Chapter 30

This box is no ordinary box.

This is the holy garment.

The box that appeared with him in the early hours of this morning after transforming into a glacier.

Although this holy robe appeared at that time, Qin Feng did not look at anything carefully.

After all, he had just married Goku’s Super Saiyan form at that time, and, at twelve, he didn’t want to ink more.

And when I woke up during the day and went to class, naturally I didn’t pay attention to it either.

Until now, at ten o’clock in the evening, in two hours, the transformation state will be over.

Under such circumstances, Qin Feng naturally had time to pay attention to this holy robe box.

After taking a slight look at the box, following Qin Feng’s thoughts, he immediately saw a set of sacred clothes, which flew out of the box and put it on his body at once.

This sacred robe exudes a dazzling light.

Almost in the moment of wearing, Qin Feng suddenly had a strong feeling, and his own strength increased many times in the moment he wore this holy robe.

At this moment, his strength was far from being comparable when he was not wearing holy robes.

“I didn’t expect this holy robe to be a holy robe, gee, it’s good.” Qin Feng looked at his new appearance, slightly surprised, but slightly surprised, but he was also relieved.

The sacred robe itself is the battle suit that appeared after the blood of the goddess and the holy seiya were elevated to the (eight senses) infinite small universe, and it was the closest to the divine robe, which was the final form of the holy robe and a dream form.

Only five protagonists in the story have ever been acquired.

And glaciers are one of them.

After being slightly surprised, Qin Feng followed the thought and disappeared from the place.

The next moment appeared above the sky.

After appearing here, I saw Qin Feng’s figure flash.

Ahead of the speed of light.

Without teleportation, just by relying on speed, he can instantly reach any place on the earth he wants to go.


Qin Feng kept flying and soaring in the void.

Ordinary people simply cannot see his existence clearly.

After all, this is the speed of light.


Even some mutants can’t lock his situation either.

Everything seemed to be extremely slow in front of Qin Feng.

In the moment when others can’t react, he can already do a lot of things.

Speaking of which, in the current world, there are only a few people who can reach such speeds.

The average superhero, capable of supersonic, is already quite good.

“In other words, faster-than-light flight, in the setting of Marvel, can shuttle through the past and the future. Can I also travel through the past and the future now? Coupled with my eighth sense, it is difficult for me to perceive that the past, present, and future can penetrate the essence of the world, and under the combination of the two, then I should be able to do it. During Qin Feng’s flight, his brain opened up, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

This is not what he thinks, but in the Marvel world, there are indeed some people who have done such things.

Quicksilver has done just that.

In addition, the Flash in the DC next door often does such things.

“If I can really rely on time to go back to the past, does that mean that I can actually inherit the power of the glacier all the time? Constantly shuttling to the moment when my transformation can become a glacier, and whenever I want to end my transformation, I will return to this point in time again? Qin Feng felt that his brain hole had broken through the sky.

I can’t help but want to try it.

However, after turning the thought a little, he still dismissed the idea.

Immerse yourself in the day.

Although this day, with the interference of his time and space, the story will be different every day, but no matter what, it is still on that day.

This kind of thing that has not grown and can only be stuck for one day, is fresh at first, and after that, it will definitely be very boring.

And constantly shuttling through time seems to cause very bad things.

So, forget it.

Qin Feng stopped flying after performing such a high-speed flight for a while.

Then we came to a pier.

When he came here, he saw two groups of people here.

Deals are underway.

One of the people was dressed in suits and shoes, and a man in black was dressed.

Another group of people had tattoos on their arms and mouths.

This will be where they are inspecting each other.

One side tests the money, the other tests the drugs.

Soon, both subordinates nodded to each other’s bosses.

So the bosses of both sides were satisfied.

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