"It is said that Zheng Chengcheng, the saint of the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect, has an outstanding appearance and a petite figure."

"Although I have never seen you before, there are not many people who meet the above conditions."

Qu Siyan put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and looked at Zheng Chengcheng with a vigilant face.

"Why are you so vigilant to me, sister?" Zheng Chengcheng looked at Qu Siyan pitifully.

"I don't want to be poisoned without knowing it." Qu Siyan looked at Zheng Chengcheng and spoke in a flat tone.

"Since you have heard of me, you should know that I have never killed anyone, right?"

In the story card world, Zheng Chengcheng was well protected by the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect.

In addition, she held the power of the Creator God in her hands, and she did not cause any killing.

Qu Siyan looked at Zheng Chengcheng up and down, secretly using secret methods to continuously detect whether Zheng Chengcheng was carrying murderous aura.

Zheng Chengcheng also looked innocent and stood in front of Qu Siyan without any defense.

After a long inspection, Qu Siyan did not find any trace of murderous intent from her.

"Perhaps the Saint of Ten Thousand Poisons would kill the insiders every time she committed a crime?"

Obviously, Qu Siyan did not believe that Zheng Chengcheng had not committed any murder.

Even though she did not find any abnormalities.

"Sister actually thinks of me like this! It's so sad..." Zheng Chengcheng pouted dejectedly.

"Although I don't believe you, you are right!"

"This ancient secret realm is full of dangers. It's right to team up and take care of each other."

"So... I need you to make a heavenly oath with me not to hurt each other."

At this point, Zheng Chengcheng certainly agreed, and then he and Qu Siyan launched the heavenly oath together.

With the heavenly oath, Qu Siyan was a little less wary of Zheng Chengcheng.

Zheng Chengcheng also came over very familiarly and took the other's left hand that was not holding the sword.

"I am unarmed, so I'll trouble you to protect me on this trip! May I ask what your name is?"

Looking at Zheng Chengcheng's cute appearance, Qu Siyan looked at her again in surprise.

As the saint of Xuanjian Xianzong, Qu Siyan's reputation is naturally not low.

Even if Zheng Chengcheng has never seen her, she knows that she has heard of her reputation and knows some of her characteristics.

She can figure out Zheng Chengcheng's identity through simple observation, so there is no reason why Zheng Chengcheng can't guess her identity.

But since Zheng Chengcheng chose to play dumb, Qu Siyan didn't intend to expose it.

"My name is Qu Siyan, and my Taoist name is Jianyu."

"Then I will call you Sister Jianyu from now on?" Zheng Chengcheng looked up at Qu Siyan with a smile on her face.

"Since you know my name, you should also know my Taoist name 'Lingrou', right?"

Qu Siyan glanced at Zheng Chengcheng and walked on his own without saying a word.

Zheng Chengcheng was not discouraged at all, and kept talking to herself like a follower.

Soon, the two met the monster in the secret realm.

Qu Siyan also drew out the fairy sword at her waist without saying a word and beheaded it with one sword!

"Sister Jianyu is so powerful!" Zheng Chengcheng saw that the monster was killed, and she looked like a little fan girl, supporting Qu Siyan.

After putting the monster's body into the space ring, Qu Siyan searched nearby.

It turned out that there were indeed many high-quality fairy medicines nearby!

"Whoever picks it will own it." Qu Siyan looked at Zheng Chengcheng and said this, and she went to pick the medicine on her own.

Zheng Chengcheng was not in a hurry, just followed her behind, not taking a penny.

After following for a while, Qu Siyan finally couldn't hold back and looked back at Zheng Chengcheng with a puzzled look:

"You don't pick the herbs?"

"Ah?" Zheng Chengcheng was stunned: "The monsters guarding these immortal herbs were killed by my sister. I didn't make any effort, so I won't pick them."

After hearing this, Qu Siyan didn't hesitate and picked all the immortal herbs nearby.

After thinking about it, she took out a few immortal herbs and handed them to Zheng Chengcheng who was standing beside her.

"These immortal herbs are poisonous and useless to me."

Zheng Chengcheng looked at Qu Siyan with joy.

She stretched out her hands and solemnly took these poisonous immortal herbs: "Thank you, sister Jianyu! Sister Jianyu is so kind!"

Because this secret realm was designed for Qu Siyan alone.

Therefore, except Zheng Chengcheng and Qu Siyan.

No one can "accidentally" reach the core area of ​​the secret realm.

So in the next time, Zheng Chengcheng can always follow Qu Siyan.

Watching her kill monsters and search for various immortal medicines.

Occasionally came across some ancient immortal inheritance.

Qu Siyan would also use the jade slips and soul power to copy a copy and give it to Zheng Chengcheng.

When Qu Siyan fought too much and needed to rest.

Zheng ChengchengShe would also quietly stay by Qu Siyan's side.

This was also the only quiet time in the secret realm when Zheng Chengcheng would not take the initiative to chat with Qu Siyan.

As the exploration time went on.

Gradually, Qu Siyan got used to Zheng Chengcheng being by her side.

The ultimate goal of the secret realm journey was for Zheng Chengcheng and Qu Siyan to develop the most basic friendship in the story cards.

Anyway, Zheng Chengcheng had a very fast flow of time.

Even if it took dozens or hundreds of years in the story card world.

In reality, only a few days had passed.

Therefore, Zheng Chengcheng would not be too anxious to cultivate feelings with Qu Siyan.

Wait until the two of them successfully obtained the final inheritance from the secret realm.

Before leaving, Zheng Chengcheng flipped his hand and took out a waist-worn sachet and handed it to Qu Siyan.

"Sister Jianyu, this sachet has the effect of resisting all poisons. Just treat it as a parting gift."

Qu Siyan hesitated for a moment, reached out to take the sachet, and wore it around her waist.

After thinking for a while, she also took out a finger-sized sword jade: "This sword jade seals my sword intent."

"As the Saint of All Poisons, you obviously can't use this sword jade to save your life."

"But the sword intent in this sword jade has the effect of concentrating the mind, warding off evil, and eliminating inner demons."

"I think it will be helpful for Junior Sister Lingrou's practice."

Zheng Chengcheng's face was full of joy, and she took the sword jade with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Jianyu!"

"I will definitely take good care of the sword jade!"

After trotting for a distance, Zheng Chengcheng suddenly turned back and waved to Qu Siyan and shouted: "Sister Jianyu, see you again if we are destined to meet!"

"Yes, see you again if we are destined to meet." Qu Siyan calmly used voice transmission to reply Zheng Chengcheng.

Afterwards, the two returned to their respective teams and prepared to return to their respective immortal sects.

But... Zheng Chengcheng's move was to trap Qu Siyan.

Is the story really just as simple as a journey to the secret realm?

When Qu Siyan led the team on the way back, they were suddenly surrounded by a group of men in black.

"Hand over the inheritance of the secret realm!"


I underestimated my hand speed a bit, so there is no need to supplement the second chapter.

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