That night, Zheng Chengcheng arrived at Ye Shuanghan's room very skillfully.

Because the two of them had some pleasant things happen last night.

As a result, the atmosphere in the whole room was a little wrong when Zheng Chengcheng just came.

Zheng Chengcheng herself didn't care, she just huddled in Ye Shuanghan's arms, squinting.

"Shuanghan, can you help me collect longevity exercises?"

"It doesn't have to be too advanced, 1st-level quality will do."

Although the high-level longevity exercises are more effective, the demand for resources is definitely greater!

And low-level longevity exercises like Linggui Gong.

Although its upper limit of longevity is only 100 years, it does not require many resources.

Of course, this is under the premise that Zheng Chengcheng can regress the progress of the exercises.

For most people, the lifespan increased by the longevity exercises is a one-time thing.

Unlike Zheng Chengcheng, she can use 1st-level resources to regress the progress repeatedly.

Wait until the 1st-level resources regress to the limit, and then try 2nd-level resources.

Until the life extension effect reaches the limit value of the whole technique.

"Level 1 life extension technique?" Ye Shuanghan repeated with some doubts, and then nodded: "I know."

She didn't ask more, and Zheng Chengcheng didn't plan to say more.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Zheng Chengcheng continued her plan that was stalled halfway last night because she misjudged Ye Shuanghan's offensiveness.

"Shuanghan, I was the organizer yesterday, and it's your turn today." As she said that, Zheng Chengcheng grabbed Ye Shuanghan's hand and grabbed it in the direction of Shatangju.

Ye Shuanghan's talent was given by Zheng Chengcheng, and the grace of rebirth is beyond words.

Out of gratitude, if Zheng Chengcheng didn't let her, she wouldn't have any idea of ​​being the organizer.

Although Qu Siyan made her feel a crisis in her heart, but... that's all.

And Zheng Chengcheng saw Ye Shuanghan's humbleness, even if she guessed that Ye Shuanghan would not interfere with her.

She also needed to temporarily dispel Ye Shuanghan's doubts.

Because this kind of doubt will greatly prolong the charging time of the third heart...

At Zheng Chengcheng's request, Ye Shuanghan reluctantly became the organizer.

Although she had never done something similar before, Zheng Chengcheng had demonstrated it more than once yesterday.

Even if she copied it, Ye Shuanghan could imitate it roughly.

Of course, the main reason was that Zheng Chengcheng's body had been transformed at a great cost.

Although Ye Shuanghan's special attack was not as high as Zheng Chengcheng's.

But Zheng Chengcheng's own toughness bar was the lowest!

It was almost not difficult. Ye Shuanghan emptied Zheng Chengcheng's blood bar very smoothly as if he was going through a novice tutorial.

The visual impact comparable to 'that Wright' directly knocked out the doubts in Ye Shuanghan's heart.

Because Ye Shuanghan couldn't imagine that Zheng Chengcheng's strength was so exaggerated under normal circumstances, and what she would fall into after she turned over.

Seeing Zheng Chengcheng sleeping quietly, Ye Shuanghan did not wake her up.

Instead, he took her to Zheng Chengcheng's bedroom to sleep again.


A few days later, the five members of Ye Jingtian's team broke through the second level one after another under the premise of unlimited supply of resources.

Ye Jingtian himself reached the middle stage of the second level early.

In order to avoid unnecessary suspicion, Zheng Chengcheng deliberately stuck her own realm at the middle stage of the second level without changing.

Because she did not want to spend a lot of resources to change a breath-retaining method that did not improve combat effectiveness.

"I said before that after everyone breaks through the second level, we will accept the task."

"To the people who invested in us behind the scenes, we are not ungrateful."

"So, I accepted the task of opening up the first-level secret realm within the Ye family."

Speaking, Ye Jingtian distributed some of the currently known information to everyone.

According to the description in the intelligence, this is a resource-based secret realm.

Although the difficulty is only level 1, many level 2 pioneering teams have collected level 3 spiritual medicines.

In order to speed up the development of this resource secret realm.

The Ye family not only opened up this secret realm internally, but also allowed the development teams from outside to join.

You can enter the secret realm for free, but you need to hand in 30% of what you get from the secret realm.

Of course, this condition is for outsiders.

The development team inside the Ye family will not charge any fees...

As everyone finished reading the intelligence, Ye Jingtian took out 4 silver-white cards, one for each person.

"This is the map card of the 1st-level secret realm." Ye Jingtian said, and his eyes were on Liu Zheming.

"Because it is a secret realm for development, the drawing of this map card is not complete."

"Therefore, we need to draw the unknown area for this development, and make a copy of it and hand it over to the Ye family."

"Zheming,As a spiritual system, the task of drawing the unknown area is given to you. "

Liu Zheming nodded.

Then, everyone drove to the portal of the secret realm copy.

Accompanied by a dizzying moment, Zheng Chengcheng and the other five people came to a spiritual field.

Comparing the model in the map card, it was found that this was an unknown area.

"Zheming, you draw the map here."

"Shuanghan and Xueyi stay behind, Chengcheng and I will explore the surrounding area together."

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