Chapter 15

“How about Qin Feng, do you think I should join the army because of this.” Without waiting for Qin Feng to answer anything, Thompson asked Qin Feng again.

“This… It depends on your choice, if you really feel that you are interested in joining the army and really want to go to the army for further study, then I think you should go to the army. Qin Feng thought for a moment and said to Thompson.

It didn’t perfunctory Thompson or anything.

“In this way, thank you Qin Feng, I understand, I invite you to dinner at night, and I don’t know when I can eat with you next time.” Thompson.

“You made a decision.” Qin Feng.

“Hmm.” Thompson.

“Oh.” Qin Feng replied and followed, “Then so be it.” ”

“Okay.” Thompson.

So Qin Feng hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng couldn’t help but shake his head, judging from Thompson’s last words, Qin Feng already understood, in fact, Thompson had already made a decision when he called, and he was ready to become a soldier.

The reason why he called to ask Qin Feng was actually just to have one more person approve of him becoming a soldier, make him more determined, or think that what he did was more correct.

“If this guy goes to the army, I don’t know if he can become Venom in the future, but even if he can become Venom, I’m afraid it will be a few years later.” Qin Feng’s eyes flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he stopped thinking about such things.

Jump out of bed.

Follow the brushing of teeth, rinse your mouth, and wash your face.

After doing everything, Qin Feng looked at the handsome face in the mirror, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

His face in this life is really handsome.

Although the blonde hair was not as good as the black hair he was familiar with, it was not an eyesore.

Coupled with the fact that he will transform into a glacier, his body is more cold, and it looks more mysterious.

After a little look in the mirror, Qin Feng walked out of the door, and then rode a bicycle towards the school.

“If memory serves, my current situation is that after this semester, I will have to intern and find a job after studying, and if I finish the credits, I can finish the course early. First go to revisit the campus life, see how the campus life of the star country is, if you can, then continue to study, if not, then finish the credits early and graduate directly.

Or simply graduate directly from yourself and don’t go to class.

Anyway, for me now, the class is not interesting.

Instead of going to class, it’s better to get some money.

By the way, speaking of money, it seems that the money left by the parents of the ‘predecessor’ is not much, and if you don’t want to eat soil, or rely on Susan’s relief, you really have to find a way to get money.

However, as far as money is concerned, it should not be difficult.

After all, the fastest way to make money is written in the Constitution.

Although I am not going to be a criminal or anything, if I work part-time as a superhero and get some money by the way, it seems that it is not impossible.

What could be faster than cleaning up the gangsters and getting money out of them?

Find a drug dealer, arms deal, eat black, it seems that you can get a lot of money, right?

Or do you want to directly do it to some large gangsters?

It’s a pity that I forgot such a thing yesterday, otherwise, in my Super Saiyan form yesterday, in the universe, just find a planet with a lot of gold, bricks and stones, and do it recklessly, you can also get a lot of money. ”

Qin Feng rode his bicycle to hurry while his thoughts turned.

Then he came to a breakfast cart location.

I saw that there were people selling burgers here.

The business of this breakfast cart is very good.

There will be a lot of people lining up to buy it.

According to the memory of the predecessor, the burgers in this breakfast car were very good, so when he came here, he was also ready to buy them and try them.

After queuing for more than ten minutes, it was Qin Feng’s turn.

Skillfully paying, choose a burger, and follow Qin Feng while eating, while preparing to leave the breakfast car position.



Before Qin Feng left the breakfast cart location, an explosion sounded on the ground a hundred meters away from the breakfast cart location.

At the same time as the explosion sounded, a large number of gunshots also sounded violently.

Then, there were three cars galloping wildly, and as the cars were speeding, the window of each car had militants covering their faces, holding automatic rifles and shooting.

The person they shot was a man wearing a Spider-Man suit hanging from spider silk and speeding towards them.

Well, that guy is Spider-Man.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Feng was not shocked.

In the Marvel world, such a thing is simply normal.

Ordinary people are living in misery.

Every day there are all kinds of terrorist attacks in major cities, evil bosses, mutants, robbing banks, robbing vaults, sabotage and so on.

It is really not easy for the predecessor to live safely to the age of twenty.

Not only is the predecessor not easy, but a large number of ordinary people in this world are actually not easy, after all, they don’t know that one day the city will be destroyed, or the world will be destroyed.

Or they don’t know that one day, they will suddenly be just an ordinary snap of their fingers and disappear.

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