Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 268: New year gifts are ready

"Fucking out" three big killers in a row, made Chen Yu think that he might have caused the death of sea creatures when evaluating the [Earth Spray], and the body contained evil spirits, so he decided to wash his hands again.

After walking into the bathroom and washing them all with soap, toothpaste, and detergent, he returned to the bedroom and continued to look at the fourth product.

[4. Funny girl stick: produced in 2563 by the Romantic House Association. Built-in 35 high-precision sensors, 22 miniature dischargers, can detect and adjust: human female pyramidal cell top dendritic synaptic potential, brain wave synchronization rhythm formation, and cortical thalamus non-specific projection and other related brain activities , Calm women's irritable mood and aggressive mood, make them instantly docile. The price is 1430 points. 】

"It's finally normal!"

Rubbing his palms, Chen Yu re-read the instructions several times, insisting on the purchase, and then sliding the screen to see the last recommended product.

[5. Miniature antimatter annihilation generator: produced by the company "Stop Addiction and Die" in 2980...]


Just seeing the name of the product, Chen Yu's spirit was stunned: "New Year gift is here..."

After reading the product description, he swiped the screen again, struggled for a long time, and bought two of them.

The original points of more than 3,800 points also bottomed out instantly.

"It's so poor again, it's too fast."

Ordered Xiao Taohong to collect the two courier boxes that were delivered. Chen Yu lay on the bed and searched for news related to him for a while, feeling hungry, so he brought two eggs, two potatoes, and a green onion from the kitchen. The automatic cooking pot makes a crispy ribs and gobbles it up.

"I dare you to say that this pot is the greatest invention of mankind second only to the toilet!" Chen Yu said vaguely to Xiao Taohong after spitting out the last bone.

"How does it feel to eat?"

"It's very satisfying." Chen Yu picked up the leftover bone and handed it to Xiao Taohong: "Why don't you try it too?"

Little Pink: "..."

"That's a pity." Chen Yu threw away the bones and spread his hands: "Food is really a kind of enjoyment."

"I can't digest solid food." Xiao Taohong stared at the bones and licked her lips: "I can only digest liquids."

"That means you have a stomach?"


"Then why can only digest liquids?"

"I do not know either"

One person and one machine looked at each other, not knowing why...


Five p.m.

It's dark.

"We are back!"

As the security door opened, Chen Yi, Er, and San Ke returned home.

Seeing Chen Yu in the living room, Chen Sanke didn't take off his shoes, so he rushed forward and hugged Chen Yu's right leg: "Grasshopper misses you so much!"

"Brother! I miss you too!" Chen Erke was unwilling to show weakness and hugged his left leg.

"Second!" Mother Chen on the sofa scolded: "Can you come in with shoes?"

"The third one didn't take it off!" Chen Erke retorted unconvinced.

"She is ignorant, so are you ignorant?"

"She is three years younger than me!"

Chen Sanke blinked: "Three months is also a small one."

"Heh." Unwillingly, Chen Erke let go of his hands, retreated to the hall, and took off his shoes: "After another two years, you will be older than me."

"How is it possible? Are you stupid?" Chen Sanke hugged Chen Yu's thigh tightly, pouting: "At least three years!"

"..." Chen Yu was silent for a while, and reached out to touch Chen Sanke's head: "You two are really mentally retarded. Does it count? It will take at least four years, right?"

"You are mentally retarded!" Chen Yike, who was carrying a schoolbag next to him, spit out frantically.

"Co-authoring the three of us are not as smart as you?" Chen Yu sneered.


"Don't talk about it." Chen Yu picked up Chen Sanke and smiled: "Is it fun to go to the cram school today?"

"It's not fun. My sister plays the piano too badly."

"The third child!" Chen Yike's face flushed.

"Just learning, it's understandable that I can't play well." Chen Yu waved his hand: "But after all, it's a piano. How bad can it be? I will buy you one after the New Year.

"Brother~" Chen Yike was moved.

"Grasshopper." Chen Sanke stared at Chen Yu blankly: "You will regret it."

"I Chen never regrets things."

"Brother loves you!" Chen Yike hugged Chen Yu immediately, rubbing around.

"Oh." Mother Chen in the distance grinned with a grin, "It's not ashamed that the three big girls are so tired of it."

Chen Yike: "Don't be ashamed."

Chen Erke: "Why should you be ashamed?"

Chen Sanke: "What is ashamed?"

The joining of the three younger sisters immediately made the tranquil atmosphere of the Chen family "boiling". Especially Chen Erke, who was yelling while playing with his mobile phone, was so annoying that Chen Yu had to return to the bedroom, sit quietly in the corner and swipe his mobile phone.

"Mr. Chen, the edited video of the live broadcast has been uploaded and will be released at nine o'clock tomorrow."

"Yeah. You don't need to tell me about such trivial matters from now on, just deal with it yourself."


Chen Yu suddenly gave a thumbs up: "Mandarin is getting more and more standard."

"It must be dripped!" Xiao Taohong patted her chest and accidentally patted off a packaging bag.

"What's this?" Chen Yu picked up the packaging bag suspiciously, and looked around: " is it caught in your chest?"

"It was given to me by a fan whose id was called Dicra. I didn't have a pocket on it, so I caught it."

"Big guy, big guy!" Chen Yu admired.

"I don't know what it is, he said it was eaten." Xiao Taohong took the bag, opened the mouth of the bag, took out a black and red object from it, and took a look at it: "The dried human excretion Thing?"

"Then it's called betel nut!" Chen Yu said, "How can you have such a strange association!"

"Very similar!"

After grabbing the betel nut, Chen Yu put it in his mouth and chewed while chewing: "This thing is called betel nut. It is a kind of snack. I heard that if you can't eat it, it will cause cancer."

"Then why are you eating?" Xiao Taohong was surprised.

"Drinking hurts the liver, why do you drink? Smoking can also cause cancer, why would someone smoke?" Chen Yu lay on the bed, opened his mouth, revealing the betel nut residue on his tongue: "Because this is a human being, I feel uncomfortable if I don't play tricks. . Envy you?"

"I...I want to eat one too."

"Eat, you can't swallow this thing."

"Okay." Xiao Taohong nodded, picked up a betel nut and put it in her mouth, chewing "crack" and "sparks" splashing everywhere.

"Sister, can't you make a little saliva?"

"! It's soft! It's changed from hard to soft! And squeezed out a lot of juice!" Xiao Taohong surprised her soft long tongue and stared at the betel nut residue: "It becomes Red!"

"..." Chen Yu's expression was complicated: "Your adjective sounds so scary..."

The two looked at each other, and not long after each chewed the betel nut, there was a fierce knock on the door.


"Brother! Open the door!"

Looking at the dust falling from the ceiling, he immediately guessed who it was: "What are you doing?"

"I want to play with you!"

"Let's play with your second sister." Chen Yu changed his posture irritably.

"Second sister was crying by"

Chen Sanke waved two small fists and smashed on the door: "Open the door, open the door, grasshopper opens the door..."

"The only children are so happy." With a sigh, Chen Yu signaled that Xiao Taohong was invisible, then got up and opened the door: "Can you be honest..."


When the door was opened, Chen Sanke's fist couldn't hold back enough, and it slammed into Chen Yu's chest.

Chen Yu: "..."

"Grasshopper, are you okay?"


"Huh? Brother, you vomited blood!"

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