Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1462: Thor and Rhino

Chapter 1461 Thor and Rhino

Okay! It was the rhino he knew. Seeing its calm eyes, Thor knew that his plan was more than half successful.

Although his **** is a joke in front of Daisy, his knowledge is far beyond ordinary people, and the World Tree has deduced the course of the incident twice, and he still understands the causality.

"Listen, man, I need your help, Asgard needs your help!"

Rhinoceros looked to the other side with his small eyes, which meant it had nothing to do with me, I just passed by.

No communication, but Thor also came to a conclusion similar to Big Orange, that is, Daisy owes Asgard some favors, this favor is not big, but because the gap between the two sides is too large, it seems precious. For Daisy, it was a trivial matter of raising his hand, and for Asgard, it might affect the continuation of the entire ethnic group.

If Daisy is absent, then all the creatures who benefit from her owe Asgard a favor, because Daisy owes Asgard, and they owe Daisy, the logical relationship is established, the invisible cause and effect, let the rhino Must help Asgard once.

Thor looked at it with piercing eyes: "You know the relationship here, right? You can get your current status. Asgard helped you indirectly. It was my father Odin and mother Frigga. They When Daisy was weak, she provided help and created you indirectly, and you will pay back this part of the debt today."

Rhinoceros shook his head a little impatiently, how good is it to be a **** who eats and waits to die, why is there so much trouble?

Compared with the rhinoceros of Wakanda, it is undoubtedly much luckier. It has reached a height that the ethnic group can never imagine. In the process, it did not work hard at all. It was completely upgraded automatically while sleeping... ..

To be able to live a life of eating and waiting to die now, Asgard's help really cannot obliterate.

It didn't dare to complain to Daisy, even if Daisy released it, it wouldn't dare to complain.

Now this grievance needs an object to carry.

Hmm... there was a low roar from its throat, and the thunderbolt all over it. If Thor was not familiar with thunder and lightning himself, he would be injured by just one blow.

In my heart, the threat level of Rhinoceros has been raised by one level. Without the status of Rune King, I must not be able to defeat this big rhino. In horizontal comparison, Hela may be similar to the big rhino. In Asgard, it should be blessed by the plane. If they can win, it's hard to say outside. As for Rocky, they are definitely not opponents.

Relying solely on friendship to make the other party work for him, Thor is not so naive, let Rhino Lord deviate from the current superior life, give up the troll meal tickets that offer it delicious and drink and join his camp. You can’t just talk about friendship, both sides Not so deep friendship, interest is essential.

Thor's eyes were full of determination. He said solemnly, "Is Akunda your name? Sorry, I haven't known it for so many years."

Rhinoceros shook his head and said that he didn't mind. Actually, it only had a code name when it was in Wakanda. Now the name was taken when Daisy was bored, and it has been used today.

Daisy gave it two names to choose from, one is Akunda and the other is what avatar?

Rhinoceros felt that the previous name seemed more stable, and since then, it has been called Akunda.

Thor raised his right hand using the battle axe: "In the name of Asgard’s ancestral kings, I, Thor Oddingson, solemnly swear here, as long as Akunda helps Asgard defeat this time The foreign enemy, it is our distinguished guest, and will always have a place in Asgard. We will treat it like a friend. If we take a bite, there will be a bite to eat. We pledge to be until the last moment of my life."

The oath he issued was very sincere and sincere. Among them, it stipulated the duties of Lord Rhinoceros. Just help us this time, just once. As long as we help us this time, we will provide you with delicious and spicy food in the future. No matter how much trouble we have, you can manage it if you want, and it's fine if you don't want to.

Rhinoceros agreed after not too long of consideration. As long as he can take care of his own food, he is not demanding. It would be better if he could not worry about eating and drinking and not disturbing himself.

If Asgard can't stand it in the future, it doesn't matter to change a meal ticket. With its strength, crying and shouting to support a large number of forces, Rhinoceros does not worry about finding a home.

The cooperation was successfully achieved. After the Rhinoceros summoned his Akunda tribe, Thor was slightly surprised by the reaction of the troll.

This troll tribe’s devotion to the Rhinoceros was something that Thor did not expect. Knowing that he was going to turn his head and turn back, there were still more than three thousand witty Akunda, brave Akunda, and respected Akunda to join him. Team, they don't care who their enemy is, as long as they stand with the gods.

It's okay for Asgard to accept a powerful rhino, and no one will have an opinion. The more such rhinos come, the better, but trolls? Is this race also accepted? Thor was a little bit embarrassed, just a little bit. Seeing that Asgard was about to die, he couldn't care about the future.

If Malekis is willing to surrender, he can accept it. Anyway, he is not a **** king, he is afraid of a fart!

He didn't come again when the opportunity was not to be missed. He didn't contact Asgard's warriors either. He stood up and rode on the Rhino Lord, armed with a storm axe, and brought a group of Akunda brothers out of the camp.

Trolls have no idea that gods cannot ride. Rhinoceros has a very wide back. In addition to Thor, there are also several brave Akunda with javelins and spears who also climbed the rhino with ~Oh! "Rhinoceros has never been able to speak, but only conveys some simple meanings. Thor understands its meaning after a little thought. First, he will solve the personal grievances, and then he will kill Malkis.

As long as it is an enemy, you can kill anyone. These Akunda brothers don't listen to Thor. He must be consistent with Lord Rhino.

More than 3,000 troll warriors discovered that they were not going to fight with the giant, but to fight another troll camp. Their morale was extremely high, all of them strode like flying, and the javelin and hand axe were thrown out with a sharp breaking sound.

The spider **** Shadra, who was hostile to Lord Rhino, had no idea that the enemy would come from behind, and was beaten up for the first time.

Thor jumped high and slashed an axe on the spider's head, and then the rhinoceros charged with Wanjun Thunder, and his sharp horn broke the spider's belly.

A large amount of muscle tissue turned into coke, and the remaining colorful pus and blood left a place. Thor hurried over, with sufficient strength, once again with an axe, and killed the troll **** of spiders.

(End of this chapter)

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