After going to the bathroom to take a shower and relax, Zheng Chengcheng went to Ye Shuanghan's bedroom in a suspender nightgown.

After a few days of sleeping together, Ye Shuanghan quickly adapted to Zheng Chengcheng's presence.

Before the two went to bed, Zheng Chengcheng would always take advantage of Ye Shuanghan.

But Ye Shuanghan only needed to fight back for a while, and Zheng Chengcheng would quickly enter the "weakness breaking" state.

Although she knew that as long as she continued to fight back, she could easily make Zheng Chengcheng embarrassed in front of her.

But looking at Zheng Chengcheng's look of enjoying it, Ye Shuanghan always felt that her counterattack was a disguised reward.

And Zheng Chengcheng's behavior during this period was not just to take advantage.

It was more to let Ye Shuanghan get used to her personality, so that Ye Shuanghan's bottom line could be lowered again and again.

After all, Ye Shuanghan could agree to sleep with Zheng Chengcheng and tolerate the other party taking advantage of her before going to bed.

This already shows that her bottom line for Zheng Chengcheng has been lowered a lot......


Early the next morning, a team of five people took a car to Dongwu to gather.

And took the bus provided by the Supernormal Bureau to arrive near the portal of the secret copy that needed to be opened.

As the director of the Extraordinary Bureau, Chang Jinghui also appeared and spoke at the first time:

"Students, I believe your teacher has already talked about the serious shortage of manpower in our Yuanxing City."

"This secret dungeon is a new one that has appeared recently, and the specific level range is unknown."

"But don't worry! There are elite night watchmen stationed in the secret dungeon!"

"In your main trial area, there are 3 safe areas stationed by night watchmen, and the strongest monsters are only in the late stage of the second stage."

"Level 1 focuses on strengthening physical fitness, and level 2 focuses on strengthening spiritual abilities."

"Whether it is level 1 or level 2, it is essentially a realm for laying the foundation."

"So don't think that the monsters in the late stage of the second stage have one more realm than you, but as long as you cooperate properly, it is not particularly difficult to kill them at a higher level..."

As the lecture ended, the students of the four martial arts high schools in the southeast, northwest, and northeast entered in turn according to their respective team situations.

The data panel has a kill record function.

Just share the kill record with the official statistician after the 7-day experience, and you can calculate the points earned from this experience.

For now, no one can cheat with the data panel.

So using the kill record to calculate the points is much better than calculating the wild monster corpses.

Although Zheng Chengcheng is sure that he can tamper with the kill record on his panel through the cost card.

But there will be no substantial benefit in doing so.

After all, Ye Jingtian is the only one who has awakened the golden talent among the four martial arts high schools in Yuanxing City.

Under his leadership, even if Zheng Chengcheng does not cheat, it is not difficult for their team to get the first place.

"Although the second level is mainly based on strengthening spiritual energy, the physical fitness of the second-level extraordinary is still stronger than most of the first-level extraordinary."

"Fortunately, there is no qualitative difference in the physical fitness of the first-level and second-level extraordinary."

"In other words, I still have a chance to kill the second-level monster alone!"

Whether it is the number of viruses required for the Spirit Turtle Skill or the Ten Thousand Poisons Technique.

They are inseparable from resources.

Zheng Chengcheng took the initiative to ask Ye Jingtian for resources, which greatly affected her superficial personality of being "introverted and shy".

And when hunting monsters with the team, not only does it take up a small share, but the wild monsters hunted also need to consider other team members.

"In the first few days, I will focus on getting familiar with the environment of the secret dungeon."

"Wait for the next few days to see if there are any accidents, and then I will take advantage of the situation to fish in troubled waters and leave the team."

Zheng Chengcheng has read a lot of novels in her previous life.

It can basically predict how much attraction Ye Jingtian's golden talent will have on some evil forces.

She doesn't think that this 7-day secret dungeon experience will end smoothly...

At the beginning, several people have been circling around the periphery, hunting some first-level monsters.

But as Liu Zheming found some patterns, several people began to move closer to the inner circle.

From the beginning of the early first-level monsters to the late first-level monsters.

With mutual cooperation, there is nothing that cannot be defeated.

Because Liu Zheming has practiced the spiritual system of breaking weaknesses.

With him being able to provide monster weaknesses in the first place, the team's overall monster-killing efficiency has been maximized!

Even the occasional encounters of early-stage second-order monsters, the five members of the team also easily surrounded and killed them with cooperation.

And for safety reasons, the five members of the team only wandered from the late first-order to the early second-order.

Although Ye Jingtian was confident that he could lead the team to kill the mid-stage second-order monsters.

But thatThis may cause injuries to team members and affect the team's comprehensive points.

Since the points are calculated through the kill records on the data panel.

Therefore, when other teams met Zheng Chengcheng and others, neither side fought.

Even other teams would take the initiative to praise Ye Jingtian's golden talent.

After all, he is the only one in the four martial arts high schools. Even students from other martial arts high schools are unlikely to have not heard about Ye Jingtian.

Soon, the time came to the first night.

Considering that the array level is the late stage of the first stage, the lethality is relatively limited.

So the five members of the team retreated a distance from the inner circle, and then began to set up tents and activate the array.

During the night watch, in the process of practicing the Ten Thousand Poisons.

Zheng Chengcheng accidentally discovered that in addition to refining the body, he could also increase his poisonous spiritual ability!

"Strange... Isn't the first stage mainly about body training?"

"Is it because I achieved the ultimate perfection in the early stage of the first stage that I received a special reward that no one else has?"

Being able to practice spiritual abilities in advance is a mixed blessing for Zheng Chengcheng.

The advantage is that her foundation is definitely much more solid than others, even Ye Jingtian can't compare to her.

The disadvantage is that from the perspective of the time required to climb the realm, Zheng Chengcheng is definitely several times more than others.

Although she has a unique advantage in cultivation compared to most extraordinary people.

But she broke through the realm more than once.

Even in the middle stage of the first stage, she broke through 9 times before she finally didn't have to retreat.

Although Zheng Chengcheng's foundation is now up, the number of times she retreats to the realm may be reduced by 1 or 2 times in the future.

But Zheng Chengcheng feels that she still has to find a way to improve the efficiency of cultivation.

"By binding a relationship, you can share 100% of your potential and understanding, and each heart will provide an additional 50% bonus."

"If conditions permit, I will bind a hundred or eighty relationships, and the problem of cultivation efficiency can be easily solved."

But except for the first binding, the second and subsequent bindings require at least 1 heart.

Even if Ye Shuanghan is taken as an example, it took almost 7 or 8 days to finally reach the first heart.

"In the final analysis, it is because I don't have enough personal disposable resources."

"With sufficient resources, using trading cards to enhance cultivation efficiency is not a problem."

"But my current resources are not enough. Even if the cultivation efficiency is improved, won't it still be insufficient?"

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