Chapter 67

In three or two strokes, Qin Feng wiped out breakfast.

After destroying it, he took Peter Parker directly and headed for the sea.

Although it is said that you can’t exercise after eating.

But that is for ordinary people, for an existence like Qin Feng, exercise after meals is naturally no problem at all.

As for why you don’t exercise in the villa.

Qin Feng is not stupid.

Even if he and Peter Parker suppress their strength, what if they hit hi and work a little harder and destroy their villa.

At that time, it will not be a big loss.

So, whether it’s sports or fighting, the seaside can do it.

It just so happens that there is no one here, and very few people come.

And the place is big.

After a while, the two of them stayed away from the villa area to a certain extent.

Got to a beach location.

After arriving here, Qin Feng looked at Peter Parker, and then said: “Today I will give you a chance to attack, come on, you attack, I will defend.” ”

“Then I’ll come!” Peter Parker’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Before he came today, he had already planned to be beaten by Qin Feng again, but he didn’t expect that today Qin Feng let him make a move, and Qin Feng defended.


It’s not what he thinks too much, what he takes revenge on.

Although he understood that he should not be able to hurt Qin Feng, but yesterday he beat himself so badly, today he is the main attack, in case he hits Qin Feng, can he also make Qin Feng embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Peter Parker was a little excited and excited.

Then rushed up without hesitation.

Then it turned out that Peter Parker was still too young and still thought too much.

An hour later, Peter Parker had a blue nose and a swollen face.

And Qin Feng didn’t have anything at all.

In such battles, Qin Feng did not break his word, he was indeed defending.

But defending doesn’t mean not fighting back.


Peter Parker, who attacked, was naturally beaten badly.

However, although he was beaten badly, Peter Parker had excitement in his eyes.

Because while Qin Feng was fighting back, he was pointing out how he attacked, pointing out some of his fighting style flaws and fighting flaws.

Benefited Peter Parker a lot.

Although it was only an hour of sparring practice, it greatly improved Peter Parker.

The battle between the two was finally stopped because of a phone call.

Someone called Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the person who called was Tony Stark.

As for the phone numbers, they were naturally exchanged with each other last night.

The phone was immediately connected.

“Hey man, are you going to be at home?” As soon as the phone was connected, Tony Stark’s voice came out.

“In, what’s wrong?” Qin Feng.

“Didn’t I say yesterday about getting you a smart housekeeper, if you will be at home, I will go over and get it for you, in addition, today Saturday, you should not go to school, I will take you to some places to play.” Tony Stark.

“Okay.” Qin Feng replied.

Then without saying much, he hung up the phone.

“Okay, today’s battle is over here, let’s go, let’s go back.” Qin Feng said to Peter Parker.

“Well, this is not practiced?” Peter Parker was stunned, a little unfinished.

Although he was beaten badly, this kind of progress made him excited.

He has the confidence that with his fighting ability, if he faces some criminals again, or some extraordinary criminals, he can better capture them, instead of being full of loopholes like before.

“Well, that’s it, if you still want to continue, I’ll introduce you to someone later, and I’ll let him get you to a special institution to train.” Qin nodded and said.

“Well, that’s bothering you.” Peter Parker hesitated, and then thanked Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shook his head with a smile, and then returned to the villa with Peter Parker.

When he got here, he took two bottles of Coke from the refrigerator and handed one to Peter Parker.

Then the two sat on the sofa, drinking Coke and watching TV.

It was under such circumstances that soon the doorbell rang, Qin Feng gave authorization for the first time, and then saw Tony Stark walk in, and when he walked in, behind him, there was an intelligent robot.

The robot was holding a chest.

“Hey, Qin Feng, good morning.” After Tony Stark walked in, he greeted Qin Feng.

“Good morning, Tony.” Qin Feng also responded, and after responding, he looked curiously behind Tony Stark and looked at the intelligent robot, “What are you?” ”

Tony Stark did not answer, but removed the box from the intelligent robot’s hand.

Then open the box.

When I opened it, I saw that it was cold wine.

There are dozens of bottles.

“Well, this is?” Qin Feng was stunned.

“You have Coke in the refrigerator here in addition to Coke, so I’ll bring some of my own and put it here.” Tony Stark.

“You’re going to run me here for a long time.” Qin Feng.

“Aren’t you welcome.” Tony Stark.

“Naturally not.” Qin Feng shook his head with a smile, and then his mind moved, and he saw that the box held by Tony Stark flew up, and then a bottle of wine also flew up, flying towards the refrigerator position, and the refrigerator automatically opened and entered it.

“It’s a convenient ability.” Tony Stark praised.

Although it was not the first time to see Qin Feng’s special ability, he still sighed when he saw Qin Feng’s ability.

After sighing for a while, Tony Stark looked towards Peter Parker: “Dude, what’s going on with you, why are you blue nose and swollen face, who beat this up?” ”

“Hello Tony Stark, my name is Peter Parker.” With Tony Stark’s words, Peter Parker stood up from the couch and greeted Tony Stark.

“Well, hello, Parker!” Peter Parker smiled and held out his hand.

Peter Parker quickly stretched out his hand, and then the two shook it amicably.

“Going back to the question just now, can you tell me, what’s going on with you?” Tony Stark asked Peter Parker again, he was really a little curious, in other words, he would not have taken the liberty of asking someone such a thing before.

However, this person with a blue nose and a swollen face will appear in Qin Feng’s home, and Qin Feng is not taboo about the ability to use it, then this makes Tony Stark feel a little interesting.

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