The time limit for the Ye family to verify the above evidence is unlimited, and its purpose is to control Ye Jingtian.

If Ye Wulong dies, the main branch of the Ye family will go crazy.

Similarly, if Ye Jingtian's parents die, Ye Jingtian will also go crazy.

As long as Ye Jingtian cannot overturn the evidence of the main branch of the Ye family.

He cannot bring his parents to his side.

Although his parents may not be in danger of life for a while.

But the pain of the flesh may not be certain...

In order to win the favor of Ye Jingtian, Chang Jinghui returned Ye Wulong and Ye Fei at the cost of returning them.

He won a one-month extension for Ye Jingtian's parents.

During this month, Chang Jinghui will send his confidants to guard the Ye family to ensure that Ye Jingtian's parents will not be subjected to any lynching.

If Ye Jingtian fails to find anything to overturn the evidence during this period.

Then Chang Jinghui's confidants will have to be repatriated and can no longer continue to take care of them.

Since the main branch of the Ye family is so confident.

Chang Jinghui would not be so arrogant as to overturn the evidence within a month just by relying on his own connections.

So he secretly communicated with Qu Siyan, intending to ask Bai Xinjue for help.

Qu Siyan secretly agreed to Chang Jinghui's request and said that she would ask Bai Xinjue for instructions.

But she asked the middleman's favor to fall on her junior sister Zheng Chengcheng.

Chang Jinghui was not surprised by this.

Secretly asked for the consent of Qu Siyan and Zheng Chengcheng.

He then communicated to Ye Jingtian that Zheng Chengcheng was a direct disciple of a high-level member of the Night Watch Division.

As for asking Bai Xinjue, he has not told the other party yet.

Since Ye Jingtian's favor will fall on Zheng Chengcheng, Ye Jingtian must ask Zheng Chengcheng in person.

As for whether he can ask her later, that is another matter...

The five members of the team returned to the villa.

Ye Jingtian also sat on the sofa in the living room with a dull look on his face.

Ye Shuanghan was not in a particularly good mood because he was worried about his parents.

After a long silence, Ye Jingtian sighed: "In the next month, I need to investigate the authenticity of my evidence of my parents' crimes."

"Although there is no worry about cultivation resources, it will more or less affect the allocation of cultivation time."

"If you are afraid of offending the main branch of the Ye family, you can leave my team now. I don't blame you."

As Ye Jingtian finished speaking, no one on the scene proposed to withdraw.

Yes, if you want to withdraw, you should have withdrawn before going to the Ye family.

Now that they have experienced this incident together, the most basic comradeship has been formed.

If you are afraid to choose to withdraw at this time, what have you done before?

Therefore, whether it is Yang Xueyi or Liu Zheming.

They are indeed afraid of the main branch of the Ye family, but they also believe in Ye Jingtian's potential.

Retreat, and live a mediocre and ordinary life from then on.

Go forward, follow Ye Jingtian's footsteps, one person's success will bring success to the whole family.

Zheng Chengcheng has a cheat, and Ye Shuanghan has Zheng Chengcheng's support.

Liu Zheming and Yang Xueyi want to make their own achievements.

Apart from following Ye Jingtian's footsteps closely, there is almost no second chance!

Seeing that no one in the team was stage fright, Ye Jingtian set his sights on Zheng Chengcheng.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked the three people except Zheng Chengcheng to go back to the room to practice.

But Zheng Chengcheng grabbed the corner of Ye Shuanghan's clothes and kept her.

After Yang Xueyi and Liu Zheming left, Ye Jingtian continued to speak:

"Chengcheng, I heard from Uncle Chang that you are the apprentice of a senior executive of the Night Watch Division?"

Zheng Chengcheng nodded and answered timidly: "At that time, Sister Qu took me to the Night Watch Division to play. Luckily, I was chosen by the master."

"......I want to ask your master to help me investigate the truth, okay?"

"In exchange, as long as it does not violate my bottom line, I can do it!"

"Even if this matter is a matter of life and death!"

After hearing this, Zheng Chengcheng still did not dare to guarantee: "I...try my best."

Ye Jingtian also nodded: "Chengcheng, don't have psychological pressure, I won't blame you if you can't ask me."


After the chat, Ye Jingtian left the villa alone and went to the Extraordinary Bureau to ask Chang Jinghui for help.

Zheng Chengcheng called Qu Siyan and took her to the Night Watch Division to meet Bai Xinjue.

"It's very expensive to ask me to help." Bai Xinjue lay lazily on her side and looked at Zheng Chengcheng.

"Master, you don't have to do it yourself, just borrow your name!"

Hearing this, Bai Xinjue glanced at her in surprise: "Are you so sure?"

"I am sure, but... the cost is probably not small." Zheng Chengcheng scratched the back of his head.

"If you believe me, II can bear the consumption for you, but you need to use ‘his’ means here. ”

Apart from the ‘unspeakable’, Bai Xinjue really couldn’t think of how Zheng Chengcheng could quickly find the truth through normal means.

“Then… start now?” Zheng Chengcheng waved to Bai Xinjue for resources.

Bai Xinjue was not stingy, and a golden crystal was handed over.

Although it was unknown what grade it was, in Zheng Chengcheng’s opinion, it must be at least level 5 or above.

After all, the highest-level resource she had seen so far was the level 4 Death Blood Crystal.

She reluctantly sacrificed this precious crystal to the price card.

The next moment, she obtained a memory bubble through the trading card.

“Master, the evidence should be in here. "Zheng Chengcheng handed the memory bubble to Bai Xinjue.

She also used magic to present the contents of the memory bubble in her and Zheng Chengcheng's minds...

About the incident of Ye Jingtian's father snatching the spiritual medicine 20 years ago.

There was such a thing, but the description of the truth was completely different from what the main branch of the Ye family said-

The truth described in the memory bubble was that the team leader tried to take the spiritual medicine for himself.

In the end, he was killed by Ye Jingtian's father.

In order to commemorate the innocent comrades who died tragically.

He did not give the spiritual medicine to Instead of handing over the medicine to the main branch, they chose to sell it.

And they personally distributed most of the proceeds to the families of the comrades involved.

At that time, the second team witnessed the entire scene.

They mistakenly believed that the captain of Team One was in cahoots with Ye Jingtian's father.

After the incident, the two suddenly turned against each other, so only Ye Jingtian's father survived in the end.

As for Ye Jingtian's father personally sending the pension later, in their opinion, it was just a show!

"The main branch of the Ye family must think this is true, so they are so sure."

"But they may not have expected that the truth of this matter was actually misinterpreted by the second team!"

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