Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1375: Like a broken bamboo

S.H.I.E.L.D. party has a floating aircraft carrier as its backing. A large number of artillery and missiles rain down on the enemy. The Atlanteans basically fight on their own. Although they are also full of courage, they can cover the full firepower of S.H.I.E.L.D. Under the blow, the number is still rapidly decreasing.

The air battle lasted for half an hour, and a larger landing battle began.

The agents who favored the good camp did not bring them, and Hill commanded the controlled villains to join the battle.

The Sand Man, Mole Man, Rhino Man, the Red Devil who was recently captured, and the Dianguang Man who borrowed help from the halogen egg.

The five men rushed into the Atlantean ground troops like ferociously, disrupting the enemy's formation, and then the assault team led by the crossbones carried out the targeted elimination of key targets.

Hill also brought in the White Queen for this action. It was stupid to rush into the enemy's city and fight street fighting when the enemy's status was unknown, but they did it anyway, because they had an internal response!

The White Queen touched her forehead with her fingers and closed her eyes to activate her telepathy. Less than a minute later, she said to Hill: "We have been in touch, and the other party has no intention of regretting it."

Thinking cannot be fake, even trained elite agents cannot resist mind-reading, unless the other party's spiritual attainments can surpass the White Queen, otherwise what you see from the spiritual level must be true.

Hill is completely relieved, with internal responses and strong soldiers, if this can be defeated, then hell.

"Offensive! Break through the city in four hours!" She issued the command for a general offense.

Many soldiers flooded into Atlantis like a tide.

The two sides fought against each other, fighting against each other.

"This is not a personal grudge!" The crossbones in heavy armor knocked down Namor with a punch.

The sea prince was wounded all over, and his shirtless dislike of armor made him suffer a lot. Fighting alone, he was almost like a crossbones, but one had armor and the other didn't. The difference was too big.

Hill dispatched Rhino Man and Mole Man to help. One is a low-profile version of the Red Tank, and the other is a low-profile version of Daredevil. In fact, these two are not weak. With the crossbones, the three of them work together. Captured Namor alive.

There are 150,000 Atlantis people. These are the main ethnic group with sky-blue skin. They claim that they are the most authentic Atlantis people.

There are more than 300,000 subsidiary races left, and these people are all kinds of people.

Some are bloodlines after intermarriage with people on the surface, and some are simply green skin like seaweed. They are the remains of Lemurian civilization.

The White Queen had long been in contact with Namo’s enemy, Hai Sha, and the inside and outside were in harmony. Namo’s seemingly strong fortress did not stand up even for a day. His loyalty was beaten to death by hundreds, after which the tribe laid down their weapons and surrendered. .

Enslaved by the surface people, they will resist to the end, but they don’t have that big opinion on the rule of Haisha. In addition, seeing the technological strength of S.H.I.E.L.D., the mentality of invincibility in the world has been broken, and more than 400,000 Atlanta The Tees are as honest as sheep.

Seeing Namor with a blue nose and swollen face **** with a rope, Stark, who arrived after the battle, almost laughed. Thinking of his position as Secretary of State, he held it forcibly and held it for a long time, but he still had a natural attack. Two cool words.

"Isn't this the invincible uncle Namor? How about your resistance to death?"

He satirized a few words. Seeing that Namor has no less arms and legs, he knows that SHIELD is still merciful. In human history, those victors have not treated the defeated with such tenderness, and Namor has taken advantage of it.

"Well, don't abuse him." Stark thought for a long time, only to say such a scene.

Today, he is not wearing armor. He came as Secretary of State to discuss the follow-up matters with Atlantis's newly appointed leader, Hasha.

After solving the tough guy named Namor, Haisha was unexpectedly easy to talk.

In just three days, the two parties reached a preliminary agreement.

As an island country, Atlantis joins the UN family. Atlantis recognized the existing territories of the surface nations, and the surface nations also recognized each other as a member of the civilized world.

There will be a lot of nonsense in the follow-up, such as the issue of exchanging ambassadors, the issue of deep seas, and the issue of Atlantis' weapons. It can be said that it is still very far from true peace.


S.H.I.E.L.D. prison.

Brother Namor made a circle and came back.

The blood of the Atlantis and the abilities of the mutants are brought together. Namor possesses excellent recovery capabilities. Although not as exaggerated as Wolverine and Deadpool, his injuries healed after a day. 50%.

"Namo." As he sulked in bed, a erratic voice appeared outside the cell.

"Who are you?" A lot of blood loss, coupled with the previous fighting, made his voice a little hoarse.

The man in black outside the cell was looking at him with a look of cargo.

"The universe needs you and your people who are willing to fight to the death."

Namor is not stupid. He immediately heard the other side's voice: "What task do you want my people and me to do? It seems to be a very dangerous job? I'm not going, you can go away!"

The man in black was not surprised. He pointed at Namor: "When you want to embrace freedom again, I will come again."

A cloud of black fog disappeared out of thin air, leaving Namor in a daze at the prison ceiling.

This dress is not breathable! This was Daisy's first feeling when she took off her black robe. She didn't flicker on Namor this time. She was not surprised. Under the temptation of freedom, he would give up sooner or later.

The cloned multiverse cannot be all clones. It is too fake. Some areas need real people. Mr. Fright and his clone army have already settled in the cloned universe. The Supreme Evolution and his anti-earth have also been forced into it by Daisy. Namor and his clansmen are the third batch.

trouble! Doing anything is troublesome!

In order to allow Transcendence Protoss to enter the battlefield of one's own side, then the opponent must go deep into the Marvel world in the usual sense.

The law of neutral space is too high and deep, there is the pyramid of the whole world, whether it is to confuse the opponent or lure the enemy to go deep, the battlefield cannot be placed there.

Daisy couldn’t talk to the Life Court about transcending the Protoss. Once she opened her mouth, it would definitely go to war ahead of time in terms of the functions of the Life Court. By that time, she and the members of the plan would not be left without full exposure, in other words. In other words, the gods of the universe must be hidden, and they must be used at critical moments to attract more than the gods and go deeper into the Marvel world.

The superfluid space below the neutral space is also not suitable for the battlefield. It is too chaotic here, and various rules are constantly changing, and it is impossible to arrange a large number of space coordinates.

Below the superfluid space, the position above the multiverse is where she arranges the cloned universe.

Wonderful book house

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