Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 278: The best principal in history

"It's a pity, I didn't cut my head successfully."

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, returning from grandma's house & uncle's house, Chen Yu stood at the gate of the community, sighing with great regret.


As soon as he finished speaking, Mother Chen slapped him on the head with a slap, "I'm going to die! Your uncle won't tear you up when I hear it!"

"Mom, you are too superstitious. Can someone as strong as my uncle be cut to death by cutting his head?" Chen Yu curled his lips. Can I get a haircut if I sit in front of Erlang Shen's house? Ask Erlang Shen to accept it? If I don't accept it, I will cut my hair."

"Chen Yu, those who are celebrating the New Year don't want to scold you, so keep me away." Mother Chen clenched her fists.


With two frozen chickens in his left hand and Chen Sanke in his right hand, Chen Yu should enter the elevator first.

"Grasshopper, why can't you cut your head in the first month?"

"Feudal superstition, saying that the uncle was killed by cutting his head in the first month. We, the new generation of smart thinking, don't believe that."

"Oh." Chen Sanke nodded, seemingly understanding, "Then I have children when I grow up, and I also... let him cut the first month..."


Chen Yu slapped the second half of Chen Sanke's sentence back, "Oh shit?"

When he took the elevator to the floor where Chen's house was located, Chen Yu unlocked the door and opened the anti-theft door. A dark shadow rushed up.

"Pikachu!" Chen Sanke opened his arms excitedly and embraced the Husky.

"Wang~" Husky wagged his tail frantically, and the paper lanterns in his home were all rustling.

Putting on slippers and putting two frozen chickens in the refrigerator, Chen Yu stepped forward and touched the dog's head, and said to Chen Sanke, "I was touched by a dirty animal. Wash your hands."

"Wow!" Husky nodded in agreement, ran into the bathroom, lay on the sink and opened the faucet with his nose, and washed the dog's paws.

"...Made! Don't stop me! I'm going to stew it!"

Chen Sanke clung to Chen Yu's thigh, "Grasshopper! Don't..."

Not long after, the anti-theft door opened and the family members carrying large and small bags returned home.

"Ah, I finally went home." Chen Yike put down his big backpack, rushed into the living room, and collapsed on the sofa. "It's better to be at home."

"Chen Yu, can't you wait for us? Help with some things?" Mother Chen was angrily.

"You made me stay away." After washing carefully in the bathroom, Chen Yu quibbleed, unlocking the door lock of his bedroom with the key, pushing the door and entering. I'm going to make up my sleep first, don't call me for dinner."


The door was closed and locked.

"This child seems to be sick." Mother Chen frowned, "I hide so tightly for myself every day."

"Is there a small object?" Father Chen shook his hand indifferently while sorting out the refrigerator.

"If you have a vixen, you don't need us." Chen Erke pouted and said sourly, "I want to sleep with my brother tonight."

Only Chen Yike, holding the phone in his pocket tightly, looked at the door of Chen Yu's room, dull, and did not know what was thinking in his head.


"Mr. Chen! You are back!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down."

Chen Yu took off his coat, looked back at the door, and asked Xiao Taohong, "Have you caused any trouble at home with Huskies these past two days?"

"No." Xiao Taohong shook her head "Pikachu is very obedient."

"I'm mainly talking about you."

"...Little...Little Taohong is also very obedient..."

"Yes, but right?"

"Huh?" Xiao Taohong was surprised "How do you know?"

"Nima! Is it really special but?!"

"I... I have a serious bug in a software project and I lost a little money." Xiao Taohong lowered her head, her voice like fine lines.

"Is this the only thing?" Chen Yu was suspicious.

"I promise! Only this thing!"

"How much did you lose?"

"Ten...170,000." Xiao Taohong made a "nine" gesture.

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Chen Yu didn't even look at it, turned and sat on the bed "170,000, drizzle, just don't cause big trouble."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will win back next time!"


"No, it must be earned back!"

Chen Yu faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think deeply, and instead asked him the question he is more concerned about at the moment, "How is the establishment of the hyperspace website?"

"I made the assumption yesterday." Xiao Taohong patted her chest proudly. "I am the best at this, and it works fine. The students invited by the college have already registered information on it."

"How many are registered?"

"Let me take a look." Xiao Taohong sat back at the main table and typed a few times on the keyboard "One thousand six hundred and thirty-three!"

"Then you should not take orders to make money during this period. Please check the information of these students and filter them out if there are any sensitive ones."

"it is good!"

"Also, send the information of those tyrants to my mobile phone and use Bluetooth to transfer it."


Lie down on the bed, Chen Yu took out his mobile phone and scanned the current affairs news of the past two days, then flipped through the student materials passed by Xiao Taohong.

The speed of flipping is very fast.

The men skip it, and the women look at them more. They are particularly beautiful and leave a note. When considering the interview, they will add points...

Chen Yu doesn't think he is too much.

After all, this is what every qualified principal should do...


Time, like a whirlpool in the toilet, rushes by.

It is still a week away from the official live broadcast of the ninth phase of the Macross Evaluation, but the spirit of the world's official authorities has tightened.

Because today is the day for the selection of students of the Super Time Academy.

With reference to the countless popular science books contained in the castle, every official student of the college is destined to become a national treasure-level scientific talent in the future.

Moreover, as the saying goes, friendship is shallow and the relationship between master and disciple is deep.

Among the various emotional relationships among human beings, the relationship between master and apprentice has always been a very special and profound existence, from ancient times to the present day and in the world.

If you can become a "senior brother and sister" deep friendship with the super-time UP master, it will be a breakthrough on all levels for any force.

Therefore, every official naturally wants to fight for such a precious opportunity.

At this point, the small floating castle faintly became the second arena besides the Olympics...


A Boeing plane landed steadily on the runway of Guangdao No. 3 Airport, and several shuttle buses drove up to pick up more than one hundred teenagers who got off the plane.

They were all from China. They rushed to the capital from all over the country just after the Chinese New Year, and then came to the "Light of Civilization" island to take the most important exam in life.

"There is a floating castle above, right?"

Entering the shuttle bus, a female student wearing glasses looked at the small black spot in the sky and bit her lip excitedly. "It's so romantic, I really want to live on it."

"If you really live here, I will call you Academician Tang from now on." The young man sitting next to her wears a headset takes a deep breath. "Don't be nervous during the exam. Be a dad or be a grandson. Look at this."

"It's you who are more nervous?" The woman with glasses leaned on the seat and spread her hands. "I focus on participating. Normally, there is no hope. You are the boss of our third middle school. Just don't be nervous and play steadily."

"Stop talking." The young man turned his head and glanced at the silent students around him, lowered his voice, "Reserve energy."

Twenty minutes later.

The waiting crowd walked into the airport under the leadership of several leaders.

When they turned the corridor and entered the airport lobby, they were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Fuck it? It's too nasty..."


(Note 210-1+209 chapters

Continue to add more at nine o'clock in the evening! )

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