133 – The cause of downfall (6)

Libra was still preoccupied with finding test subjects and developing new drugs. Of course he didn’t have time to pay any attention to the archer.

The archer was bored with treatment, but no drugs, and had nothing to do, so he decided to draw a bow.

“What can I do, right?”

It was partly because I was bored with my hands and partly because it was repaying me for the humiliation I suffered before.

“Isn’t it right to give back what has been done?”

The archer chuckled. Even as the corners of his mouth rose, his fingertips did not waver in the slightest. He has the correct posture like a sharpshooter.

The place the arrow is looking at is Han Jae-joong’s house. The distance was dozens of kilometers away. It was a factor that didn’t really matter to him.

Han Jae-joong’s eyes are so good that they can even count his every movement, even the number of pores and hairs.

His bow skills allow him to accurately snipe without shaking even when he is in a collapsing building or falling from the sky.

These two factors were enough to put the arrow straight into his house.

“Why not make an excuse for Libra later?”

She has no particular intention of killing. But it doesn’t really matter if she dies. It means that if she was going to die from this blow in the first place, it was only that bad.

From what I saw before, it seemed like it had some sort of futuristic prediction function, so I guess I could somehow avoid it with that.


Now Archer realized why he was so obsessed with Han Jaejoong.

‘There are parts that overlap with the teacher, so it’s strangely annoying.’

Surviving from a lion, the unique white starlight, needlessly strong force, and predictive ability.

Everything looks clumsy, like backwards compatibility with Sky Polaris.

Still, there was something to look forward to, but due to the limitation of time limit, it ended up dying before it even bloomed.

To fall before becoming a hero, who could be enthusiastic about such a third-rate life?

It was unpleasant.

It seemed as if the romance he remembered would be reproduced in a distorted form and become tainted in a twisted form.

‘It was because of this.’

Archer realized that he was displeased with a man named Han Jae-joong. He was an archer who disliked most opponents, but he disliked Han Jaejoong even more.

“For some reason, every time I see it, I feel the same way.”

He was also able to realize the scenery he truly wanted to see.

Not a third-rate tragedy, but a true epic of a hero. A strong figure only seen in mythology. A perfect person with both wisdom and strength who seems capable of solving any challenge that comes his way.

For Archer, such a being was Sky Polaris.

He wanted to see once again the era led by such a person.

I wanted to see the star that guides everyone bloom once again in this declining era.

But Han Jaejoong is close to that kind of person, yet different. He couldn’t help but be displeased.

It was a phenomenon similar to the uncanny valley, where one felt disgust when looking at a doll that resembled a human being.

What was left of him was not the power to revive a declining era, but the power to bring down his own life.

“You have to give sh*t to a sh*tty guy.”

The archer was finally able to justify his actions so far.

The reason I didn’t tell Libra that Jaejoong Han was terminally ill was also because I wanted to see Libra in trouble. At the same time, it was Libra who could most effectively harass Han Jaejoong.

The reason why I told the red magic girl about Han Jaejoong’s lifespan was similar. Worries around him will also be a source of harassment to him.

I don’t know if this was just a whim and a forced reason, or if he truly had this intention.

Anyway, the archer acted and will still act.

There is only one reason: to punish the person who gave him discomfort.

From noble mtl dot com

It was a truly simple motive, and that made it even more powerful.

“I’ve been thinking about it. “It seems like you have no romance.”

But wouldn’t it be more romantic to die in hardship than to die as expected?

The archer smiled and let go of the string he had pulled.

Shuung! An arrow filled with starlight flew toward its goal in a pleasant parabola.


Red Vega saw Han Jaejoong’s embarrassed expression. The embarrassment was probably not caused by him. Because her Han Jae-joong’s eyes were not on her.

‘…What is it?’

Did I fail to create an atmosphere where serious words could be spoken? Red Vega was lost in doubt as he continued to stutter and ask him the truth.

‘No, Jaejoong always listened to my stories. ‘I’m not losing focus or thinking it’s a joke.’

