Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 275: Sensational All Media

   New Year, the first day of the first month.

   The spectacular "asteroid" collision incident in the early morning almost detonated global public opinion.

   Whether at home or abroad, people wake up and find that the headlines are all related reports of this incident.

  Everything from traditional news to online media.

On the bright side, many astronomers claim that this collision is unique in the history of the solar system. Although many people questioned how the two asteroids collided so "beautiful" on the Internet, these posts and news will soon be overwhelmed by a large number of navy forces.

   directly delete the inundation...

  In the dark, everyone was horrified by the power of this anti-matter bomb.

  According to calculations by various official teams, if it explodes in low-Earth orbit, only three such anti-matter bombs are required, arranged 120° apart from each other, and detonated at the same time. The super-strong light radiation released can cause severe burns to living things around the world! Plants will also be ignited and the air will rise to about 60 degrees Celsius.

   indirectly caused the atmosphere to warm up, the glaciers melted rapidly, and the sea level rose to submerge 57% of the land.

   Or you don’t need such trouble, just blow one in Yellowstone Park, and it will have the same effect...

   And such an anti-matter bomb, there is still one in the hands of the Super Time UP master.

   In the future, similar "fireworks" may be more, bigger, and stronger.

   And according to Chen Yu's statement at the end of the show, next year's Spring Festival will detonate stars...

   went up to the official and down to the audience, not many people thought he was joking.

   Even anti-matter bombs have appeared, and destroying a star is not beyond imagination.

   The star is destroyed, and it is not impossible to destroy a galaxy.

   It is expected to destroy the galaxy and destroy the entire universe...

   The future development of human civilization is not clear in many directions, but with the super-time UP master, it seems that it is getting closer and closer to the "virus".

   At this point, the world's official world feels a sense of powerlessness towards the super-time UP master.

Regarding the attitude of hyper-spatial evaluation, the officials have changed from “check and control” from the beginning, to “check and cooperate”, then to “check and balance”, and finally become “don’t check, please click Just do it..."

   Besides observing, cooperating with live broadcasts, and providing raw materials...they, the original masters of civilization, seem to be useless and useless.

   has been completely reduced to a side dish.

   And as more and more products are "extreme" out of time, their side dishes will get colder and colder...



   The first day of the first month, half past six in the morning.

   The door of Chen Yu's bedroom was knocked suddenly.

   "Get up and eat." Mother Chen's voice came from outside.

   opened his eyes in a daze, Chen Yu picked up the phone on the side of the bed and glanced at the time, and cried out in pain, "So early? What are you doing!"

   "The first meal of the new year must be eaten early. Then go to bed after eating."


   sat up, yawned, and Chen Yu staggered to put on his clothes.

   After the live broadcast ended last night, he didn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the morning, and now at half past six, he has slept for three hours at most. Even if the physique is far superior to ordinary people, I feel dizzy.

   "Mr. Chen, happy new year!" Xiao Taohong jumped into bed and clapped her hands excitedly: "It's snowing outside! Can we go to a snowball fight?"

   Hearing the words, Chen Yu glanced at the snowflakes outside the window. He was quite refreshed. After thinking for a moment, he nodded: "Yes. Today I will show you the snowball plus version."

   "Awesome!" Xiao Taohong cheered.

   "Wait until I finish eating."

   After getting dressed, Chen Yu pushed open the door and walked out of the bedroom. He saw his three younger sisters, who were also half-dreaming and half-awake, moving towards the bathroom staggeringly.

   From his perspective, at a glance, it looks like three zombies leaping over...

   "Brother New Year...ah..." Seeing Chen Yu, Chen Yike just opened his mouth and yawned as he was about to pay a New Year's greeting.

   "Ah..." Chen Erke was infected, followed by a fight.

   "Ah..." Chen Sanke followed closely behind.

   Chen Yu also wanted to yawn, but thought of the dentures in his mouth, so he held back.

   walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and the cold water slapped on his face, suddenly feeling sober.

   "Hurry up, and the dumplings will be tuo (set) in a while." Mother Chen got up earlier. Although she was too sleepy to open her eyes, she still cooked the dumplings and prepared the meal.


   Chen Yike rubbed his eyes, got into Chen Yu's arms, stretched out his hands and washed his face with second-hand water.

   Chen Erke learned something, got into Chen Yike's arms, stretched out his hands and then washed his face with water with three hands.

   Chen Sanke saw this and squeezed in hard, stretched out a small hand and washed his face with water.

   From a distance, it looks like a stack of Arhats.


   Looking at the "layers" of younger sisters under her, Chen Yu raised her forehead: "Can't you wait for me to finish washing?"

   Chen Yike: "I don't think you are dirty."

   Chen Erke: "The water is warm after you wash it."

   Chen Sanke: "Shake my head in the water!"

   After washing up, the four young masters of the Chen family sat side by side in the dining chairs, watching Mother Chen put plates of dumplings on the table.

  Mr Chen: "You know how to eat? Don't you know how to take a bowl with chopsticks?"

   Chen Sanke: "Grasshopper! Yesterday's fireworks were so beautiful."

   Chen Erke wondered: "Fireworks? What fireworks?"

   Chen Yu: "Brother won't lie to you, right? That firework is just for you."


   Chen Yike despised: "Cut, it's an asteroid impact."

   "Yes, I controlled the collision of asteroids and made fireworks."

   Mother Chen's face turned dark: "Do you use me as the air?"

   Chen Sanke: "Grasshopper, are there any more next year? I still want to see it."

   "Yes!" Chen Yu nodded: "Next year will be bigger, I promise."

   Chen Yike: "Experts say that collisions between such close asteroids are very rare, and there will not be one next year."

   Chen Erke: "What are you talking about? [?_??]"

   "..." Mother Chen clenched her fists, holding back her anger, took out the bowls and chopsticks, and placed them one by one in front of the fourth young master of the Chen family.

   "Everyone, hurry up and eat, take you out to play after eating." Chen Yu took the chopsticks naturally and looked at Mother Chen: "What about soy sauce? How can I eat dumplings without soy sauce?"

  "...The New Year's not Mother Chen muttered, squeezed out a smile, took the soy sauce bottle from the bowl rack, and handed it to Chen Yu: "Here you are. "

   Chen Erke: "Mom! Where's the vinegar?"

"……Give you."

   Chen Sanke: "I want to eat sesame oil!"

   Chen Yike: "What about pepper? I remember it was on the cutting board yesterday?"

   Father Chen: "My wife, bring me the mustard."

   Chen mother: "Ahhh!!!"


   Two thousand years apart, the timeline of "Unification" in the future also ushered in the Lunar New Year.

   But in the 40th century, this day was just a small festival, and not many people cared about it.

   Outer Solar System, Kuiper Belt, Macross Promotion Company Headquarters, in the second mezzanine space.

   The salesman in charge of Chen Yu got up from the cockpit, walked to the smooth window under the shade, and with a move with his right hand, the transparent powdery substance condensed into a goblet, and the inside was already a rich red drink.

   took a sip of liquid gracefully, and when she thought of it, a message was sent out via brain waves.

   "Block C, the growth value of the eighth period is enough to advance, and you can prepare that special product."

   "Okay, the problem is not big. Then the products of the ninth and tenth issues will be handed over to Block B."


   After a brief communication, the salesman put down the goblet, looked at the deep darkness outside the window, and muttered to himself. .

   "I'm going to the node soon."

   "What can be done... has been done..."

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