Chapter 69

“Qin Feng, what name are you going to give this intelligent program to you?” As Qin Feng, under the guidance of Tony Stark, let the intelligent program recognize the master, Tony Stark asked Qin Feng.


Qin Feng was stunned, he really hadn’t thought about this before.

Subconsciously prepared is also called Jarvis.

But this will be Tony Stark such a reminder, Qin Feng sounded, Jarvis is Stark’s intelligent program, naturally Stark himself named the meaning of existence, and now his intelligent program, although born from Jarvis, is already a new intelligent program.

“It’s called Xiaobai.” After a slight startle, Qin Feng followed and spoke.

“Xiaobai?” Tony Stark’s eyes widened.

Not only Tony Stark’s eyes widened, but so did Peter Parker on the side.

“Why, isn’t that a good name?” Qin Feng frowned.

“Naturally, it’s not that it’s not okay, but your name is too arbitrary, just like taking a pet’s name, some pet names seem to be better than the name you take.” Tony Stark was crying and laughing.

“As long as he listens to me, whether he sounds good or not, as long as he calls it smoothly.” Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly.

“Well, it’s your name, whatever you want to take, it’s your freedom.” Tony Stark was speechless, and then spoke, changing his tone as he spoke: “That character, what are you going to do?” Designed as an animal? ”

“Bring me a two-dimensional sister paper.” Qin Feng said without hesitation.

“Khan, I didn’t see it Qin Feng, you still like this tune, you are still an otaku here.” Tony Stark looked at Qin Feng in surprise and couldn’t help but laugh.

Judging from the strength that Qin Feng displayed, he really didn’t expect that Qin Feng subconsciously liked the two-dimensional sister paper, and it seemed that he was still an otaku.

“I didn’t say I’m not an otaku.” Qin Feng.

“Then what kind of two-dimensional sister paper do you want, Hungarian large, with long legs?” Or loli? Girlish? “Tony Stark.

“Can I design it myself?” Qin Feng.

“Yes, you can just draw the characters according to what you want, and I can directly operate the program later to generate your intelligent program image.” Tony Stark.

Seeing this, Qin Feng did not hesitate, and followed the holographic projection keyboard and mouse set up by Tony Stark to quickly operate.

Two-dimensional sister paper or something, he has a lot in his mind.

So it’s naturally not difficult to come up with one.

Just find a sister paper to put on.

Because of the name Xiaobai for the intelligent program, Qin Feng couldn’t help but think of the image of an anime girl in it.

And then it sped off.

Soon, a blonde, naturally dull, three-nil sister paper appeared on the screen.

However, as soon as this name appeared, Qin Feng’s brows frowned.

Then quickly deleted the image of the sister paper, and then another blonde sister paper appeared on the screen.

However, it is different from the previous sister paper.

The previous sister paper, at a glance, is three nothing, natural stay, belongs to the kind without strength.

But the sister paper that Qin Feng made for the second time was a woman with Shengxue skin, golden hair with a shawl and turquoise eyes, and a very beautiful woman without makeup.

Her body exudes a royal aura, and her blonde hair has a dull hair at the top.

In addition, her hair was decorated with a blue ribbon and coiled up, resembling a noble maiden from a medieval European court.

In addition to such a picture.

He made the same sister paper next to him, but the other party was wearing a golden crown, a dress with a blue background and white edges, a blue pattern of silver armor on the outside, pure white trousers on the legs, feet and hands were completely covered by thick silver armor, and a thick cloak and a golden sword in his hand.

The aura of the king is even more unreserved.

“This is?”

Seeing this situation, both Tony Stark and Peter Parker had a feeling of being amazed.

is obviously a two-dimensional character, but just looking at the picture, people can’t help but want to get close to her.

At this moment, Tony Stark understood why so many otaku liked two-dimensional sister paper.

I have to say that the attraction of two-dimensional sister paper is indeed very strong.


Qin Feng said indifferently.

“Isn’t it Xiaobai?” Peter Parker on the side asked suspiciously.

“I changed my mind. The image of intelligent programs, because it should be only changeable, clothes, clothing and whatever, can only change, right? Qin Feng glared at Peter Parker, and then asked Tony Stark.

“Well, yes, no problem at all.” Tony Stark said without hesitation: “In addition, not only the clothes can be changed, even the voice is the same, of course, in fact, the image or something, if you are not satisfied with it later, or you are tired of it, you can also let Saber change it himself.” ”

“So be it, give me a generation.” Qin Feng nodded, and then said to Tony Stark again.

So Tony Stark operated for Qin Feng again.

Immediately confirmed the initial image of the intelligent program, and also changed the exclusive salutation setting according to Qin Feng’s request.


When Qin Feng set such an exclusive title, whether it was Tony Stark or Qin Feng, looking at Qin Feng’s eyes, it was very strange.

It’s all looking at each other.

I only feel that Qin Feng’s hobby is really too special.


Unexpectedly let such a sister paper, call him master.

Gee, it seems that subconsciously, Qin Feng prefers to conquer the tone.

As far as the situation of this two-dimensional girl is concerned, the other party is heroic and imposing at first glance, and his body still exudes a kingly aura.

It’s some kind of king.

As a result, he was set by Qin Feng and had to call him master.

This is not what the conquest tone is.

“Qin Feng turns out that you like this, when you have time, I will introduce a few princesses to you, as long as you have the ability, you can let them call you master.” Tony Stark looked at Qin Fengdao with a smile.

Qin Feng was speechless.

I don’t bother to explain why I set the exclusive title of master.

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