Chapter 82

With the appearance of the space portal, Gu Yi followed closely and stepped into the space portal and disappeared, but when she disappeared, this time the space portal she opened did not disappear, it was still suspended in the void.

Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled, also raised his heels, and stepped into the space portal.

The next moment.

It’s still that library.

Gu Yi and Qin Feng appeared here.

The location where they appeared was next to Tony Stark and Peter Parker.

Tony Stark and Peter Parker are both holding magic books, studying and watching.

“Well, do you have a basic understanding of magic?” After appearing here, Furuichi didn’t have any ink, and immediately looked at Tony Stark and Peter Parker, and asked the two with a smile.


Both Tony Stark and Peter Parker nodded.

“Very well, so start learning magic with me now.” Gu Yi said with a smile, while smiling, he waved his right hand, and saw two rings that appeared out of nowhere, flying towards Tony Stark and Peter Parker respectively.


Peter Parker and Tony Stark were stunned at each other, followed by a shot, grabbing a ring.

“Ancient Mage, this is?” Tony Stark grabbed the ring and asked Furuichi while looking at the strangely shaped ring in his hand.

“This is the suspense, an auxiliary prop for magicians to cast magic, you must have its assistance if you want to learn space magic, of course, if you are very talented in magic, after reaching a certain level, you can also open any portal without the help of it.” Furuichi said with a smile.

After speaking, a spatial portal appeared again in front of him, and he followed into it.

Qin Feng looked at Tony Stark and Peter Parker, and then followed Gu Yi again.

Peter Parker and Tony Stark also hurried to follow.

Reappeared, and they were still on a cliff.

In this cliff position, the clouds are shrouded, standing on the edge of the cliff, looking down, you don’t know how deep the cliff really is.

You can’t see the bottom at all.

It feels intimidating.

Some people with fear of heights, just staying here, will be terrified.

However, neither Qin Feng, nor Peter Parker nor Tony Stark felt this way.

Qin Feng itself has super strength, even the universe can survive, how can he care about a cliff, as for Peter Parker, he is also Spider-Man now, although he can’t fly, but he can be a Tarzan of the apes in the city building all day, naturally he will not be afraid of such a height.

And Tony Stark…

Although Tony Stark is still an ordinary person now.

His exoskeleton armor has not yet been completely manufactured, but he is a passionate and exciting person.

Such a cliff would not make him afraid either.

After appearing here, Furuichi glanced at Peter Parker and Tony Stark, and then explained any way to build a gate, and instructed the two to build a portal.

Under Gu Yi’s guidance, Qin Feng, who was standing on the side, naturally couldn’t help but learn how to build arbitrary doors.


I learned it in an instant.

He found that with his current transformation state, with the strength of his current mental power.

This arbitrary door can be constructed without resorting to a suspense.

Because magicians themselves cultivate spirits and cultivate magic.

Although he did not have magical power, his spiritual power was far beyond the spiritual strength that ordinary magicians could contain.

Just know how any door is built, magic spells, spells, and can be cast naturally.

After discovering such a situation, the expression on Qin Feng’s face couldn’t help but become a little strange.

“I learned it all at once in the transformation state, so if I am not in the transformation state of Ikki tomorrow, can any door I learned still be used?” Qin Feng couldn’t help but think so.

After thinking a little, Qin Feng was attracted by Peter Parker and Tony Stark after his attention.

To be precise, he was attracted to Tony Stark.

In the Doctor Strange movie that Qin Feng watched, although Doctor Strange was amazingly talented and learned magic quickly, it took him a lot of time to build any door, and finally he was brought to the top of the snow mountain by Gu Yi, allowing him to withstand ice and snow erosion, and only in the face of death was he successfully built any door.

At this moment, I saw that after Gu Yi pointed out Peter Parker and Tony Stark, Tony Stark relied on the suspension ring according to the spell and magic spell, only tried slightly three times, and then successfully drew an arbitrary door at once.

Such a scene made Qin Feng couldn’t help but open his eyes.

He can learn it because he has strong mental power, but how did Tony Stark learn it all at once?

Although Qin Feng is very clear, Tony Stark is an extremely talented person.

But that talent is scientific, but I didn’t expect that Tony Stark also had a talent in the occult.

Better than Doctor Strange.

“No wonder Tony can become a Supreme Mage in a certain timeline, in terms of this magical talent, he does not become a Supreme Mage, who else can become a Supreme Mage. However, Tony will show such an amazing talent, will Gu Yi change the successor of the Supreme Mage? So that Tony Stark will inherit the position of Supreme Mage instead of Doctor Strange? If that’s the case, it’s really a little interesting…” Qin Feng sighed with emotion, and after sighing for a while, his face couldn’t help but become strange.

When Qin Feng was so emotional, Gu Yiji on the side also looked at Tony Stark a little surprised.

There was doubt in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but glance at Qin Feng.

Although Furuichi has actually seen Tony Stark become a Supreme Mage on a certain timeline.

But Tony Stark wants to become a Supreme Mage, he must first go through something, he must believe in the occult, he must have an interest in the occult.

And Tony Stark himself is a super scientist, good at all kinds of inventions.

His scientific attainments are very high.

It’s not easy to get him to identify with the occult all of a sudden.

But now Tony Stark learned magic all of a sudden, it was obvious that he agreed with the occult, and the reason for all this, needless to say, must be because of Qin Feng.


In fact, in some of the timelines that Gu Yi saw, she had never seen Qin Feng by Tony Stark’s side.

In the long river of time, Qin Feng did not leave the slightest trace.

It’s as if he doesn’t exist at all.

To be honest, Gu Yi’s interest in Qin Feng was really great.

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