Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1386: Boring Thanos

Everything about the wedding was simplified, and after skipping many steps, it went straight to the oath.

Deadpool's suit, tie, and leather shoes, dressed fairly decently, even the tantrum in his looks is still a bit of a show.

Xia Kela didn't wear a white wedding dress. White is not a good color in hell. She chose a long red dress.

The Blue Devil held the Bible in his hand and said in a passionate tone, "Dear friends, we are gathered here today to witness the new couple"

"Don't you have a sacrifice here? We need to kill thirteen women on the spot." Xia Kela asked the dead waiter in a low voice, which caused the blue devil, the emcee of the wedding, to run away.

The wedding was organized in an orderly manner. No gangsters who did not open their eyes jumped out to death, and no one opposed the wedding. Everyone ate and drank, celebrated, and then went back to each house.

A month later, the daughter of Deadpool was born. The daughter perfectly inherited the lineage of the Queen of the Succubus and the mutant gene of Deadpool, and the child was named Varda Wilson.

"Do you know where Thanos went? I still want him to be the child's godfather!" Deadpool held the child and asked about Thanos's traces. For this reason, he ran to Daisy's manor and asked him. Daisy blasted her out before she finished speaking, get out! Find your Thanos to play!

Thanos didn't know that his good friend Deadpool was thinking about him. Four years had passed since he returned to the current time.

Perhaps Death knew of his change of mind and never appeared, Thanos was very lonely.

conquer the world? He has done this.

Be a good person? He did this too.

Restart the universe? He wanted to do this, and he had even done more than half of it, but it was a pity that he was stopped by a large number of gods, especially the guy named Daisy.

It's boring, these things are boring.

After getting the spiritual gem, he was subject to a kind of rule-level restriction. A voice in his heart vaguely told him that he could only control one gem. If he violated this, the obliteration would follow.

Thanos despises this behavior. In his opinion, the gods are just a bunch of waste, occupying a huge amount of energy, but their contribution to the universe is minimal.

He was dissatisfied, but Thanos didn't plan to rush to provoke him, because he couldn't beat the gods.

There is no direct relationship between dissatisfaction and failure to fight. If you fail to fight, you can still disagree. There is nothing wrong with this view.

The Dark Order died and ran, and he had no intention of establishing a new power. He had already enjoyed the king's life that had been embraced before and after.

Everything is bearish, and he is not interested in those false names.

Taking off the gorgeous armor, the iconic golden helmet, Thanos wrapped in a rag robe, and wandered in the universe with many interstellar refugees. For the first two years, he has been living in a self-exile way. He wants to find his own meaning of existence again.

The universe is still unstable.

Don't mention the Skuru people, they fight all day long.

Shia's civil war is about to end, but Queen Lendra's liquidation can only be said to have just begun, and there is still **** wind everywhere.

Even the Kerry Empire was not stable. A large number of opponents gathered together, a small rebellion once every three months, and a major rebellion once every five months. The clone that Daisy arranged there lacked the support of the body, and was only barely supported at present.

The annihilation of the Zerg clan is also showing signs of revival, and the Zerg King is gearing up to start another war.

In short, the current universe is just one word, chaos!

Thanos followed the large group of refugees that were broken up by the Skuru. He was not ready to dig a mine with one hand, and left the large group alone by squeezing the guard to death.

He returned to the Dark Order, took out some of his own things, and then settled down on a semi-abandoned planet.

A lot of secret knowledge gives him a way of thinking that ordinary people can't imagine. Thanos feels that he is boring, and he will make trouble when he is bored.

It took him two years to bring Malekis back to life!

The dark elves had his head cut off by Daisy, and his skull was then made into an artifact by collectors. It was supposed to be too cold.

The workload of resurrecting his full beard and tail is more than the workload of re-squeezing a person from the soil. For Daisy, she will never do such a stupid thing, only a skull is left. Now restore the whole person. ? This is too much trouble!

Thanos does not know magic, but he relied on his knowledge and a lot of black technology, plus it was really boring, it was a blood sacrifice and cell culture, and finally resurrected this man abruptly.

The white-haired and black-skinned Malekis is extremely weak, his soul is erratic like a candle in the wind, his thinking is slow, and his body is even more dull.

It took a full month before he regained his ability to speak.

"Why save me? What conspiracy do you have?"

This desolate planet is extremely cold, Thanos’ physique is fully capable of withstanding the extreme cold weather, but there is no need to suffer that sin. He found a place leeward, so he could lie down by the fire to rest.

To Malekiss question, he simply answered "boring."

Malkis didn't know whether he was bored or the other party's question was bored.

He only knew that Thanos was a lunatic and he couldn't stay here.

In the fourth year when Thanos returned to the current time, the fifth month after Deadpool's marriage, and the third month after Malekith was resurrected, he ran away.

Not only ran, Malekis also stole Thanos’ psychic gems and the re-created psychic scepter.

I don't know why the opponent didn't pursue it, but Malekis still grabbed a spaceship, and then ran back to Earth.

Wat Alheim has long ceased to exist, and his people are completely destroyed. He wants to avenge Asgard and the earth.

But Asgard had Hela in charge. This woman was too fierce. Malekis took a long look and knew that he was not an opponent. Whether he was a force attack or a sneak attack, he was looking for death.

He can only transfer the hatred target, the earth? The earth is a good place!

The Dark Elf has a racial bonus on invisibility He sneaked into a place called the White House.

Malekiss plan is simple and rude. It is to use the psychic scepter to control the people in power here, and then to instigate the discord and cause a complete war.

Hit, hit hard! It doesn't matter who loses or wins, he has to have fun.

He hid in the dark and suffocated him. After a short time, a bald head appeared in his field of vision.

He has been in office for more than four years, and now he has officially entered his second term. He handles government affairs quite skillfully. The bald brother is very high-spirited, and he has the pride of a man.

As Daisy retires and Hill takes over, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s deterrence is rapidly decreasing.

The two parties are changing from the previous subordinate relationship to a partner relationship.

Captain America is a good friend and Stark is an assistant. Tax cuts, increased employment, and withdrawal of troops overseas, many measures have been taken, and the bald brother's reputation is extremely high.


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