Chapter 156

A military base.

In that command center.

The Hulk is here at this time.

In front of him, there are quite a few high-ranking military officials.

“What do you say, you are leaving the army?” One of them, an old man with the rank of lieutenant general, asked the Hulk in a deep voice, and looked at the Hulk with a pair of dead eyes.

“That’s right.” Hulk.


“The army is no longer suitable for me to stay any longer.”

“Not suitable? Banner, do you know what you’re talking about. ”

“I know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“No, you don’t know, not to mention that you yourself have excellent scientific research capabilities and have been exposed to a variety of core research in our military, just the special state you have now, I can’t let you leave the army.”

“But I was just a researcher, wasn’t I? And a lot of research with me and the military, it’s just a cooperative relationship, I’m not a military fighter, and my current combat state is not stable, you don’t know how complicated my situation is today. I can’t control it, and neither can you control the power of my angry state.

Keeping me in the army has no other purpose than to create trouble.

My state of anger is an endless increase in strength. ”

“You can’t control your transformation state for the time being, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t control it in the future, and then I will definitely have people cooperate with you to study, assist you, and help you formulate how to control your anger state.”

“It’s hard to do, it’s too hard, do you know what I’ve lost this time?”

“Where did you go?”

“I went to a special space, then fought with people in space, and then blasted a planet.”

“What?! Banner, are you sure you burst a planet? Purely with your physical strength! ”

“Yes, although before this, I thought it was strange, but it is. My state of anger, the increase in strength, seems to have no bottom line, and will keep increasing my strength. Stay in the military, once I burst out of this force, the harm it will cause at that time is not something you can bear. ”

“This… Banner, should I trust you? ”

“It’s not our first day of contact, you should know that my personality, I’m not the kind of person who likes to lie. And although I can’t stay in the military next, if the military does any research next, we can still cooperate. ”

“You make me think, damn it, Banner, I really don’t want to believe what you’re saying. Bursting the planet with physical strength is simply ridiculous. But, why do I kind of believe what you said…”

The Hulk and the military lieutenant general kept talking, and in the process of talking, the military lieutenant general’s face was quite ugly.

Later, the military lieutenant general couldn’t help but rub his brow with his hand.

He laughed wryly.

With the Hulk’s current strength, it’s really hard to get them to let go.

But if it is really like the Hulk said, he is in a state of anger and has no upper limit, then keeping him in the army is indeed a very troublesome thing.

Once some chaos comes out, even he can’t bear it.

“Banner, can you tell me where you are going after you leave the army? Even if I am willing to let you leave the army, you should know that monitoring you is inevitable. The military lieutenant general had a headache and then said to the Hulk.

“I’m going to work for someone.” Hulk.

“Part-time job? ! You’re going to work for someone!!! That’s why you’re ready to leave the army. The lieutenant general’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Although this is ridiculous, I am saying a fact.” Hulk.

“Why? Give me a reason, a reason to believe you. “Lieutenant General of the Army.

“My boss has the ability to suppress my anger power and can superimpose my anger state.” Hulk.

“You can burst the planet, there are still people who can suppress your power, are you sure today is not April Fool’s Day.” The military lieutenant general looked at the Hulk angrily, trying to suppress his anger.

No matter how you hear this, it is too nonsense.

“It’s still that sentence, although it sounds ridiculous, but in fact it is, I also know that there are so powerful people on the earth.” Hulk.

“Who is that person? Wait, it won’t be the guy who took you away today, the guy named Qin Feng? “Lieutenant General of the Army.

The Hulk was silent and did not answer.

But the military lieutenant general already has the answer.

With this answer, his complexion became even more ugly.

It was pitch black.

Have the heart to scold the Hulk.

But he found that he didn’t know what to denounce.

As Banner said, although he had ties to the military, he did not serve in the military.

He is one of the world’s top physicists.

The military and him, a lot of times, just partnership.

Although he is also a member of the military, the military is not in a position to restrict his freedom.

Not to mention, today’s Banner is still very dangerous.

Once provoked, it is a disaster.

It’s not good for anyone.

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