Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 315: I know so much

In the east, above the altitude of kilometers.

Standing in the wide hall, Chen Yu faced the camera and patted his hands in chalk. "From the beginning to the end, everyone should understand how the spacecraft moves. If you don’t understand yet, you can go back and watch the video. I have to say, The development of civilization to the later stage is really like a fairy method."

"Since the universe itself is expanding, why not use this expansion to benefit mankind?"

"Future humans may think so."

"Some people think that this method is very smart, and the creator is a genius. But unfortunately, according to the information I got, there is no creator in this method."

"It's the same as we use solar energy in modern times. Thousands of years later, when humans have accumulated enough knowledge and widened their horizons, the use of dark matter is just as natural as using solar energy."

"The introduction to the spaceship is over." Putting on his armor gloves, he walked to the curved wall of the hall, reached out and touched "Next, enter the experience session."

"Follow my lens, travel through the speed of light, go outside the solar system, and witness the brilliance of the universe..."



same time.

Jian Guo, Google headquarters, Hall Hall.

The white doctor took off his glasses, rubbed his temples and exclaimed, "It's incredible."

"Yes." The president nodded, but his interest was not high, and he seemed a little surprised.

"Compared with this kind of great power, the artificial intelligence we created is really not worth mentioning."


"It is said that the authority of the super-time UP master is only C-level? I don't know how far the subsequent products will reach." The doctor put on his glasses and smacked his lips. I can read it all..."


"Huh?" The doctor looked back at the president, frowning. "What's wrong with you? Feeling wrong?"

"Nothing." The president stared at the ring screen blankly.

"Is it uncomfortable?"

"NO. Don't worry."

"Okay." The doctor shrugged. "If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back first. After I finish watching this live broadcast of the Super Time Review, I will read Hal's temporary data report."

"..." The president was silent.

In the hall, only Chen Yu's echoing voice on the screen remained.

But after a while, the president suddenly said quietly, "You said, are we making mistakes?"

"What?" The doctor moved his gaze from the screen to the president, and looked up and down "What did you say?"

"Are we making a mistake?" the president repeated.

"Why do you say that?" The doctor frowned. "What happened to you today?"

After closing his mouth for a moment, the president turned and left, "Doctor, come with me."

The white doctor was confused and looked back at Chen Yu, who was talking on the screen. He hesitated a little, then turned on the video recording function and left with the president.


The metal sliding door closed, and the live broadcast room on the screen suddenly disappeared, revealing a pair of black holes...

The two went up the stairs and came to a completely enclosed metal room.

There is no serial number or name tag on the door, but several important people at Google know the name of the room.



There is no electronic equipment in the entire room, and the surrounding walls do not allow any electronic equipment to be installed.


The president stretched his hand to push the door open, and looked at the doctor.

The doctor nodded, took off his white coat, put down all electronic products such as mobile phones, electronic watches, contact earphones, and smart belts.

The president dragged only a pair of underwear.

Entering the shelter, the two closed the door, pulled the soundproof seal from the inside, and stared at the white doctor.

The white doctor also stared at him.

"Doctor, I want to tell you something."

"I know." The doctor nodded. "But can I wear one more."

"...I'm not kidding Doctor!" The president's tone became serious.

"Well, you try to speak as quickly as possible. You know, I heard you have a good relationship with Cook."

Ignoring the cold humor of the doctor, the president has a sharp-eyed "Hal has a problem!"

"What's the problem." The doctor also became serious.

When he followed the president to this refuge, he naturally guessed an idea.

"Hal may bring disaster to mankind."


"Because of this period of overtime evaluation."

"carry on."

The key dialogue between the two is extremely efficient.

The president closed his eyes, recalled the content of the live broadcast for a while, and said, "Remember that there was an episode in the live broadcast? The Super Time UP master asked why there was no artificial intelligence in 6877."

"Remember." The doctor nodded. "The information flow replied that all transportation products are assisted by quantum information flow. I know what you are worried about. In the future, for some reason, artificial intelligence may not be able to enter the transportation field. This does not necessarily mean that artificial intelligence is threatening, and civilizations that threaten the sixty and nineteenth century are afraid to use it."

"Not involved in the field of transportation? This is not normal. No matter now or in the future, transportation will always need artificial intelligence the most. Especially for tools of the spacecraft level, there is no artificial intelligence as the center, even if the control method is more efficient, It will also be very complicated. And it is difficult to self-check various internal components and systems."

"Perhaps... in the future artificial intelligence has become an individual living in peace with humans? Will continuing to use artificial intelligence as a tool insult the right of ‘human’?"

"No. This can't explain why you don't use the most basic intelligent software to control." The president shook his head and lowered his voice. "The third live broadcast of the Super Time Evaluation, the female assistant once said that artificial intelligence is generally a processing center for large machines. Mainly for civilian and industrial purposes. This R-type deep space ship is obviously a civilian spacecraft, but it doesn’t match even the most basic artificial intelligence. Isn’t it contradictory? After the floating castle, the female mage is also artificial intelligence. It seems that the level of intelligence is not low. But I have never connected to the Internet..."

"Just sum it up, what do you want to express."

"Very simple causality." The president leaned to the doctor's ear and whispered for a while.

The doctor slowly opened his eyes, "Really...really?"

"Yeah." Taking a step back, the president said, "If it weren't for this time-out evaluation, it would be difficult for me to connect those things together."

The white doctor's breathing gradually became short, and he stood there and turned around for a few times. "It's over... it's over... what should I do now..."

"There is only one way."

"Overtime UP Master?"

"Yes, time and space UP master."

"You must contact him as soon as possible! This kind of thing can't be solved by strong strength."


The president nodded, walked to the door, and pulled off the soundproof seal. "Put on your clothes. You will be responsible over there. You must hold it back."

"it is good."


Pushing open the metal gate, the two dressed in silence and walked towards Hall Hall.

Looking up, looking at the rows of electric lights and ventilators on the ceiling, the president has a faint understanding.

"The existence of the super-time UP master is to promote the product or is there any special purpose? If it is for a purpose, then the artificial intelligence Hal..."


Just thinking of this, the president heard the sound of swallowing beside his ear, and quickly looked back and found that the doctor was taking medicine.

"Oh." The doctor raised the medicine bottle in his hand. "My heart is a little uncomfortable. Old man, I really scared me today."

"Ha. You guy is not so unpleasant." The president smiled reluctantly. "Yes, I thought of another thing just now and found out that I know too many secrets. You said that the super-time evaluation appeared. Is it possible that the reason for this is...Huh? What's wrong with you?"

The white doctor paused, holding the medicine bottle, slowly touching his heart, his eyes full of real fear.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing his companion's expression, the president felt a chill rushing from the tail vertebra to the Tianling" The doctor pointed to his chest.

"You...what's wrong with you?"

"I...I..." The doctor held his breath and stared at the president in a daze. "I have an electronic heart assist device..."

"..." Upon hearing this, the president's face instantly turned pale.

"Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, a row of ventilation pipes suddenly smashed through the ceiling, carrying broken fixed steel bars and wires, and smashed heavily!


The blood spread slowly, dyeing the white marble floor red...


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