"It's a bit cold..." Yang Xueyi shivered and said casually.

"There is no light in this secret realm all year round, so it's not surprising that the temperature is low." Ye Jingtian paced and explained.

"The combat suit has a constant temperature function. The built-in permissions of the Tianjiao card should include the function control of the combat suit."

After hearing this, Yang Xueyi immediately turned on the constant temperature function of her combat suit according to Ye Jingtian's explanation.

In just a few seconds, she didn't feel so cold!

"Thank you, captain, for your reminder!"

"It's okay."

Although the darkness of the secret realm here greatly affects the visibility of the naked eye.

But it has no effect on spiritual perception.

Therefore, Liu Zheming used his mental power to draw the map model alone while comparing it with some models provided by the task.

"Captain, we have teleported to the unknown area again this time." Liu Zheming said, and temporarily gave up the map model comparison.

This situation is also normal, after all, it is a pioneering task!

It is also normal that the data of the map model is relatively small.

Those who were teleported to the known areas were basically the secret dungeons that had been initially developed...

They were drawing maps while walking.

Not long after, the five members of the team encountered a group of wild monsters with shells that looked like crocodiles.

Unlike crocodiles, they had a lot of dark crystals on their shells.

"It should be their way of storing dark spiritual energy?" Zheng Chengcheng made a simple guess in her mind.

As the battle began, Zheng Chengcheng hung deduff and Ye Shuanghan took the main control.

After a while, Ye Jingtian killed all the monsters that looked like crocodiles.

Just when everyone was about to continue on their way, Zheng Chengcheng suddenly sensed something unusual.

It wasn't that another 'unspeakable' was coming to attack her.

But she found that Ye Jingtian's light ability seemed to have some kind of attraction to dark monsters.

Because... her mental power sensed that there were no less than a hundred wild monsters rushing towards their team!

In the pitch-dark night, a bright light suddenly burst out, which really attracted attention.

"Shuanghan, there are at least 100 wild monsters nearby surrounding us!"

After hearing Zheng Chengcheng's voice transmission, Ye Shuanghan's face changed suddenly.

But before she could remind him, Liu Zheming also found something unusual and quickly sent a message to the other four people: "There is a beast tide! Run!!"

The team members also believed in Liu Zheming. As soon as he finished sending the message, the five members of the team immediately ran behind him.

One spiritual system and one wood system, neither of them had the blessing of the agility side.

In order to prevent Yang Xueyi and Liu Zheming from being caught up by the wild monsters behind them.

Ye Jingtian directly carried the two on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right.

Although Zheng Chengcheng's speed was the fastest on the scene.

But in order to hide herself, she chose to let Ye Shuanghan hold her horizontally and hurry on.

"Zheming, can you analyze the cause of the beast tide?" Ye Jingtian asked.

"Maybe... it was your light attack just now that attracted the attention of the dark monsters."

After all, they were fine before the battle, and a large number of wild monsters rushed towards them right after the battle.

It's normal for Liu Zheming to guess this.

"That is to say, I can't use my spiritual power next time?"

"If you want to avoid the beast tide, you can only limit yourself."

After running away for a considerable distance, after confirming that the beast tide stopped moving, the five members of the team also took a short rest on the spot...


Due to the experience of attracting the beast tide for the first time.

When the five members of the team fought together, Ye Jingtian no longer used spiritual power.

Even so, when he used the enhanced skill on himself.

Just swinging the lightsaber randomly can cause considerable damage to the wild monsters.

In order to ensure that the team is always in the best state.

When the time on the data panel came to night.

Everyone found a safe place, put down the new level 3 night watch array, and then camped in the tent.

After taking out dry food and eating and drinking, the other four returned to the tent, leaving Zheng Chengcheng alone to keep watch...

Time passed by minute by minute.

When it came to a certain time period, Zheng Chengcheng suddenly felt that there was something pulling her soul.

She used the magic tricks she learned in the story card world to calculate good and bad luck.

After confirming that this pulling force was not dangerous, she slowly reduced her vigilance against it.

After a while, she and the souls of the other four people in the team came to the mysterious, pure white space of this secret place.

"Where is this?" Yang Xueyi asked her question first.

"This should beSoul space in the secret realm. "After answering Yang Xueyi's question, Liu Zheming began to explain why he guessed so:

"Before I came in, I seemed to feel a strange spiritual attraction."

"But before I could react, I was teleported here."

Ye Shuanghan, who practiced "Immortal Soul", was the same as Liu Zheming.

She also felt the spiritual attraction, but did not have time to react.

But... she glanced at Zheng Chengcheng obscurely.

"There should be no danger here." Zheng Chengcheng, who noticed Ye Shuanghan's sight, secretly sent a message to comfort Ye Shuanghan.

Then, Zheng Chengcheng quietly amplified the repulsive force of her own soul.

Realizing that she almost returned to her body, she quickly eliminated the repulsive force.

"Since we can't go back for a while, let's explore here. "

As Ye Jingtian spoke, the team members began to pace in this pure white space.

Because the use of spiritual perception consumes spiritual power.

When the soul leaves the body, the natural recovery rate of spiritual power will be reduced by 99%.

Therefore, in order to avoid excessive use of spiritual power.

After Liu Zheming briefly explained the situation, he gave up using spiritual perception to explore the situation in advance.

As for Zheng Chengcheng and Ye Shuanghan, they were almost unaffected. They used spiritual perception unscrupulously in secret.

Because the spiritual tempering method "Immortal Spirit" not only has the ability to save spiritual power consumption, but also has the means to speed up the recovery of spiritual power...

As Zheng Chengcheng and others walked for a considerable distance.

Five light gray ghosts suddenly appeared ten meters away from the five members of the team.

"Is that a ghost? "Yang Xueyi asked with a trembling voice.

She glanced fearfully at Zheng Chengcheng, who was shivering in Ye Shuanghan's arms.

After a little hesitation, she chose to hide behind Ye Jingtian.

Ye Jingtian glanced at Zheng Chengcheng with his peripheral vision, and finally agreed that Yang Xueyi was hiding behind her.

Since this place is a spiritual space, all means unrelated to spiritual power cannot be used.

Therefore, the five members of the team did not rush forward.

"Zheming, you are the only spiritual system in the team, are you sure you can deal with them?"


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