Suspended in deep space, Chen Yu couldn't distinguish front, back, left, right.

   The gray Gisela asteroid may be above or below, depending on how he wants to turn his body.

"Visitors in front of the screen, this is the asteroid Gisela that collided with the sun twenty-five years later. You can see that its surface is grayish, which may be too far away from the sun and can only be refracted. Caused by the subtle light."

   "Well...From this point of view, it is considered a very beautiful planet, but after today, it will become history."

   Talking, Chen Yu hugged the planet smashing oscillator in his arms, urging the plasma engine to fly to the surface of the star.


   Lack of atmospheric resistance, the dark blue plasma flame extends extremely long, like a sharp sword, pushing Chen Yu forward.

   As the planet Gisela gets closer and closer, layers of gravitational forces are superimposed, finally giving Chen Yu a vague distinction of "heaven and earth".

   [It's so beautiful! 】

  【I really want to fly around in space. 】

   [Recommended game No Man's Sky, you can experience all the beauty in the universe! 】

   [All you think of is play, but I thought of business! For example, he had an "air shock" in space. 】

   [I don’t know why, in the overwhelming barrage, I can always find colored content at a glance...]

  【I am a staff member of Universal Pictures, the company wants to use the screen material of the next planetary destruction, please contact me with the private chat permission of the UP host to convey the information on my behalf, thank you! 】

   [Columbia Pictures: The same is true for us, giving more money. 】

  【ZhiDa Pictures: Stupid people, a lot of money, come quickly. 】

   [Add me V* for watching the movie...]

   [Can't add it, seconds? 】

   [This is unreasonable. It's also for advertising, and it's also for selling movies. Why is it blocked? 】

   Under the extreme speed of the plasma engine, Chen Yu landed on the surface of the asteroid not long after.

Turning off the engine and jumping lightly, he went straight for more than four meters: "The gravity is very light, and it feels more than twice as light as the moon. This may be my illusion, after all, the diameter of this asteroid is only larger than the moon. A little smaller."

   Putting down the oscillator, Chen Yu looked around and said: "Suddenly I want to take a photo with it, but time is limited. Forget it, just start the evaluation."

   After making an OK gesture to the camera, Chen Yu stopped speaking, holding the oscillator upside down, and pressing the top of the round cylinder against the rock.

After turning around, Chen Yu discovered that the smooth bottom end of the planet smashing oscillator was actually a console.


   wiped the dust off the console, he observed it carefully for a while, and clicked a physical button in the middle.


   In the vacuum environment, a sound similar to the bell ringing! Not only Chen Yu, but 40 million people including ten live broadcast rooms heard it.

"this is……"

Chen Yu looked up, looked at the various "lights and shadows" flying in front of him, and he was stunned: "This should be brainwave interactive control! Now I have many graphical interfaces in my mind, similar to Microsoft's computer systems, the number is at least 50 More than one! But I can easily sort out the content and information displayed on each interface! Fuck... it’s amazing."

   [What is this operation? 】

   [Fifty graphical interfaces? Won't you faint? 】

   [Definitely not in the form of fifty computers in front of you! It should be a more efficient experience. 】

  【I can't understand at all, but I am envious. 】

   [Understanding is very simple, similar to a kind of abstract thinking of the brain? For example, when thinking about geometry when doing math problems, the amount of information is huge. 】

   [Then watch fifty Japanese action movies at the same time...... Don’t you die? 】

   [There are always drivers who can drive no matter what the road conditions. 】

   slowly opened his hands, the inverted oscillator did not fall down, Chen Yu stepped back, stretched out his index finger and tentatively flicked, and the oscillator also moved left and right.

"This kind of interaction is awesome. All the information about the Planet Smashing Oscillator is filtered in my mind, and I can control its movement, angle, reversal and activation at will. It is really no different from magic. "

   "In the fortieth century, the progress in science and technology was terrible..."

   sighed, Chen Yu slowly raised his right hand.


   The planet smashing oscillator is like a towed flying sword, soaring into the sky!



   Light and shadow flashed, driven by the unknown force, the cylinder plunged into the soft rock like a broken bamboo, almost submerged.

   "According to the wizard animation in my mind, using the Planet Smash Oscillator to murder a planet is divided into three steps."

   "First, insert the probe, which is the long stick, into the ground."

   "Second, go straight to the center of the earth through an extended polymer pipe."

   "Third, release recoil particles to suppress the gravitational force of the planet."

   "As you can see, the first step has been completed. For safety, I will withdraw first."

  The words fell, and Chen Yu's back armor ejected a blue wake, propelling him into space. It wasn't until it was more than 20,000 kilometers away from the surface of the planet that he stopped safely.

   "The connection between me and the oscillator should be a connection based on the principle of quantum entanglement, and there is no delay due to distance, which means that even if I and it are separated from the two ends of the universe, they can be connected in real time."

   "The data in my mind reminded me that the second step was completed. The polymer pipe stretched very fast, and it was inserted into the core before I stopped."

   Chen Yu flew two kilometers away, but the camera remained in place.

   Therefore, the more than 40 million spectators in front of the screen can directly see the egg on the left side of the oscillator... the ball on the left side is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Obviously, the substance inside has passed through the pipeline and reached the core...

   Five minutes later, the reduction of the ball finally reached its limit. The particle injection is completely completed.

   "The third step is also complete!"

   "Next, wait for the recoil particles to spread. As long as they spread to the mantle layer, Gisela will disintegrate and die. The slowest process is no more than five minutes."

   "It will also be the last five minutes of its life..."

  【Gisella, go well! May there be no up-time in heaven. 】

   [Is this a cause of death due to "what"? 】

  【If you want to say it, say it openly! Caused to death! 】

   [Brother, you are There is only one ball left! emmmm……】

   [It doesn’t matter, I am bold! 】

  【Suddenly laughed. 】

  【Made, can I let Laozi watch a movie well? 】

   [Le Jia quit the live broadcast room angrily...]

   Twenty thousand kilometers away, Chen Yu waved his hand, and the oscillator instantly rose to the ground, flying upwards with terrifying acceleration.

   The flying speed of the floating camera is naturally faster, so it flies to Chen Yu one step ahead.


   The slowly decelerating planet smashing oscillator passed through a space of 20,000 kilometers, and was steadily caught by Chen Yu and held it in his arms.

   Lifting the cylinder, you can see a drop of liquid condensed like mercury hanging on it...

   "Huh? Is there another drop?"

   reached out his hand to wipe off the liquid, Chen Yu put it in his hand and rubbed it, the round water drop suddenly shattered into tens of millions of powder, floating into the void.


   "There is really no more drop left this time..."


   (Note: Let’s post a chapter ahead of time. My parents are fighting, and it’s dingy. I'm so angry that my mother has to go to the tuberculosis hospital as a volunteer, headache, irritability...)

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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