Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 717: Failed mouth escape

In order to bury a suspense in Lao Wan's heart, Daisy brought the topic a little bit: "Lorna was lucky. I happened to be there when she had a genetic mutation. We fell in love with each other and lived together like family for so many years."

This is normal. Then she changed her words: "There are many people who are less fortunate than her, who have been abandoned by their parents since birth. I am afraid that their parents do not know that they have children alive."

Lao Wan didn't understand what she meant, and thought she was going to discuss the mutant issue with herself.

There are high-level legislators who pushed for legislation, and then S.H.I.E.L.D. has officially introduced several measures on campus, which must be related. Many outsiders choose to wait and see. School violence can alleviate conflicts to a certain extent, but that will happen in the next ten or twenty years.

Not much help for the current contradiction.

The temporary method of superpower management is a bit new, but Magneto doesn't think it can solve the problem once and for all.

"Doesn’t rely on bloodshed, but on human alms and gifts? This is the method Charles has already tested. His fate is right in front of him. It is sad and depressing. If he and I join hands, today’s situation will not become so difficult to manage. ...Give it up, Miss Johnson, if you don't fight, the mutants won't get the status they deserve, and your actions will only allow you to step into a bottomless pit in the end." Old Wanyin Said sadly.

Daisy disagrees. Does Professor Charles have the power of SHIELD and Hydra? The two are not comparable. Daisy's position is more detached. What the old bald head can't do does not mean that she can't do it either.

It's just that Lao Wan didn't realize the true meaning of her words, but was discussing the future of mutants with herself. She was a little depressed. These people didn't leave the mutants in three words, and they were really tired.

The two of them stood on the roof in the middle of the night discussing the future of mutants. Does it feel strange?

She considered the wording, after all, this is Wanda and Lorna's father, she still feels a little vacant.

"You are wrong. The world has changed, and human beings have become more inclusive. In the 1960s, the situation of blacks was different from now, right? The international situation is also different."

"Humans can leave mutants, but can mutants leave humans? Do you have enough manpower to plant, smelt, mine, and manufacture all kinds of necessities? Are they all solved by abilities? Haha... "

Daisy refuted the other party's ideas. Lao Wan also wanted to return to the existing social framework. He did not want to change the social structure, but also wanted the mutants to become the ruling class. How could this be possible?

As for the establishment of a mutant country, it is even more impractical. A country needs too many talents in all aspects. Let the laser eye to smelt, let the steel master to fight the iron? The division of labor in modern society is so finely divided, and the variants that appear randomly cannot cover all walks of life, and mutants alone cannot support a country.

If you recruit ordinary people to do things, you can solve some urgently needed problems in a short time. The actual supply and demand relationship has not changed. The class is solidified. After ten years, ordinary people will run out.

This kind of country built on the basis of abilities is full of hidden dangers. Just looking at how many times Lao Wan was swept out by the brotherhood he established, this is just an organization, not a country, and the internal power turnover of the organization is cruel and scary.

You have abilities, and I also have abilities. You have magnetic control. What about my silent killing technique?

If you have the ability, you can challenge the order layer. It is possible that the leader of this country will be killed by a civilian mutant after taking a walk.

Basic order can't be established. Maybe anyone will awaken a strong and invincible ability. What will the original ruler do at that time? Obediently hand over your rights?

Human nature is a very complicated thing. He doesn't care how much effort you spend on mutants or how irreplaceable it is. Maybe it's just a thought, a second thought, and the original ruler fell into the ditch.

Attilan's control of the alien race is much harsher than that of mutants, and there is a fierce brother like the black bat king, and it will be two rebellions in three days.

The ideal country that Magneto expects will not appear at all. At this point, he is far inferior to Professor Charles. He does not understand the importance of the system. He blindly relies on terror to rule everything. The final result is that the people betray their relatives.

"The mutant's ability can solve everything. We can be self-sufficient. The mountains are creeping in front of us, the river is diverting in front of us, and the mutant has enough ability to solve any problems." I can't see whether he is true or false, old. The grandeur is still, as if to state a common thing.

Daisy shook her head for a while: "What am I talking nonsense with you? For Lorna's sake, I will not arrest you. Go to your Madagascar to prepare for the founding ceremony."

These camp leaders are not people who can shake their faith in a few words. The old bald-headed persuaded him to persuade him for fifty years but did not persuade him to come back. No matter how good Daisy’s eloquence is, she has disappeared on the roof in one step~www Magneto looks into the distance alone.

Although the old man said that he wanted to continue the revival or something, Daisy could see that he had retired. The agent report also proved her point. Magneto did not return to the Brotherhood, but went to Prushkov, Poland alone. .

Lao Wan was washed white by Professor Charles?

Daisy couldn't help sighing again and again, she immediately instructed the gangster to preach a wave of Magneto threat theory, and sold all the survivals in her hands. After that, the anti-magneto mechanical soldiers could temporarily stop production.


On the weekend, Daisy led more than a dozen agents and Dr. Lizard to a dilapidated house in the mutant slum, and she was going to inject leech potions into several mutants who wanted to return to be ordinary people.

For them, leech medicine is definitely a gospel. What kind of mutant's future has anything to do with them? To become normal people, they can go to the supermarket to work, go to the church to find a job, or even go to the cemetery.

Their request is simple, they want to live in peace and stability.

"Where is Mrs. Morris? Oh... have you always been by my side?" Daisy really sympathized with this mutant whose presence was so thin that she even ignored her in church porridge.

If this ability is stronger, you can actually steal things, at least get some food, right? But her mutant gene was not strong enough. She was almost interrupted after stealing one time. Modern society is full of surveillance. No matter whether your presence is low or not, the camera can beat her to death if you dare to steal something. The final result is The worse it gets worse.

Obviously 30 years old, but looks like 60 years old, Daisy ranked her first, just because she was afraid that she would be ignored for a while.

The injection went smoothly and the effect was immediate.

Even Daisy, who has super senses, perceives her difference, and her whole person becomes more real and more energetic.

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