Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 317: See what the kids are doing...

"Director, shall we participate this time?"

Jian Guo, NASA Headquarters, the lobby on the second floor.

The new director sits in the comfortably furnished independent office, through the glass window, watching the screen in the distance. After a moment of silence, he turns to look at the new assistant. "The director who does not participate has become the former director. You say us Will you participate?"

"But..." the assistant hesitated. "I have been staring at the account, and there is no money coming in. Does Congress not allow it."

"The state of emergency has been activated above. Bypassing the meeting, the funds will not go to the NASA account." The director narrowed his eyes. "In short, the money has entered 15 live broadcast rooms at home and abroad. This interaction is different for NASA. , Must be qualified!"

"The super-time UP master is the narrowest, worst, racist who lacks the international spirit and the overall situation. You should be cautious."

"False. Your statement is too extreme." The director shook his head. "He should be the most narrow-minded, worst, and most lacking racial dictator with international spirit and overall situation!"


"Obviously, he has been targeting us at NASA."

"Then... Then if the selection fails, will we be responsible?"

"Responsibility will certainly be there, but it is not fatal." The chief got up, picked up a cigar, and sniffed it in front of his nose. UP’s character. Like the previous director’s operation, he was so stupid. He was so mentally retarded that he chose to abstain? I really don’t know how my brain grows. When I was his assistant, I was so angry that I wouldn’t listen to any advice."

"Yes." The assistant nodded. "So you are in charge."

"Definitely. It is a crime against the whole country to make that pig head director. Minister Josenna's vision is still accurate. Although I don't have much outstanding ability, I can at least listen to the suggestions of the team and colleagues to stabilize the overall situation."

"……Yes Yes Yes."

"In fact, if the previous director had followed my advice and mobilized funds for rewards, he would have been selected long ago."


"The more I think about it, the more angry it gets." The director frowned. "Stupid European guy."

"...Can you stop scolding in person?" The assistant clenched his fists. "Is it a little bit of the past?"

"Don't be fussy, light a cigarette."


East Middle, in front of the metal arch.

Facing the camera, Chen Yu said loudly, "Although the space in the cabin of the spacecraft is not small, in order to ensure a pleasant experience throughout the entire process, only 20 people were selected for this interaction. A group of ten people rely on luck, and a group of ten people rely on banknotes. "

"The detailed rules have been explained on live broadcast many times in the past. Don't talk nonsense, just start the lottery."

"First of all, the barrage group, ten guests!"

When the voice fell, all the webcast rooms around the world broke out instantly! Surging!

I am the successor of socialism! Pick me!


One hundred and sixty million people choose ten...

Can choose me, live broadcast! Stir fry with chopped green onion dipping sauce.

Lower the winning rate.

Lower the winning rate by +1.


Smoke me! Quickly smoke me! Hard! what!


The audience increased and so did the enthusiasm.

Chen Yu waited five minutes for the crazy barrage ocean to calm down slightly.

Taking off his armor gloves, he raised his wrists and watched for a long time before he could find ten IDs "Stop!"

"The ten gods in the barrage group have been selected. Now we start to broadcast the list!"

"The B station platform is still the first, and the ID is falling."

"Dunyu platform, ID crooked cart."

"AfreecaTV platform, ID station pillar."

"Poxyin platform, ID Bi blank flag."

"N station platform, ID..."

Three minutes later, Chen Yu put down his wrists and said clearly, "Above, the gods who have a one-to-one in 16 million chance of being selected have opened the private chat permission for you. You are limited to send addresses within three minutes, and I will open it. Transport through the portal. If there are new viewers among these people, please pay attention. Once you have not sent me an address after the timeout period, you will be deemed to have given up the qualification for interaction.

Unlike previous live broadcasts, now the network blockade is almost invalid, and these people can become Internet celebrities.


I'm so sore.

Real-name report anchor Lei's monkey-playing!

"The barrage group is over, now it's the reward group's turn."

After sorting out the wording in his mind, Chen Yu said, "Before the start of the lottery, I emphasized that this interaction is still related to aerospace, and even after reaching the outer galaxy, some observation and collection activities will be carried out. When choosing, you may be more inclined to astronomy-related units, institutions or organizations. So please be careful when giving rewards from other companies."


"I announce that the selection of the reward group has officially begun!"

At the end of the speech, the tips in the live broadcast room broke out with a frequency that was not inferior to the barrage.

Prompt the International Astronomical Observatory to send out Chrono-Space Glory×5000!

Prompt the China Academy of Aerospace Sciences to send out the Chrono-Space Glory×6000.

Remind ADM·yes Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. to send out Super Rocket×76543.

Reminder, your Dad Network Technology Co., Ltd. sent out Super Time Brilliance*12000!

Hint, your dad’s internet technology...


Seeing the announcement of suddenly swiping the screen on all major platforms, Chen Yu was taken aback, then frowned and thought about whether to give Ma no money a chance to enter.

If you don’t do it early or late, it happened to be rushed to the time when the online ban failed, and the reward is so harsh... Obviously, it means to advertise.

"Heh, is it great to have money?"

With a sneer, Chen Yu raised his wrist and sent a private message to your father's company in the watch, "I have chosen you, dear..."

Three minutes later, the rate of rewards on various platforms gradually subsided.

Just when everyone thought that this "top card" was won by Ma without money, a series of reward announcements suddenly hit! Spread countless live broadcast rooms.

Prompt NASA to send out super rockets × 20000!

Prompt the NASA Aerospace Agency to send out the Glory of Time × 10000!

Prompt NASA to send a flashlight × 23000......

Remind NASA...

In just one second at least several billion dollars smashed in and knocked "Ah your father" directly. And the distance gets bigger and bigger.

Everyone understands that this represents the deployment of national power.

The world can compete with it, only China.

But Huaxia is not dei, obviously every interaction has a share, there is no need to compete with menopausal two goods...

The reward lasted for two minutes, and NASA finally stopped.

Chen Yu blinked and carefully checked the NASA space agency's consumption.

"One, ten, ten...billion, one billion, ten billion..."

"It's hard to see the children..."

.. ..

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