio to notify the official representatives around you to come to the meeting. I want to briefly assign the usage of [Earth Water Spray]."


The person in charge solemnly nodded and ordered his subordinates to do it. Then he took Chen Yu to the spacious meeting room and respectfully made tea for him.

"You're welcome, it's not convenient for me to eat and drink in protective clothing."

"Okay." The person in charge nodded and sat beside Chen Yu, glanced at the time, and stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?" Chen Yu asked actively.

The person in charge straightened up immediately, sorted out his words for a few seconds, and said carefully: "Wang...Mr. Wang, for the Mars colonization plan, except for Spacex, do you really not consider adding partners?"


Hearing that, Chen Yu raised his legs and looked up and down the person in charge: "Is this your personal meaning? Or is it official?"


"That's right." Chen Yu nodded, "The so-called Mars colonization plan is just a small hole. The good and the bad are mixed. What are you doing with this."

"Pit?" The person in charge was stunned.

"You taste, you taste carefully."

Chen Yu lowered his voice: "A Martian colony, is there something to use? It sounds good, but it is a big trouble and a big drag. This is especially true for national units. Before the technology of changing the planet's environment appears, give it away. The more people go in and the bigger the city is, the greater the burden. What use is there other than tourism and scientific research?

"This..." The person in charge thoughtfully.

"It would be more cost-effective to build a small site if it is purely scientific research. What's more, now that human beings can't even create a self-sufficient ecosystem, they can only rely on the earth to launch materials. And [Earth Water Sprinkler] has a limited number of jobs per day. How many countries can Musk or strong countries get?"

"Spacex has no launch rights!" The person in charge flashed: "He did not participate in the construction of Guangdao and the Super Space Academy. If he wants to launch at no cost, he can only purchase or request the official launch event of the Kingdom!"

"That's right. When I open the portal and send a large number of people to Mars, Jian Guo can't ignore it. Isn't this a burden?" Chen Yu tactically leaned back and made a 6 gesture: "Show or show ?"

"As a result, the number of launches for other purposes will drop. It will even force the nation to re-use liquid fuel rockets to meet tasks with lower authority." The person in charge calmly analyzed: "This is a big burden, but You can also get a lot of valuable data and experience about alien colonization."

"So the good and the bad are mixed." Chen Yu said: "But the symbolic meaning is still greater than the actual effect. And I know what it means to not suffer from lack and suffer from unevenness. In the current world pattern, UU reading brings one more. , You have to bring a lot. Then I don’t do anything and open the door for you every day to play. For example, the maglev train opened last time, there are many external tricks, right?"

"I...I don't know too much about this." The person in charge was slightly embarrassed.

"If you have the opportunity to have a few more children, you can understand." Chen Yu pointed out the window: "Anyway, the launch pad is given to you. There is no cost constraint. It is easy to establish a colony on Mars. Maybe it is faster than Spacex. But. I don’t think the above will do this. It is more likely to get a small site for scientific research, and more transmitters will be used for cutting-edge satellites and deep space exploration."

"This...this is not something I can participate in."

"I also said casually." Chen Yu waved his hand, picked up the teacup to take a sip, only to find that there was a helmet between his mouth and the teacup, and he said nothing.

After half a minute.


The door of the conference room was pushed open, and a group of official representatives with different costumes and different skin colors poured into it.

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