Chapter 151

“X-Men? Well, I’ve heard of such an organization. The Hulk was startled and nodded.

X-Men often deal with the government and the military.

As a person with a military background, Hulk has naturally heard of it.

But it’s only about hearing about it.

He didn’t get a closer look at this X-Men.

After all, in this world, there are evil mutants, and naturally there are righteous mutants.

He knows very well that some people will choose to be evil or superheroes when they become stronger.

The X-Men are the group of people who like to be superheroes.

He is not disgusted, but at the same time he does not worship.

Having reached his level, the Hulk knows very well that there is no absolute good or evil in the world, right or wrong.

The existence of the X-Men is not necessarily just to fight crime.

What’s more, I’m afraid they also want to plan a land for mutants to survive.

Show the righteous side of mutants.

“Just hear about it.” Qin Feng nodded, and then looked towards the field.

When I looked at it, I saw that the Storm Girl, Laser Eye, and Jean Grey were all panting, and their faces must be solemn.

Obviously, they are not lightly consumed.

Although Qin Feng only left for a while.

But Qingley and the others fought Hela, but they kept urging big moves.

Under the constant urging of big moves, their power consumption is naturally very large.

Each blow reached the power of destroying the city.

Every blow is terrifying and powerful.

Even if their strength is good, they are a little overwhelmed.

And that’s not the main reason.

Mainly because they not only have to urge power on a large scale, but also have to compete with Hela’s attacks.

Every time he confronted Hela’s attack, he didn’t dare to be careless.

The more time passes, the more so.

Because the power that Hela fights is getting stronger and stronger.

More and more terrifying.

“It seems that the X-Men in front of you are not as powerful as Miss Hela. In addition, boss, why doesn’t Miss Hela exert her full strength, the strength she will display is significantly weaker than the strength she showed when she fought me before. After watching the battle for a while, the Hulk said to Qin Feng.

As soon as he said this, he answered without Qin Feng.

The corners of Hela’s mouth, who was fighting not far away, flashed into a smile.

And Jean Grey, the storm girl’s brows suddenly furrowed.

Although they are a certain distance from the center of the battle.

But with Hela and Jean Grey and the strength of Storm Girl, they can also hear from this position.

While frowning, Stormgirl and Jean Grey couldn’t help but glance at each other, and their faces became solemn.

Is this the power of God?

It turned out to be so powerful that it was at this level.

They have already let go of the means and shot en masse.

They still couldn’t help her.

But she didn’t use her full strength at all.

It’s really scary.

Compared to the reaction of Storm Girl and the others, Professor X would have turned his gaze towards the Hulk.

In the moment of watching, the ability is activated.

Just prepare to read the memory of the Hulk.

Listening to the Hulk, he had a battle with Hela, which naturally made Professor X curious about how strong the Hulk was and how he had the strength to fight Hela.


As soon as Professor X exerted his ability, a cold snort sounded, and at the same time as the cold snort sounded, Qin Feng’s eighth sense was activated, and his spiritual power urged, suddenly extinguishing Professor X’s prying eyes on the Hulk.

With Qin Feng like this, Professor X suddenly snorted, and his face suddenly changed pale.


Professor X’s situation was immediately discovered by the fighting Qin Gray, and suddenly his figure flashed, he broke away from the battle, appeared in front of Professor X, and called to Professor X.

Professor X is not only the founder of X College.

At the same time, he is also the teacher and instructor of Jean Gray.

Without Professor X, many mutants in X Academy are absolutely insufficient in the development of power.

“I’m okay.” Professor X shook his head at Qin Ge Lei and followed closely to look at Qin Feng.

“Keep urging the power to peek at the people around me, Professor X, you are too much.” Qin Feng said indifferently to Professor X.

The first time they met, because they suddenly appeared in X Academy and were spied on by Professor X, although it also made Qin Feng unhappy, it was not incomprehensible.

But now that Professor X is using such power to spy in front of him like this, this is definitely an excessive thing.

“Sorry.” Professor X apologized with a wry smile.

He just reacted subconsciously.

As the master of psychic abilities, he was accustomed to exerting his power.

And what Hulk just said is so attractive.

It made him suddenly not hold back the exertion of power.

Qin Feng looked at Professor X indifferently, and then said to Hela: “Okay Hela, don’t play, end the battle early.” ”

“Yes!” Hearing Qin Feng say this, Haila immediately replied.

With the response, Hela followed without the slightest bit of ink, and an incomparably terrifying and powerful momentum suddenly erupted on his body, far exceeding the power he had exerted before, and at the same time as this momentum erupted, the mysteries of death surged out.

The sword of the night sky in his hand slashed out in front of him.

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