Before Zheng Chengcheng broke through the 4th level, Qu Siyan and her hunter team were basically half of her support.

In this case, she felt that she could show her uniqueness in front of the five people in Qu Siyan's team.

First, Qu Siyan recruited Zheng Chengcheng into the team because he had left a hint that Zheng Chengcheng had a good talent before he cut off his memory.

But after losing the relevant memory, Qu Siyan didn't know exactly where Zheng Chengcheng's talent was.

What Zheng Chengcheng had to do was to let Qu Siyan know some of her talents.

Second, the other four were polite to her mainly because they believed in Qu Siyan, not really recognized her.

Zheng Chengcheng felt that she needed to do something practical to gain the recognition of the other four.

As long as she could get the recognition of the four people, it would be convenient for Zheng Chengcheng to ask them for help directly in the future, instead of going through Qu Siyan...

As Zheng Chengcheng came to Li Xian's side, everyone present focused their attention on her.

She showed a slightly reserved and nervous expression, and then activated the Weak Immunity Body and the Ten Thousand Poisons Art to pull the poison in the bodies of the two injured.

The main function of the Weak Immunity Body is to passively pull the virus.

It has a certain therapeutic function for some patients with infectious viruses.

But for some non-infectious viruses, it is not enough.

The active pulling of the Ten Thousand Poisons Art just makes up for this shortcoming of the Weak Immunity Body.

With the blessing of both, the toxins in the bodies of the two injured seemed to have turned into beasts that had not eaten for a long time, and rushed into Zheng Chengcheng's body.

In order to avoid being targeted by someone with ulterior motives, Zheng Chengcheng specially reduced her own immunity and increased the number and types of viruses.

Suddenly, a large amount of toxins attacked Zheng Chengcheng's body, breaking the delicate balance that was originally maintained.

She herself was also shrouded in various side effects such as tinnitus, dizziness, hypothermia, and dizziness.

Li Xian, who found something wrong, used his healing skills on Zheng Chengcheng as soon as possible.

Zheng Chengcheng also relied on her remaining sanity to quickly use the cost card-

Cost: All treatment effects on her

Transaction: Increased virus side effects, increased virus carrying limit, customized body strength

End: Manually closed after waking up

As soon as the cost card takes effect, Zheng Chengcheng will fall into a coma.

The two wounded people treated by Zheng Chengcheng are both level 3 extraordinary people.

And the huge amount of toxins that can poison level 3 extraordinary people, how can Zheng Chengcheng bear it at this stage?

So after transferring all the toxins in the two people's bodies to her own body, it is normal for Zheng Chengcheng to fall into a coma.

The official team on the side can also see that Zheng Chengcheng is almost sacrificing himself to save others, and their hearts are warmed at the same time.

They also took out the remaining treatment props in the space backpack.

Originally, Li Xian wanted to say that these treatment props were useless.

But she unexpectedly discovered that Zheng Chengcheng seemed to be able to absorb these toxins with the help of treatment effects?

So Li Xian, who had just opened his mouth, immediately changed his words: "Do you have more healing props?"

"Yes! Of course!" They consumed a lot on this trip. As long as they were sure that Zheng Chengcheng was fine, they would return.

The healing props in the space backpack were all uniformly distributed, so it was okay if they were all used up.

What's more, Zheng Chengcheng also saved two comrades in their team!

Not only were the healing props uniformly distributed, but they even took out some life-saving items for critical moments.

Of course, Li Xian rejected all these things for Zheng Chengcheng.

After all, she was a 4th-level healer here, and asking for healing props was just to speed up Zheng Chengcheng's body's absorption of toxins.

It was not necessary for these soldiers to hand over the things they would use to save their lives one day in the future.

At this time, the two wounded soldiers whose toxins were cleared by Zheng Chengcheng slowly woke up and stood up with a dazed look.

"Do you have any healing items in your space backpacks? Take them out!"

"This little girl risked her life to save you two!!"

Hearing their comrades' words, the two wounded soldiers did not hesitate at all and took out the healing items and handed them to Li Xian.

While helping Zheng Chengcheng absorb these healing items, Li Xian also took out the special potion she prepared in her spare time.

Although Zheng Chengcheng was suspected of gambling with her life, Qu Siyan would definitely not really watch her die.

So she took the risk to win the recognition of the other four members of Qu Siyan's team, and she did not make a wrong choice.

Without risk, where would the reward come from?

Let alone the two level 3 warriors saved by Zheng Chengcheng.

As long as Zheng Chengcheng's request was not particularly outrageous, they would definitely try their best to help.

You know, she is only level 1 now.

There are 3, 4With the help of a superhuman, Zheng Chengcheng's breakthrough speed will only be faster than if she fights alone!

The treatment lasted for seven or eight minutes.

Under Li Xian's observation, Zheng Chengcheng was finally out of danger.

Although she has not woken up yet, as long as Li Xian continues to provide treatment, it is only a matter of time before Zheng Chengcheng wakes up.

Zheng Chengcheng's life crisis was resolved, and Qu Siyan communicated with the group of warriors about the sudden situation in the secret realm.

"When this secret dungeon was initially observed, it was identified as a training ground more suitable for newcomers of level 2 and below."

"But as the land area was explored, it was the turn of the remaining large swamp areas."

"We found that this secret dungeon was actually rich in all kinds of strange and bizarre poisonous creatures!"

"At first, some shallow poisonous creatures were afraid of fire, and fire mages alone could push them away."

"But as soon as we went a little deeper, a group of poisonous creatures that were not afraid of fire suddenly burst out and suddenly surrounded us!"

Speaking of this, the group of warriors still glanced at the poison frog corpses on the ground with lingering fear.

Then, they looked at the bodies of the warriors who had sacrificed on the ground with mournful expressions.

"......Mournings." Qu Siyan patted the shoulder of the captain of the team.

"You should hurry up and rescue the other teams."

"We will collect the poison frog corpses and send them back for inspection."

As they spoke, the group of soldiers began to use their space backpacks one by one to pick up the poison frog corpses from a distance.

And those soldiers who have died...

If conditions permit, they will choose to carry them back.

But in order to avoid accidents on the way back, they can only temporarily put the corpses into the space backpack.

In the following time, Li Xian held the unconscious Zheng Chengcheng while treating him and rushing on the road.

Xiao Xiao had already located the second rescue signal location, and led everyone to rush in a certain direction quickly...

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