Since Zheng Chengcheng was not in Dongwu yesterday.

So the next morning, Ye Jingtian gathered the five members of the team in the living room.

He also briefly summarized some key points that Dongwu talked about yesterday.

And handed over the 1 level 2 reward distributed by Dongwu to Zheng Chengcheng, as well as the 3 level 2 resource compensations from Zhang Zhizhi and the other two families, to her.

Although Zheng Chengcheng still has 7 blood crystals on hand.

But I don’t know how long it will take to get them again after they are used up.

Although 4 level 2 resources are not as good as the former.

But for Zheng Chengcheng at this stage, it is also a considerable income.

"We strive to have all members break through the second level within a month or even half a month."

"Because we won the first place, your cultivation resources are still provided for free."

"But correspondingly, after all of us break through the second level, we must also take on some tasks to give back to those who invested in us."

"This kind of feedback does not allow us to make up for all the benefits we have enjoyed during this period."

"But we want to let those who support us know that we are not ungrateful."

After listening to what Ye Jingtian said, several people expressed their support.

After all, several people including Zheng Chengcheng did receive a lot of benefits.

If it weren't for Ye Jingtian's help, Zheng Chengcheng would definitely not be sitting on the sofa in the villa now.

On the contrary, she would most likely be the king of the scroll in the secret realm dungeon and hunt wild monsters everywhere in order to improve her own realm and foundation.

Perhaps the latter improvement is faster for Zheng Chengcheng.

But she would rather accept that while the current realm improvement speed is not slow, life is also very comfortable...

As the other four people returned to their rooms to practice, Zheng Chengcheng went out and took a taxi back to her uncle's house.

During the ride, she sent another message to Zheng Xingyu - asking him to call his uncle and aunt back home.

Although Zheng Xingyu was a little confused, he still obeyed.

When Zheng Chengcheng arrived at the "home" where the door was opened.

Uncle Zheng Chixian and aunt Wu Xiarong were both asking Zheng Xingyu why he called them back.

"Hey! Where have you been enjoying yourself these days, you little loser?"

"Look at your flamboyant appearance!"

"Don't tell me you hooked up with some young master and asked Xingyu to call us back to show off!"

Zheng Chengcheng looked down at the white suspender dress on her body.

Well... it was a relatively conservative style, and the hem of the skirt was even with the lace white socks on the ankles.

And the shoulders above were safely protected by a shawl coat.

It was not as exaggerated as Wu Xiarong said.

Of course, Zheng Chengcheng did not come here to listen to Wu Xiarong scold her.

"Price card... Reversal." Zheng Chengcheng paid a Death Blood Crystal as the price.

Successfully reversed the bad attitudes of Zheng Chixian and Wu Xiarong.

"Ouch! My mouth..."

Wu Xiarong first slapped herself, then leaned over to look at Zheng Chengcheng, her face full of guilt and apology.

"Auntie is really out of her mind! Chengcheng, don't take it to heart!"

As she said that, Wu Xiarong took out a 4th-level early resource from the space ring and handed it to Zheng Chengcheng.

"Originally, I planned to leave it for Xingyu to break through the 4th level. Now, just treat it as an apology prepared by auntie for you!"

After Zheng Chixian's attitude was reversed, he couldn't express his apology to Zheng Chengcheng in his heart.

After deducting the medical expenses, he swallowed up several million yuan left by Zheng Chengcheng's parents!

Even though Zheng Chixian has no room for improvement now.

But he still has a collection of relatively rare high-quality 4th-level early resources in his space backpack.

For Zheng Chengcheng, the only advantage of rare resources is that they can be used to exchange for other resources at a premium.

"No, it doesn't matter." Although the attitude of the three members of the uncle's family towards her has completely reversed.

Zheng Chengcheng still chooses to disguise herself in front of them.

After all, reversing the attitude does not mean turning them into obedient slaves.

Although the reversal effect is very good, Zheng Chengcheng is still willing to take care of the emotions of the three members of the uncle's family.

How can forcing others to compensate you be better than others "coming to their senses" and choosing to compensate you voluntarily?

"If it weren't for my uncle and aunt's willingness to keep me at home and provide me with a certain amount of immune drugs every month."

"Maybe I would have died prematurely because of my poor health."

Hearing what Zheng Chengcheng said, Zheng Chixian and Wu Xiarong, whose attitudes were reversed, felt even more guilty.

Because they didn't know that Zheng Chengcheng actually knew that they had secretly taken the money provided by Zheng Chengcheng's parents.

Of course, even if Zheng Chengcheng turned against them now, they would think it was right.

But if it was just for a momentEmotional satisfaction.

Zheng Chengcheng might as well not use the cost card and directly ask Qu Siyan for help.

Isn't it more pleasant to see Zheng Xingyu's family full of regret and have to kowtow and apologize in front of him?

This will indeed make him happy for a while, but the price is the loss of 3 Palu who work for him unconditionally!

Compared with the momentary happiness, Zheng Chengcheng is of course more willing to choose to maximize the benefits...

After receiving a rich resource from the family of three, Zheng Chengcheng took a ride back to the team villa again.

"In terms of value, it is probably more than the Death Blood Crystal."

"But in terms of the transaction of cost cards, I can only say that it is not a loss."

As for replacing all conventional resources with cheap side effect resources...

Zheng Chengcheng has thought about this, but this is not only troublesome, but also eye-catching!

The recycler must want to make money for him, and Zheng Chengcheng doesn't want to lose money.

Then the content of the transaction can only be high side effect resources such as the Death Blood Crystal, which are very awkwardly positioned.

The market for such resources is very narrow, and most forces will not purchase such resources.

This leads to a small number of transactions.

Once the number increases.

Recyclers will definitely wonder whether someone can reduce or even be immune to the side effects of these resources, and thus raise the price.

Although the premium will not be too outrageous, Zheng Chengcheng can forget about the middleman making a profit.

"My strength is low now, and there are not many people who can really be used by me."

"When my strength increases, I can completely subdue the relevant professionals to help me do this!"

Even when my strength increases, the resources that Zheng Chengcheng trades will be more advanced.

Even if the recyclers realize something belatedly, Zheng Chengcheng has already made a fortune.

Of course, the most important thing is for Zheng Chengcheng.

There is not enough crisis at present to allow her to improve herself by any means.

Even if Yuanxing City is really as she guessed, there is an "unspeakable" hidden.

That is also "there are tall people to support the sky when it falls."

It's not yet her turn as a weak little girl to take the lead.

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