Then why is he ignoring his own words?

The answer was simple. Because there are issues that must take priority over his own important story. Red Vega, who quickly finished reasoning up to that point, looked back and followed Han Jaejoong’s gaze.

A small window blocked by a rusty iron bar. A crimson line approached outside this shabby square. It felt like a rough line was being drawn in the sky with a brush.

In the blink of an eye, the line came closer. The line observed from a distance began to appear as a dot as it approached. It felt like a blazing meteorite was flying.

At first, Red Vega also felt fear.

However, what he felt when he saw Han Jaejoong running to cover him was, as always, a sense of duty.



Before that arrow burns this building.

So that he doesn’t get hurt even if he wraps himself again like he did before.

Red Vega got a mascot. The mascot, which looked like a cat doll, instantly transformed into a magic wand-like stick as soon as she touched it.

“Dress up!”

Red Vega jumped back at Han Jae-joong, who was running toward him, and swung his magic wand in a circular motion.

When the scenery outside the window was covered with crimson light, a red light also appeared inside the window.

[Dress up your star!]

The sound of the transformation was drowned out by the roar of the building collapsing. There was a flash of light. A sticky light like a furnace. My vision was obscured by a blood-red glow, and the warm place of rest that protected me from the winter wind collapsed. Even the place where he stepped was reduced to ashes, and his weak body, unable to withstand the impact, bounced back and swam in the air.

The dregs of sparks that flashed as they exploded each had a temperature that could even melt iron. Anyone in the center of the explosion would never be okay. The skin, like a piece of soft meat, must have cooked in an instant and released a burnt smell.

But it didn’t happen.

“Heh… Heh….”

Red Vega laughed maniacally as he placed his hands on the hard concrete floor. She could see that beneath her was a strong, adult man whom she had just managed to embrace.

“hehehehe… You weren’t hurt, right? Oh, it’s a little torn here.”

“Who is watching who now….”

Her hands on the concrete floor were shaking like aspen trees. Her arm, which was connected to that hand, was full of all kinds of scratches. Drip. Drops of water fell on the back of her hand. It was a salty liquid mixed with sweat and blood.

My forehead must have been torn during the explosion just now, and a lot of fishy blood was flowing from there. The thing that hurt the most was my back. Since she could clearly feel the wind, she was certain that the back of this school uniform-like dress had been torn in the explosion.

Even if dynamite was attached to my back and exploded, my dress, which would not have been torn, was torn. It was as obvious as fire what kind of skin the skin under the dress must have been in.

“I saved it this time?”

But compared to the wounds Han Jaejoong suffered before, it wasn’t that big of a deal. At that time, he suffered serious injuries such as an iron pipe being penetrated in his stomach and the joints in his legs being broken.

“When the day comes….”

Red Vega somehow got up and caught his breath. She can’t believe it’s already been like this since White Davich left.

“…I would be very surprised. There were a lot of things in the room one day. “Most of them were computers and game consoles.”

Red Vega smiled while wiping the blood overflowing from his forehead.

“Who attacked this place and for what purpose…?”


Han Jaejoong opened his lips as he looked at the arrow stuck in the middle of the melted building.

“I’m a Sagittarius monster who used to be Nam Doo-yook.”

Red Vega did not ask how he knew such information. Nam Doo Yook-seong definitely reminds me of someone. I didn’t even bother to say that out loud.

He did not want to get confirmation and make it true.

If it’s Sagittarius, it’s probably the same person as the monster who attacked the Magical Girls Association and revealed strange information to him yesterday.

He also had a bow and used it as his main weapon.

“…I see. “Is this just one shot and it’s over?”

“Probably not.”

No sooner had Han Jaejoong finished speaking than the sound of a strong wind splitting the sky was heard.

“I guess so.”

The sound of an arrow cutting through the wind had a unique tone, like that of a horse neighing. The sound of flight without a wall was louder and more frightening than expected.

