"The burden of sealing the 'Unspeakable' will be shared by every human..."

"How is this so similar to the 'Big Star Method' recorded by Master in the space ring?!"

"The only difference is that the Star Method requires a large number of fans to follow."

"But this special formation that gathers the power of all living beings does not need it. It feels like forced absorption."

Combined with some of the events Zheng Chengcheng encountered in Yuanxing City.

She can almost guess that Yuanxing City is likely to have such a formation!

Because the situation in Yuanxing City is too bad, this led to an 'Unspeakable' accidentally resurrected and attacked Zheng Chengcheng.

Fortunately, the cost card is powerful enough, otherwise she should have sent it at that time.

"The second 'Unspeakable' did not give in and fell asleep again."

"After all, there are only two 'Unspeakable' in Yuanxing City."

"If one of them is suddenly missing and needs to be sealed, the other one will have to bear double the 'sealing power'."

"Even if the situation in Yuanxing City is already too bad, it should be able to delay it for a few years."

After thinking about it, Zheng Chengcheng found a quiet place and called Bai Xinjue over.

Then, she let her tentacles seal the world and prevent all information within the range from being known by other 'Unspeakable'.

After that, Zheng Chengcheng asked Bai Xinjue questions about 'Unspeakable'.

In the end, Zheng Chengcheng got a lot of secrets from Bai Xinjue.

For example, the formations between the cities to seal the 'Unspeakable' were all arranged by the founder of the Night Watch.

At the beginning, there were 108 formations, corresponding to 108 cities, sealing hundreds of "unnameable".

But as time went on, various accidents happened.

36 cities have been transformed into occupied areas.

The "unnameable" sealed by them also revived.

Now all the "unnameable" that are still active are mostly from the 36 occupied areas.

Bai Xinjue is actually not a native creature of this world, but from other planes that have been completely occupied.

"There are not many planes that have not been discovered and poisoned by the 'unspeakable'."

"This world may be the last plane that is still alive."

"Although I don't know much about this world."

"But the founder of the Night Watch must have used a lot of 'power of heaven' when he sealed them."

"This world is gradually coming to an end, and it is also closely related to the founder."

"Although these formations are the product of the decision to drink poison to quench thirst."

"But they also extend the life of this world for thousands or even tens of thousands of years!"

At this point, Bai Xinjue suddenly said something in Zheng Chengcheng's mind: "You are not a native of this world either."

"The fruit of the gods will never appear in a world that is about to perish."

"Unless something unexpected happens."

"That's why the 'god' had to randomly throw you into this world."

Zheng Chengcheng looked at Bai Xinjue and was slightly stunned, and his face couldn't help but change slightly.

While Zheng Chengcheng was stunned, Bai Xinjue suddenly manifested a ‘towering sacred tree’ that carried two contradictory factors of ‘awakeness’ and ‘pollution’ at the same time.

Although the tree seemed endless in Zheng Chengcheng’s eyes.

But she was able to observe its entire appearance in a very strange way.

The towering sacred tree was covered with densely packed black and white fruits.

Bai Xinjue reached out to a ‘memory fruit’ with a very serious pollution content.

Then he murmured, "I was once a 'fruit' born from a 'god'."

"But the god who created me, I don't know what happened, and fell into 'boundless chaos'."

"The originally peaceful world was completely swallowed up by Him, leaving me alone."

"And I, a 'fruit' that is about to mature, am unwilling to be swallowed by the fallen 'god'."

"With most of my own power, I condensed such a memory tree that blocks the exploration of 'unspeakable'."

"All the things hanging on it are what I sealed up. Memory."

"At that time, in order to escape the pursuit of the 'fallen gods', I sealed all my memories for a time."

"And I slept in various fallen worlds..."

"After countless years of change."

"As His only anchor, when I didn't even know His existence, the anchor He left on me became blurred."

"I was finally able to read some memories from the memory tree..."

After saying that, Bai Xinjue let go of the extremely dark fruit, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Then he put his delicate hand on another fruit."They can be resurrected through the 'memory' of any intelligent creature."

"I must kill them this way... No, to be precise, seal them!"

"There is more than one 'Unnameable' anchoring me."

"I can't remember the exact number..."

"I indirectly sealed most of the 'Unnameable' anchoring me with this memory tree."

"In the end, there was only one weak 'Unnameable' left, and I didn't seal it."

"In order to survive, most of my strength has been permanently lost."

"If I don't rely on their power to maintain My own, perhaps my strength will fall to the early 9th level of this world. "

"Although I don't know when the 'god' behind you will fall into 'chaos'."

"But since it is 'awake' at this moment, these taboo memories will not take effect on you immediately after you know them."

"The stronger the 'god' behind you, the stronger the containment effect."

"Based on my experience, the 'god' behind you is definitely much more 'awake' than the 'god' behind me!"

As for the strength of the two 'gods'... this is not something Bai Xinjue can compare.

'Awake' is just a state, and it has no direct connection with strength.

"Master, will it be a burden to Him if you tell me all this?" Zheng Chengcheng suddenly felt a little worried.

"Every 'Unspeakable', regardless of their strength, has the characteristic of 'information isolation'!"

"Although this characteristic is linked to their specific strength, it does not cause any burden."

"This characteristic is even effective in suppressing those 'Unspeakable' who are 'faking death'!"

Bai Xinjue said while constantly reaching out to different memory fruits.

"In my sealed memories, I have used similar methods several times to buy myself time to seal related memories."

"If there is really any burden."

"I might have been killed by the revived 'Unspeakable' when I first ventured to use this method."

Speaking of this, Bai Xinjue looked at Zheng Chengcheng and smiled slightly: "Speaking of this, didn't you also use the means of 'information isolation'?"

"Do you feel any 'burden'?"

Zheng Chengcheng was stunned at first, then concentrated and carefully felt her state.

She really didn't feel the burden of intercepting information at all...

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