Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 287: The 9th official live broadcast! (in)

   Jinzhou, Lanhe District, Chen Family.

   Chen Yike lay in his room, saw the phone screen light up, he was stunned, and quickly moved forward.

   I saw on the screen, the live broadcast of the super-time evaluation has started.


   sat up abruptly, she clicked on the screen recording plug-in to record, then put the phone on the desk and crept out of the room.

   "Sister, you..."


   Stopping Chen Erke’s voice, Chen Yike made a gesture of silence and continued to move forward, passing through the living room, and standing at the door of Chen Yu’s bedroom.

   "Sister, what are you doing?" Chen Erke stepped forward and asked in a low voice in Chen Yike's ear.

   "I'm revealing the big secret!"

   "*?" Chen Erke was surprised.

   "Shhh. Don't talk, stand behind me."

   "Oh oh!"

   probe, put his ear on the door panel, Chen Yike listened carefully to the sound in the room.



   After listening for half a minute, there was no abnormal noise.

   "Is it no longer in the room?" The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Chen Yike straightened up and knocked **** the door.


   "Brother! Are you in there?"

   "What's the matter?" Chen Yu's voice suddenly came from the room.

   Chen Yike: "???"

   "It's okay, don't disturb my sleep."

   "Hmm..." Chen Yike was startled, his face full of disbelief.

   Based on the information she analyzed and the conclusions she reached, Chen Yu is definitely the super-time UP master who is the most popular on the Internet! At this time, the hyper-spatial evaluation program has begun, how can there be people in the room?

   "Sister, elder brother is sleeping." Chen Erke stunned behind him.


   Chen Yike turned around, returned to his bedroom, picked up the phone on the desk and observed it carefully: "Will it be a video taken in advance?"

   But seeing the scene where the UP host interacts with the audience, this idea quickly disappeared.


   Holding the phone, Chen Yike was unwilling to come to Chen Yu's door again and knocked hard.


   "Brother, come out and play!"

   "It's okay, don't disturb my sleep."

   "Huh? It's not a recording, right?" Chen Yike was puzzled, and continued to shout at the door: "Brother! My sister is lonely! Come and play with me."


"This tone... It seems that Chen Yu is here..." Chen Yike looked down at the phone screen and then at the door, with an ugly expression: "Is it really wrong? But I always feel that something is wrong... "


   At the same time, floating islands.

   "So fierce?!"

   Chen Yu, who was standing in the forbidden forest, saw the product name displayed on the instruction card, his pupils suddenly contracted, and his hair exploded.

   "...Well, it seems I guessed wrong, everyone should have guessed wrong too."

   was shocked for a moment, he took a deep breath and calmed down, slowly turning the front of the card, and showing it in front of the camera: "It's not a slapstick thing."

   "As you can see, today, the technology product evaluated in the live broadcast of this show is the Planet Smash Oscillator!"

   [Fuck? 】

   [Fuck! 】

   [Which sand sculpture just said that the New Year is ruining the earth for fun? ! 】

   [UP Master, stop making trouble, it's obviously a happy rich woman...]

   [Suddenly have a bold idea! 】

  【Anchor, I advise you to be kind. 】

   [Officials of all countries should have plans, right? Let's fire a nuclear bomb directly, not innocent at all. 】

   [Is it so exciting the first time I watch the anchor review? Loved love. 】

  【Let me just say it! From the New Year’s fireworks, the live broadcast style has become a horror movie! 】


   [If the earth is really destroyed, the disappearance of my peerless appearance will be a major loss to the third spiral arm of the galaxy. 】

   [Is it just me feeling excited? Destroy the planet! Let us see it with our own eyes! Isn't it exciting? 】

  【Prickly chicken...】

   "Just by listening to the name, you know that this is a technological product that can destroy the planet. But please calm down and listen to me."

Raising his wrist, looking at the frenzied barrage wave, Chen Yu calmed down: "No matter how frantic I am, I can't put the earth on the test ground. Are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and even the moon a better choice? "

  【Made! Is it just as bad? ! 】

   [The end of 2012, which was postponed, is like this...]

  【I'm going back to the country for refuge, goodbye everyone. 】

   [a group of sand sculptures! Can't you hear the UP master joking? 】

   [There is an honest man! Come and bully him...]


  In the Observer Hall thousands of miles away.

   A group of data was soon presented to many official representatives.

"It seems that the Super-Space UP master is going to destroy the asteroid in the outer solar system." The middle-aged team leader pulled the microphone and read the information in his hand while saying: "Gisella, two thousand three hundred kilometers in diameter, mass Close to one-half of Pluto is a typical ecliptic discrete celestial body that deviates from the earth’s orbital plane. Twenty-five years later, it will crash into the inner solar system due to the drag of the original black hole."

"At present, several technical teams do not know the working principle of [Planet Smashing Oscillator] and how it destroys stars, so it is impossible to analyze whether the destruction of Gisela will pose a threat to the inner solar system and even the earth. "

   The voice fell, and there was a burst of discussion on the scene.

   Half a minute later, Representative Jian Guo patted the table seriously and pointed at the microphone: "Quiet. I want to know, are there any of our personnel near the floating castle?"

   "Yes." The assistant behind him nodded: "The airport of the Forbidden Forest, there are at least four people, and the distance from the super-time UP master is no more than 100 meters."

"Very good. According to the usual practice, before the actual evaluation, the Super Time UP will give an all-round introduction to the product. Now notify several technical teams and concentrate on the introduction When it is clear [Planet Smash] Oscillator] After destroying the planet’s principle, immediately analyze the possible danger to the earth. Be fast."

   "Then, contact the four people in the Forbidden Forest and tell them to stand by at any time. Once the technical team has reached a bad conclusion, they will immediately step forward to prevent the super-time UP master..."

   A series of orders were issued, and the entire observer organization started operating quickly and efficiently.



Looking at the hype in the watch screen, Chen Yu shrugged: "It seems that many people take it seriously. I'm just making a joke. Planets such as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are all human property. It is impossible for humans to pay their attention."

"The best test product must be the asteroid that will hit the sun in more than 20 years! Old viewers must still have the impression. Its name is Gisela. The quality is almost equal to that of the moon. In the solar system, except for the eight major planets, they are even relatively large stars."

   "It can save the world again."


   kicked the rectangular courier box, Chen Yu pinched the card with his left hand and stroked the head of [Planet Smash Oscillator] with his right hand, facing the camera, suppressing excitement: "Are you ready?"

   "We can't see how a planet came, but we finally have a chance to see how it disappeared..."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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