The arrow came once again before Red Vega had time to catch his breath. The word is an arrow, but the mass of that small arrow was close to that of a missile.

That’s not sniping, it’s something closer to bombing.

It also had more power than before.

“Why this…”

Wasn’t that the monster who announced yesterday that he was terminally ill? Why are you launching these attacks? If he was going to die anyway, there would be no reason for him to kill himself.

What on earth did that person do?

The arrow came before Red Vega even had time to think. Red Vega silently trampled on all the questions that came to mind and moved forward.

‘Fear at the first step.’

I once again kept in mind the words I had been taught one day, and jumped upward just like that.

I am now completely accustomed to using my feet. A technique inspired by the technique of a monster I saw with my own eyes, which was much easier to learn than the Sky Polaris technique learned from watching videos.

Red Vega jumped and spewed fire in that direction, gaining momentum. At his toes, the temperature of the flame and the frictional heat dividing the air gathered together to produce the maximum firepower that Red Vega could produce.

Il-ro (一路).

This is the path I have found.

Yeomhwa Ryu-hwi (炎花流輝).

Her comet, whose flame blooms and flows like a flower, illuminating the future.

Red Vega’s kick and arrow met.

The meeting between the two created a strong wave in the air, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Kugu Palace. The meeting of crimson and red created a flash as bright as the sun for a split second, and the heat that spread ignited other buildings.

Something fell amidst the flash and heat.

One was an arrow. One was Red Vega’s body.

‘…Too strong!’

I never thought it would have the same power as her own special move. She was much stronger than assumed. Red Vega failed to balance in the sky and fell to the ground.


“hehehe, hehehe… I guess I got half the price right.”

I thought she had become stronger, but she still has a long way to go. Red Vega laughed bitterly. Still, the situation is not as hopeless as before. She only has to wait a little while, and support from other magical girls arrives to follow her.

“Of course, the more justice there is, the more enjoyable it is! Now just wait a little while and other magical girls will come….”

An unbelievable scene was reflected in Red Vega’s eyes as he shouted that.

A barrage of power equivalent to her own special move just now was scattered widely in all directions around her. Like fireworks, crimson lines bloomed in a dizzying and hazy manner.

The lines did not just target this direction but extended to many places.

[This… Is dangerous, Guardian! Prepare quickly!]

“What about everyone else…?”

[Now is not the time to worry about that!]

The mascot inside the jewel shouted fiercely.

[That means keeping the magical girls who come to help us in check while also bombarding us!]

This time, there was no time to unleash her special move. Red Vega gathered all her magical power and spread it out in front of her hands. A huge shield of flame was created.


A huge roar erupted from several places at the same time.

[White Dabih is currently unable to move! The damage to civilians is serious!]

[Blue Sirius. Currently successful in defending against three bombings simultaneously. But again, there is a follow-up…]

[Orange Altair, only half successful in shooting it down… What kind of power is this…]

The voices of other magical girl mascots were transmitted through the ribbon. Red Vega shook her knees.

The power of the bombings that came here did not change. The shield she hastily unfolded was not enough. It seemed as if his palm couldn’t reach all the way through and the skin inside could be seen.


Red Vega laughed, hastily hiding the flowing blood and melted skin.

“Jaejoong, run away somewhere quickly! I’ll stop here somehow… Quick, quick! Hurry!”

Han Jaejoong looked at her and strengthened his resolve.



“I know what you were just trying to ask me. That’s right, Ahee, I’m sick.”

There are many truths about Baek Ah-hee that she does not necessarily want to know. It was mostly information related to Han Jaejoong.

“I don’t have much life left, and I have contracted a disease that will turn me into a monster the moment my life is over.”

What was coming out of his mouth right now was a truth I didn’t really want to hear.

“So, Ahee. “I’m not the one running away.”

I didn’t want that to be true.

“You are the one running away. To you, is someone who would become a monster worth protecting?”

The truth seems to be a value that is quite far from love and peace.

Baek Ah-hee truly thought so.

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