Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 304: The people of Jian country full of great love (middle)

"for freedom!"

   "You are welcome."

   I don’t know if it’s acting. Musk’s eyes were red when he heard this. He followed Chen Yu and took out a satellite phone to send a message to his assistant, ordering the team to make all preparations for landing on Mars.

   "Hello principal."

   "Hello principal..."

   Along the way, both professors and students greeted Chen Yu enthusiastically. His "popularity" and "charming power" were undoubtedly revealed.

   After a short while, the two came to the courtyard directly under the principal's tower.

   Chen Yu stopped, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


   The vibration hit, and a corner of the ceiling of the hall slowly unfolded, turning into spiral staircases.


   Hooked up his finger, Chen Yu led Musk into the principal's tower hall and came to the portal.

   The portal still maintains the appearance of a metal arch, powerful and mysterious.

   "When can it start?" Chen Yu called up the virtual earth projection and asked while sliding.

   "It's okay now!" Musk said quickly: "The two astronauts are already on standby. A botanist and an engineer can land at any time."

   "Where are they now?"

   "California Hoenso..." Musk forbeared his excitement and burst out a series of addresses.


   nodded, Chen Yu found the location and pressed the OK option.


   The space trembled slightly, and the scene inside the metal arches flashed, instantly transforming from a floating castle into a SpaceX back garden square.

   At this time, Jian Guo is in the dark. But in the square, there are already brightly lit, crowded, and all kinds of tools, machinery, materials, and packing boxes are piled up like a mountain.

   Two astronauts, one black and one white, are standing in the front of the door, wearing spacesuits, standing straight.

   "The efficiency is really high!" Chen Yu gave Musk a thumbs up.

   "I made you laugh. Would you please?"

   "The bullets of your strong country are too free, I will change my clothes first."

   After the words fell, Chen Yu entered the study, leaving Musk standing there in embarrassment.

   One minute later.

   When he walked out of the study, he had already put on closed protective clothing: "Let's go."

   "You go first."

   Chen Yu did not waste time, and took the lead in striding thousands of miles away and stepping on the land of a strong nation.

   "Papa Papa..."

   The square burst into thunderous applause.

   Everyone present stared at Chen Yu with "eager" eyes, and showed the "friendliness" and "enthusiasm" of the people of Jian Guo to the fullest.

   "Don't... stop." Chen Yu stretched out his hands and took the lead in applauding.

   So, the applause became more enthusiastic.


   "Papa Papa..."

One minute.

three minutes.

five minutes……


   The applause continued for a long time.

   The original smiling faces on everyone's faces have gradually stiffened.

   But seeing that Chen Yu was still excited to take the lead in applauding, he naturally did not dare to stop, gritted his teeth, and continued to pat his painful palm.

   "Papa Papa..."

   Applause continued for five minutes, and several weak white females began to sweat all over.

   "Wang...Mr. Wang." Musk's arms were also sore as a needle stick, and couldn't help but dissuade him: "Shall we start business?"

   "Everyone is too enthusiastic." Chen Yu speeds up: "Take a good photo!"

   Everyone: "..."

   After another five minutes, Chen Yu scanned the audience and made sure that everyone was tired and became a dead dog. Then he smiled and nodded: "Okay, I feel everyone's enthusiasm."


  The words fell, and the crowd suddenly collapsed.

   The employees in front of them were stared at by the boss and kept smiling.

   "Enthusiasm, so enthusiastic." Seeing the trembling arms and red and swollen palms of the crowd, Chen Yu was moved and couldn't help clapping again.

   "Flap, pop!"

   The crowd raised their hands with a collapsed expression, and clapped again following the rhythm of Chen Yu.

   "Wang...Mr. Wang, let's start teleporting. It will be dawn in a while." Musk smiled forcefully.

   "Oh, isn't it." Looking up at the dark sky, Chen Yu closed his hands regretfully: "Then stop here, business matters."

   "Hurry up! Get moving, organize the supplies!" In order to prevent Chen Yu from driving the audience to applaud, Musk hurriedly urged everyone to work. Then he turned his head and asked, "Mr. Wang, you can connect to Mars now."

   "No problem." With an OK gesture, Chen Yu sliding projection: "The login area is set on the Harris Plain, right? It is very flat and suitable for building residential areas, and it is easier to collect rocks."

   "Harris Plains..." Musk's eyes wandered.

   According to the internal information he got, that place was the location China had chosen for this landing.

  If it can be stationed in the Harris Plain before the China Aerospace Corps...

   gave Chen Yu a vague glance, and Musk decisively agreed: "Harris Plain is fine, you have the final say."

   "Okay." Nodding, Chen Yu activated the space connection with the surface of Mars.

   The next moment, the world behind the metal arch flashed, and in just half a second, it turned from the floating castle hall to a desolate red earth.

   Mars-Harris Plain.


He clapped his palms to attract everyone's attention. Chen Yu took a step back and shouted: "Now, everyone has piled up supplies to me, put the anti-falling materials in the front, the mechanical equipment in the back, and I threw them in one by one. , The efficiency will be very high. As for the two astronauts, let’s take a break, save energy, and wait for the next work on Mars."

   After hearing the words, everyone looked at Musk subconsciously.

   "Listen to Mr. Wang's orders." Musk was overjoyed when he saw Chen Yu willing to help.

   The SpaceX staff suddenly got busy, carrying a bag of daily necessities and stacking them in front of Chen Yu.

   "Mr. Musk, the male employees of your company are not more physically inferior, right?" Chen Yu said a pun.

   " laughed."

   shrugged, Chen Yu didn't care about these details, picked up a packing box of supplies, and threw it into the portal behind him.


  The black shadow flickered, and the wind howled!

   The packing box that requires at least four people to move was easily thrown out more than ten meters away!

   The pupils of everyone present suddenly shrank.

   "I haven't seen the world..."

   Seeing that everyone was shocked by his own hand, Chen Yu muttered in contempt, and then shouted: "Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and work."

  The employees immediately regained consciousness and hurriedly continued to move the boxes.

   These things belong to the materials customized for the Martian environment. From drinking water, food, seeds, to tools, lightweight glass, alloy walls, and chemical products, all are expensive.

   If there are only two astronauts, it is enough for them to consume more than two years. Within two years, even without Chen Yu’s “portal” service, through the Falcon 9 heavy rocket, energy was continuously transported to the past, completing the development and expansion of the colony.



   Under Chen Yu's extraordinary strength and endurance, piece by piece of packaging boxes were thrown on the surface of Mars, but within five minutes, 75% of the supplies were "shipped".

  The rest are precision-structured high-tech products, not suitable for violent transportation.


   Pat patted the dust on his body, inside the helmet, Chen Yu smirked very happily: "Enthusiastic people of Jian Guo..."


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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