Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 312: The extreme society of future civilization

East Central, over the boundary of an armed force.

Chen Yu stood there, silent for a long while. Efforts to calm the emotions, face the camera and spread his hands. "As you can see, my surname was exposed by artificial mental retardation. Yes, I am not Wang. The real surname is Chen. From now on everyone will call me Mr. Chen. But this It's all trivial, not part of the evaluation content, so skip it."

Moving on, he walked forward along the silver ground and said, "It seems that my guess is correct. The product of this issue is indeed a flying machine. And it is likely to be used for space flight."

"In the cabin, the air pressure returned to normal, proving that humans in thousands of years are still living under this atmospheric pressure. I can't think of what the materials of the ground, walls and ceiling are. But what is certain is that they are all shining, and I am now Dynamic vision, no flickering of light can be observed."

Chen Yu stopped when he walked to a half-curved black wall.

He stretched out his hand to stroke the wall and found that the surface was extremely hard and would not deform like a silver wall.

"Almost understand the structure of this aircraft." Taking a step back, Chen Yu gestured in front of the camera. "Simply put, the cylinder in the middle is the passage space. The area is about the same size as the outside, and there are no compartments or small rooms. , Is a cylindrical hall. You can see it all."

"Everyone will definitely wonder, if it's an aircraft, where is the cab? I doubt that." Chen Yu shrugged and opened his arms. "The whole hall is empty. Let alone the cab, there is not even a chair."

"As for the convex curved wall, it is the two **** on both sides of the cylinder. I can't enter. Or I don't know how to enter."

After briefly talking about the experience of being in it, Chen Yu raised his head and shouted, "Sand sculpture, are you there?"

There was silence in the hall.

"Artificial mental retardation! Are you there? Say a word." Chen Yu raised his voice.

"Are you talking about me again?" The voice appeared again.


"Mr. Chen, I am not artificial intelligence, just a flow of quantum information, without the characteristics of intelligence, computing and life."

"You are not an artificial intelligence?" Chen Yu was surprised.


" many years was this ship produced?"

"6877 AD."

"Sixty-ninth century product?!"

Chen Yu clenched his fists subconsciously and couldn't help but stand up his hair...

This is the "most" future technology product he has gotten.

It is more than four thousand years away from modern times.

To use a clear example, it is like the gap between human beings and Tabby Star’s wisdom civilization in the 22nd century...

"This ship should be very advanced? Why is it not equipped with artificial intelligence?"

"In 6877, there was no artificial intelligence." The voice is concise and concise. "All transportation products are assisted by quantum information flow."

"No artificial intelligence?" Chen Yu immediately recalled Xiao Taohong's figure in his mind, "Isn't it possible?! Even in the 20th and 30th centuries, technology must be more advanced in the 60th century, but there was no artificial intelligence?"



"Your question has not been answered."

"...Is artificial intelligence not meeting the requirements of human use in the sixtieth century?"

"Your question has not been answered."


Inquired in several ways, but failed to obtain useful information from the "mouth" of the quantum information flow.

"Is there a big hole in artificial intelligence?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu stopped thinking about it, and changed the question "It seems that the language we use for communication now is ancient Chinese?"

"Yes Mr. Chen."

"Don't call me Mr. Chen anymore." Chen Yu became angry again "Call me Dad."

"Yes Dad."

"Since there is ancient Chinese, does it mean that there will be new Chinese in the future?"

"There is no new Chinese. Chinese was no longer used in the 55th century. At the same time, hundreds of languages ​​such as Old English, Old Japanese, and Ancient Indian were no longer used."

"Changed to the kind of words you said at the beginning?" Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes. It's called the human language."

"Because human beings are unified?"

"Humankind has completed the generalized unification in the forty-nineth century. The reason for the change of language is because the single-dimensional structure of language information expression is limited and is not suitable for the developed new society."

Hearing that, Chen Yu gradually couldn't understand "What does single-dimensional language mean?"

"The same paragraph, phrase, text, spoken language, etc. can only express a small amount of information, that is, a single-dimensional language. For example, the word'rain' in ancient Chinese only represents the liquid falling from the clouds. Cloud rain only expresses rain or human mating. This way One-dimensional language structure is extremely inefficient. Since the 50th century, it has become a drag on the development of human civilization."

Chen Yu looked blank.

He cannot understand what amount of knowledge will make the current language expression invalid...

"Hmm... So is the human language a multidimensional language?"


"Can you show me something? Let us backward apes intuitively feel what efficiency is."


The voice fell, and a picture was suddenly displayed in midair in the attention of 160 million people...

A painting composed of various symbols and lines.

Chen Yu raised his head, just took a look, and felt dizzy, "What is this special?"

"New human writing."

"Such a complicated text, can you tell me that it is efficient?!"


"What does it mean?"

"Represents the meaning of Encyclopedia Britannica."

Hearing this, Chen Yu couldn't help but laugh at "Such a big tuft is equal to eight characters? It's faster to write in Chinese, right?"

"It represents 26 million words in the full text of Encyclopedia Britannica." The human voice explained.

Chen Yu "???"

Damn it!

Fuck +1

Does this painting express 26 million words?

how is this possible?

Fart Yo!

Does it require chip interpretation? Similar to a QR code.


Surprised for a long time, Chen Yu couldn't help but say, "Are you kidding? This picture is indeed a bit complicated, but how can it carry more than 20 million words of information? Will humans become robots in the future? Through binary interpretation?"

"This is the difference between a single-dimensional language and a multi-dimensional language." In the hall, the human voice spoke calmly. "In a single-dimensional language, Chinese is very advanced. Because it provides four structures, such as the word "众". , The three'persons' are superimposed, and the number of expressions is large. This has the embryonic form of a little multi-dimensional language."

"And the true multi-dimensional language, in addition to up, down, left, right, front, back, far, near, high, low, large, small, deep, shallow, space, time, folding, connection, delay, compression, etc. Three dimensions. Each text (picture) can express more than 60 million words of ancient Chinese information."

"In the fifty-fifth century, human beings were very slow to read this new type of text. But by the sixtieth century, the speed of human reading was already very impressive. Through the ancient high-speed graphics flashing, you can read twenty-two in one second. A character (picture) is equivalent to 1.32 billion Chinese characters."

"At most one hour, you can read all the papers and knowledge of the 30th century. A portable device can carry the knowledge of human civilization through this kind of text. Whether human (sound transmission), synthetic human (electrical transmission), mechanical People (pulse transmission), communicating with each other will become extremely efficient."

Standing in place, looking at the "words" of the new humans in the sky, listening to the human voices in my ears. Chen Yu only felt that his three views were ruined.

The sixtieth century...

What a world beyond modern human imagination...

In the live broadcast room, the original noisy wave of barrage also disappeared at this moment.

Just a few minutes of conversation The thinking of all mankind has been affected.

This can be understood as the cultural crushing of a high-end civilization over a low-end civilization.

After a long time, Chen Yu recovered and took a deep breath. "Thank you for the popularization of science, which has broadened our horizons. Let's get to the point now. This product is called R-shaped deep space ship. What is it? In space Fly in?"

"Yes. This ship is dedicated to space navigation. Its classified name is called..."

"Super Light Speed·Spaceship..."

"Super speed of light?!" Chen Yu exclaimed.

Faster than light? !

Faster than light? !


(Note: Yesterday, I ordered a lot and I was suddenly excited, so today I have 7,000 or 8,000 words. I hope to keep the order and continue to update 233333 tomorrow.)

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