Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 276: Identity Crisis (Part 1)


When Chen Yu and his three younger sisters got dressed and prepared to go out for a snowball fight, the security door of his home suddenly rang.

Chen Yike opened the door and saw a panting girl standing outside, holding two large boxes in her hands.

"Xing Biqi?" Chen Yu was surprised.

"Chen...Chen Yu." Xing Biqi's cheeks flushed, and he looked down at the box in his hand, "New... Happy New Year."

"Why are you here?"

"Happy New Year to you."

"Is it a guest?" Mother Chen walked out of the kitchen and saw Xing Biqi's eyes lit up. "This girl is so beautiful, your classmate?"


"Why are you still in a daze? Let the classmates come in." Mother Chen quickly put down the rag, washed her hands, and enthusiastically invited the girl into the house.

"No... I don't need auntie, I just pay a new year and I'm leaving." Xing Biqi entered the hall, put two boxes of fruits on the floor, and walked away. "Happy New Year to you."

"Wow!" Chen Sanke ran over, surprised "Sister White Rabbit."

"You...Hello Sanke." Xing Biqi touched Chen Sanke's head, took out a piece of peach-flavored pink candy from his pocket, and handed out "After eating, brush your teeth."

Chen Sanke took the candy, opened the entrance, and narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, "Thank you Sister Peach."

"I..." Chen Yu only felt a bit of blood congestion in his chest.

"Quickly enter the room and relax." Chen Yike pulled Xing Biqi into the living room with a smile, and then closed the door "You are welcome."

"Come girl, drink some water." Mother Chen ran to the living room to pour a cup of hot tea, and gave Xing Biqi an unusually kind face. "Are you good friends with our Chen Yu?"

"We are classmates." Chen Yu interrupted.

"I didn't ask you. Girl, you said."

"I...we are classmates." Xing Biqi said timidly.

"Classmates calling on New Year's Day on New Year's Day?" Mother Chen's expression was mysterious. "Auntie said it euphemistically. Are you two being friends?"

"!!!" Xing Biqi was surprised.

"Mom." Chen Yike supported the euphemism. "Do you have any misunderstandings about the term euphemism?"

"I...this...not..." Xing Biqi's face flushed red, and he explained vaguely, "'s just that classmate Chen Yu has been...helping me with my studies before, so I want to come to pay a New Year's greetings. A...auntie, don't get me wrong."

"Don't get me wrong." Chen Erke's expression was not good, and she tugged at the corner of Chen's clothes. "She just came to pay a New Year's greetings and seduce your son.

Everyone "..."

Chen Mu was furious, and slapped Chen Erke on the **** "Second! Don't talk indiscriminately!"

"What is seduce?" Chen Sanke asked.

Covering Chen Sanke's mouth, Chen's mother looked at Xing Biqi with a smile on her face. "Girl, don't worry. We parents are not like other parents. We are very open-minded. Young people are beginning to love each other and we are not opposed to falling in love. As long as we don't delay learning Just fine."

"A...Auntie! You really misunderstood!" Xing Biqi was about to cry.

But in the eyes of the "experienced" Mother Chen, this performance is no different from direct admission.

Xing Biqi was dragged onto the sofa in the living room under Chen's mother and Chen Yike's "forced pull", and received warm hospitality from everyone in the Chen family except Chen Erke and Chen Yu.

After a brief understanding of Xing Biqi's academic performance and personal situation, Chen's father and Chen's mother liked the child more and more, and even began to inquire about the progress of their "relationship".

Not to mention Xing Biqi, even Chen Yu on the side couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly picked up the girl and walked towards the door, "Go, let's talk with you."

"Snowball fight? I...I have all my clothes on!" Chen Sanke hurriedly grabbed Chen Yu's clothes to prevent them from falling.

"Smelly woman..." Chen Erke murmured, putting on his hat and following him.

"Mom." While waiting for the four to leave the house, Chen Yike put on a down jacket and looked at Mother Chen with admiration.

"What's the matter with that?" Mother Chen waved her hand and lay back on the sofa tactically. "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Blindly suppressing them can only have the opposite effect. Besides, children are not robots, they also have emotions, they are each other. Like it, can elders cruelly dismantle them?"

Father Chen took a sip from his teacup and nodded, "Your mother is right."

"The first time I found out, my mother is so wise!" Chen Yike gave a thumbs up "Then I will go to high school and have a puppy love..."

"The legs are discounted!" Mother Chen's face changed suddenly.

Chen Yike "..."


Father Chen slapped the teacup on the table fiercely, "Both legs are discounted!"

Chen Yike "..."


Taking Xing Biqi into the elevator, Chen Yu scratched his head, "Are you not at home on the first day of the first lunar month to celebrate the New Year?"

"Thinking...thinking to see you." Xing Biqi lowered his head and pinched his fingers.

"We are neighbors?!"

"According to the global village, aren't we just neighbors?" Xing Biqi blinked.

"...Alright, you won."

"Is Sister Juice a neighbor?" Chen Sanke raised his head, "How many floors do you live on?"

"The third child! Can you call your sister normally?"

"Isn't the elder sister the two of them?" Chen Sanke pointed to Chen Yi and Er Ke who walked in.

"It's just a name." Xing Biqi bent over and stroked Chen Sanke's head "whatever Sanke would like."

"Then call Sister Fox Spirit!" Chen Erke raised his hand and suggested.

"Shut up!" Chen Yike quickly covered Chen Erke's mouth and sneered, "She didn't mean that. Sister, don't care."

"No... it doesn't matter." Xing Biqi nodded, "Tong Yan Wuji."

"Sister Big Grape, did you see the fireworks yesterday?"

"Fireworks?" Xing Biqi was taken aback, and then reacted, "I saw it, is it the one in the early morning?"

"Yes!" Chen Sanke nodded, "Does it look good? My brother gave it to me."

"That was the collision of two asteroids!" Chen Yike frowned. "How many times have I told you, your brother is not so capable..."

"What kind of fireworks are they?" Chen Erke was dissatisfied. "Why didn't you ask me to get up and watch?"

"I called you, you have been sleeping."

"Actually..." Xing Biqi lightly stretched her hair, and suddenly said mysteriously, "It's not fireworks, nor is it the collision of two asteroids."

"Ah? What is that?" Chen Yike wondered.

"Chen Yu, don't you know about time and space?"

"Overtime?" Chen Yu scratched his with a dazed expression "What overtime?"

"It seems that you all don't know." Xing Biqi observed for a moment, made sure there were no outsiders around, and lowered his voice, "I tell you, you must never tell other people."

"Cut, it's a mystery, we don't rarely know." Although Chen Erke said so, his ears were straighter than anyone else.

"You have to promise! You can't tell others!" Xing Biqi said solemnly, "Otherwise, it's easy to get into trouble! Then it will be troublesome."

Chen Yike "I promise not to say!"

Chen Sanke "That's the firework my brother gave me!"

"Chen Yu, especially you! Make sure not to talk to other people."

"Um... well, I promise."

"Then I'll tell you." Xing Biqi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was lower and lower. "The abnormal situation in the early hours of the new year is actually..."

.. ..

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