Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 475: First sight of god

Daisy pushed open the door of the main building and saw a humanoid creature wrapped in dark red metal armor sitting in the middle hall, which can be described as huge.

The reason why the robot is not called is because the other party has life and thoughts, and cannot be referred to by human robots in a narrow sense.

The metal giant sat cross-legged on the ground. Even so, his huge height seemed a bit cramped in this main building. He removed the stairs from the second floor to the tenth floor to barely allow the building to contain his body.

He is fifty meters tall, and if the opponent sits cross-legged, ordinary people can't hit their knees when they jump up.

The metal giant is covered with unknown dark red metal. There are a lot of things like circuits transmitting energy inside. There should be two luminous bodies at the position of the eyes. The inside is flashing at a very fast speed, orange-red light. It is particularly eye-catching in the lobby of the main building.

The metal giant’s chest has an energy source similar to the Stark’s Ark Reactor, but it is dozens of times larger, and the energy contained between the two is not comparable.

Daisy glanced slightly, she felt the energy fluctuations of the cosmic rays from the metal giant.

The eternal race absorbs cosmic rays, extracts and transforms the original cosmic energy from it, and makes themselves stronger. Each person absorbs different amounts and strengths.

Like the end of time, the Emperor Thanos a few million years later is too old and his beard is white. He has absorbed all the primordial cosmic energy in the universe. Planet Devourers, phoenixes, and gods will kill them at random. They are too strong. friend.

The primitive cosmic energy represents the energy at the time of the Big Bang, which is the purest and most abundant matter in the entire universe.

Daisy wanted to absorb it too, but this thing was hard to come by.

Unexpectedly, I saw a trace of primitive cosmic energy in this baby god.

Was it left to him by his goddess or his mother who stayed in the sun for 1,500 years, absorbed and transformed by herself

Daisy thinks it is the latter. The original cosmic energy is too rare. The universe is not just born. At that time, the original cosmic energy was everywhere, and at the same time, there were the most powerful people in that era.

Now that after so many years of natural evolution, those primordial energies have either been absorbed or transformed into other substances.

The number of powerhouses in the universe, such as the Cosmic Presbyterian Church, the Star-Swallowing and his messengers, and the unknown number of cosmic gods, now have to add Director Dai and her big cousin Thanos. There is a demand for cosmic energy.

The veteran strong did not die, and the newcomers appeared. The typical monks were too many and the amount of energy in the primitive universe decreased, and the number of people who needed energy increased.

Therefore, Daisy judged that the energy in the baby **** would not be left by the mother, because everyone’s moral character is not high, they carry a lot of treasures, and they are unconscious for 1,500 years. No one’s mind is impossible. The high temperature of the sun can be stopped. Can't help the strong.

It is easier to understand by returning to the original source through its own special structure. Perhaps there are attributes that are not obvious before birth and no one can see.

Director Dai is struggling with thoughts. Two villains are fighting in his mind. One tells her not to be counseled, to be tough, to kill people and to steal treasures. The other tells her to be rational. People are gods, even if they are a baby, there must be a few. Put the brush, it's better to be the enemy without a fight

She was wondering, the other party didn't find Daisy at all. Compared to the fifty-meter height, Daisy was indeed a bit short.

Should I sneak attack or talk a few words first

Using sneak attacks to deal with a baby whose biological age is equal to ten days seems to be detrimental to her face, and she is also curious, this guy stays in the main building to study something, and one study lasts for fifty years.

Fly to the same height as the opponent’s line of sight, Daisy’s height is about the same size as the opponent’s bulb-like eyes. This deity who is called the Son of the Stars by the Brotherhood also has organs similar to human noses and mouths. There are organs in the nose. A sensor that looks particularly advanced, the mouth position is a huge communication device.

When Daisy flew up, the Star Son was reading a book on topology.

Daisy was embarrassed to disturb him because of the seriousness, so carefulness, and diligence of the other party.

Human knowledge should be something that the gods can understand at a glance, but that refers to the adult gods.

Now this "little guy" lacks teaching, lacks the inheritance of racial knowledge, and has just been born, his mind is still very immature, and all kinds of human knowledge are enough for him to learn for 50 years.

"What kind of living entity are you?" During the intermission between reading, he turned his head and saw Daisy, initially surprised, then full of curiosity.

In fact, Daisy also misunderstood, and underestimated the accuracy of Leonardo’s calculations. The son of the stars was taken away from the sun before he was about to be, so she lacks the necessary knowledge to pass on, to some extent It is said that he is not only ten days old, but also a premature baby.

He was in this dungeon when he had self-awareness. The city has long been deserted because of the civil war of the Brotherhood. In his opinion, the world has only this area in which he can move. Now he saw new life forms for the first time. curious.

The scanning function, which is countless times stronger than the super fitness body, was activated, and he wanted to see what the structure of this new life was.

Daisy also observed the newborn baby **** with super vision.

As a powerful life form bred after being in the sun for 1,500 years, this guy has rich and dazzling golden energy in his body.

There are two huge energy storage devices behind the son of the stars, through several thick pipes, the endless energy is transported to the whole body, and he sits there like a brand new star.

Daisy frowned, and things suddenly became troublesome.

Newton didn't know the reason for the demise of mankind, but seeing the result, he calculated the exact time of mankind's demise by mathematical means. That's because he has never seen the son of the stars and has no super vision. Seeing this guy now, Daisy believes that he has found the cause of the future human demise.

The amount of solar energy for human survival has been sucked away by this guy. Most of mankind’s greatest support for survival has been destroyed. The future may be a global cooling, or the sun may enter a period of recession, or it may be an orbital deviation. In short, no matter what the reason, it will be 2060. The chief culprit of the destruction of mankind is this guy in front of him.

Originally, Daisy wanted to fool around and bring the baby gods to her camp and become her own high-quality thugs in the future. Now it seems that the contradictions between the two parties cannot be reconciled at all. The problem of the original cosmic energy is only incidental, and the survival of the seven billion people on the earth is the big thing. .


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